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The following passage is a healthy prescription (处方) of how we can approach life. It is not about being famous or being wealthy or about our good looks. Truly, it is all about love. There are times when we feel as if we are separated from the rest. This feeling creates a mental prison. Therefore, we should try to work hard to internally (内在地) liberate ourselves by widening our circle of pity to accept all living things.
“Open your heart to others and try to understand,
When someone reaches for you, hold out to them your hand,
Follow your heart, no matter what other people say,
Do things that make you able to smile throughout your day,
Treat other people, the way you would like them to treat you,
Do what you know is right and to your heart and self stay true,
Remember what life is all about, it is how you make people feel,
What you do, where you go, and making dreams become real,
Helping people through, in hard times of pain and strife,
What you do for others, is what is important in this life.
Look deeper and don’t judge people by what is on the outside,
It is what is inside that counts and what people often hide,
Care, help, love, be honest, and be kind,
With purity and goodness within yourself, it is happiness you will find.
Do all you can in the time you have, you won’t always be around,
Recapture the joy of little things, that once were easily found,
And if you can do all this and live a life of love,
You will be helped through life, by all those up above.”
I will leave you with the inspiring words of our late genius, Albert Einstein:
“There are two ways to live life. One is as though nothing is a miracle (奇迹). The other is as though everything is a miracle.
60. The passage is mainly about ______.
A. living a life of love                 B. helping those in need
C. taking back the joy of life            D. separating ourselves from others
61. According to the passage, which statement is true?
A. Treating others the way others treat you is right for your life.
B. Making your dream become real is selfish in your life.
C. Judging people by what is inside counts.
D. Doing what you can makes yourself happy.
62. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably means _________.
A. Different ways of life lead to completely different results
B. Life is not always full of miracles
C. There are two kinds of miracles in life
D. Looking for miracles in life helps people find happiness
  60-62 A CA

试题【The following passage is a healthy prescription (处方) of how we can approach life】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
The faces of the elderly, happily-married people sometimes look like each other. Dr. Aiken studied a number of couples who had been married for at least twenty-five years. Each couple provided four photographs—one photo of each partner at the time of their marriage and another photo to remove any clues. The photos were then displayed in groups: a random(随意的)grouping of the persons at the time of their marriage and another random grouping of the same persons who took photographs later. Some judges were asked to pick out the partners. They failed totally with the first group. Their judgments were no better than chance. But with the photos taken twenty-five or more years after the marriage, the judges were quite successful at deciding who was married to whom. They were particularly successful with the most happily-married couples.
Dr. Aiken believes there are several reasons why couples grow alike. One reason has something to do with imitation. One person tends to copy or do the same as someone else without knowing it. He says human beings copy the expressions of the faces of their loved ones. Another possible reason, he says, is the common experience of the couples. There is a tendency for people who have the same life experience to change their faces in similar ways. For example, if a couple suffered a lot of sad experiences, their faces are likely to change in a similar way.
56. The main purpose of the passage is to         .
tell how couples look like each other
show the life experience of husband and wife
explain why couples grow alike
describe the study on a number of married people
57. The judges failed to           .
tell couples by looking at their photos taken when they got married
tell happily-married couples from sadly-married couples
discover the difference of each partner
understand Dr. Aiken’s study
58. The underlined sentence “Their judgments were         .
A.quite successfulB.based on factsC.only by luckD.totally wrong
59. From the passage we can draw a conclusion that         .
happily-married couples are often richer than other couples
couples who look alike can live longer
the influence between couples can be quite strong
all couples have been proved to grow alike
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 Eat healthier. Exercise twice a week. Read more books. Lose weight. We make the same resolutions(决心) every year, but most of us fail, dying out after only a few days or , at best, weeks. Even the most successful among us crash and burn when it comes to personal change. President-elect Barack Obama struggles to remove his cigarette habit.
