当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 任务型阅读。       玲玲在英语学习上遇到了困难,她想发个邮件给课本的英方主编Simon Greenall先生,希望得到帮助。在你的帮助下,她写好了邮件。当...
任务型阅读。       玲玲在英语学习上遇到了困难,她想发个邮件给课本的英方主编Simon Greenall先生,希望得到帮
1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________
75. I hope________________________________________________________
Yours, Lingling A. I"m very glad to write to you. I"m a student from Jiaxing, Zhejiang, China. I know you"re the writer of our
    English textbook. I"ve got many problems in English learning.
B. Second, when I read English, I meet many new words. So I can"t understand the passages.
C. The above problems trouble me a lot. What should I do?
D. First, in English class I can"t follow my teacher because I"m not good at listening.
1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C
5. I hope you can give me some advice on it soon. /... (答案不唯一)
试题【任务型阅读。       玲玲在英语学习上遇到了困难,她想发个邮件给课本的英方主编Simon Greenall先生,希望得到帮助。在你的帮助下,她写好了邮件。当】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。Dear parents,
      Annual (一年一度) Sports Day-Wednesday 18th June 2008 King"s Park Stadium We are pleased to
invite you to our Annual Sports Day, which we are holding at King"s Park Stadium on Wednesday 18th
starting at noon. You"re welcome to arrive at any time.
     Morning school will finish at 11:15 a.m., and this will let all boys make their own way to King"s Park.
They should walk there. No buses will be provided. We hope to tell the results at about 3:30 p.m. No boys
will be allowed to leave until the results are told.
     If it rains heavily, boys will stay at school and have lessons. School will be over at 3:30 p.m. as usual.
So boys should bring books for all 5 lessons. We hope you will be able to come and enjoy the Sports Day.
                                                                                                                            Yours sincerely,
                                                                                                                             John Hatch 1. The passage is most probably _______. A. a letter
B. postcard
C. an instruction
D. an advertisement 2. When will the Sports Day start? A. At 11:15
B. At 3:30
C. At noon
D. After 3:30 3. From the passage we know _______. A. boys leave school at 3:30 p.m. every day
B. boys won"t have any lessons that day
C. boys