Professionals who help people make changes in their lives suggest the change is determined not by one"s surroundings, but one"s mind. Beginning with small goals or steps usually leads to a bigger payoff later, they say. But they caution that the experience is different for everyone.
"People are more likely to make positive changes in their lives not only when their friends do, but when their friends of friends do, and when their friends of friends of friends do," said Nicholas Christakis, a professor of medical sociology at Harvard University. "People are better able to make changes in their lives - lose weight, quit smoking, become happy - when they do this with a large number of other people, and so taking advantage of your social network ties can result in a magnification of your own efforts."
Jhonny Augustin understands that well. His resolution for 2008 was to shed 30 pounds from his 237-pound frame. But the change didn"t come easily. He said,"I"m a huge procrastinator, I kept putting it off until tomorrow. I didn"t get to do it until the summer." However , Augustin got inspired when he saw his older brother working out. Today, Augustin weighs 190 pounds.
“Of course, change can happen only if people don"t set their expectations too high or try to tackle too many changes at once; one of the biggest mistakes we make is setting unrealistic goals, ”said Dalia Llera, a psychologist and associate professor of counseling and psychology at Lesley University. "You can"t accomplish in a few weeks what you haven"t accomplished in a few years," said Llera.
46.From the first paragraph we can infer that      .
A.change for a person is challenging
B.famous people have great determination
C.most people don’t want to change themselves
D.personal change is beyond belief
47.It is known from Nicholas christkis that      .
A. making a change is easier with support from a cheerful group of friends
B. social networks have great effect on one’s change
C. people who have the same attitude often get together
D. people’s mood can contribute to their efforts
48.The word “procrastinator” in Paragraph 4 refers to those who      .
A. have great determination to make a change
B. have no desire to do something great
C. put off work especially because of laziness
D. have habitual carelessness and laziness
49.According to the passage, Dalia Liera suggested that      .
A. people should understand their goals well
B. people should try their best to change themselves
C. people should have confidence and positive habits
D. people should start with setting small goals to meet
50.The passage is mainly about      .
A. the reason why losing weight is so hard
B. the effect of the positive change
C. the attitudes towards change in life
D. the ways of making a change
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Meat and vegetables are measured in grams and kilograms. Milk and other liquid foods are measured in liters or milliliters. These units only measure quantity: they do not measure the value of the food to the body. The unit which measures the quality or value of food is the calorie the amount of heat given off by food when it brurns. This measurement tells how much energy a certain food has when it is completely used by the body.
Our bodies use varying(不同程度的) amount of calories. The more exercise we take, the more calories we burn. If we eat food which contains more calories than we use up, then it is possible that we would increase in weight. In order to avoid becoming overweight, it is advisable to eat a balanced diet and not eat too many foods that have a high calorie rating. The table below gives you some idea of the number of calories in food.
A. Meats
Slice of bacon 50
Hamburger 300
Slice of beef 100
Sausage 180
Meat pie 500
Sausage roll 350
Apple 70
Orange 70
Pear 80
Banana 80
Plum 20
Tomato 20
C. Sweets and Pastries
Small chocolate bar 190
Large chocolate bar 225
Slice apple pie 300
Doughnut 200
Scoop of ice cream 85
Bag of potato crisps 145
D. Vegetables
60g carrots 18
60g potato 60
60g onion 25
60g cucumber 10
60g cabbage 15

小题1:Which is the best title of passage?
A.How to Measure the Quality of FoodB.Calories in Foods
C.The Units of MeasurementD.How to Keep Fit
小题2: How many slices of bacon equal the same number of calories as in a sausage roll?
小题3:To keep the calorie intake(吸收) down, it is better to eat more           .
A.chocolateB.meat pieC.fruitD.apple pie
小题4: Which word in this passage means “heavier than normal”?
小题5: When do you need the most calories from your diet?
A.When we sleep.B.In working in the fields.
C.While watching a playD.After having sports.

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Since the gene, called DAF-16 in worms, was found in many animals and in humans, the finding could open up new ways to affect aging, immunity(免疫)and resistance in humans, the scientists said.
“We wanted to find out how normal aging is being governed by genes and what effect these genes have on other traits, such as immunity,” said Robin May of the University of Birmingham, who led the study.
Populations across the world are aging at a surprising pace, bringing potentially big challenges for health and social care systems. A study by Danish scientists last year found that half of babies born in the rich world today will live to celebrate their 100th birthdays. Scientists are eager to find out how people age to try to develop drugs to help them stay healthier as their lives extend.
“What we have found is that things like resistance and aging tend to go hand in hand,” May said in an interview.
May’s team compared longevity, stress resistance and immunity in four related species of worm. They also looked for differences in the activity of DAF-16 in each of the four species, and found that they were all quite distinct.
May said DAF-16 was active in most cells in the body and was very similar to a group of human genes called FOXO genes, which scientists believe play a role in the aging process.
“The fact that subtle(微妙的)differences in DAF-16 between species seem to have such an impact on aging and health is very interesting and may explain how differences in lifespan and related traits have arisen during evolution,” May said.
71. In which section may the text appear in a newspaper? 
A. Education.              B. Science.          C. Entertainment.         D. Culture.
72. According to May_________,.
A. resistance has a lot to do with aging
B. FOXO genes can be found in worms
C. genes play the same role in different species
D. new drugs will change the genes in older people
73. What can we know from the third paragraph?
A. New ways have been found to affect aging. 
B. Babies in the rich world will all live longer. 
C. Present social care systems are poorly managed.
D. Aging populations are causing more challenges.
74. From the text we know that DAF-16.
A. is a gene that is only found in worms
B. can make people live longer
C. has an effect on aging and immunity
D. has been quite familiar to scientists
75. What can be the best title of the passage?
A. Scientists Find Gene Linked to Aging
B. Population Aging Faster than Expected
C. How to Make People Live Longer
D. Gene Determines How Long We Live
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Scientists say they have discovered a promising treatment for sleeping sickness, a killer disease that infects(感染) about 60,000 people in Africa a year.
British and Canadian experts say drugs could attack the parasite(寄生虫) causing the illness needs to survive. They say the drug could be ready for human medical test in about 18 months.
The disease, spread by the bite of a fly, is caused by a parasite attacking the central nervous system. It has similar symptoms(症状) to malaria(疟疾), making it difficult to diagnose. Left untreated, it moves to the brain, resulting in mental confusion and final death
The "breakthrough" came at the University of Dundee in Scotland, where scientists were offered money to research diseases ignored by major drugs companies.
Professor Paul Wyatt, director of the programme, said: "This is one of the most significant findings made in recent years in terms of drug discovery and development for ignored diseases."
He said the research, published in the journal Nature, represented "significant progress" in the development of a full blown drug against the disease.
The World Health Organization said there are between 50,000 and 70,000 cases of the disease a year, with a further 60 million people at risk of infection.
The research in Dundee was backed by partners at the University of York in England and the Structural Genomics Consortium in Toronto, Canada. The two drugs currently available to treat sleeping sickness both have problems. One is with side effects that kill one in 20 patients and the other is costly, only partially effective and requires long-time hospital treatment, the scientists said.
小题1:The word backedin the last paragraph probably means_____.
小题2:What the World Health Organization said suggested that______.
A.about 60000 people died of the disease each year
B.about 60000 people were cured of the disease each year
C.600 million people are likely to get infected
D.the disease is spreading fast in Africa
小题3:We can read this passage______.
A.in the journal Nature
B.in a newspaper of the University of Dundee
C.in a book about flies
D.in a newspaper about medicine
小题4:We can learn from the passage that______ .
A.big drug companies play an important role in the research of the new drug
B.people who get infected with the disease are mentally disturbed
C.among 200 people infected with the disease, 5 may die because of the old drug
D. Professor Paul Wyatt may be a professor at the University of York

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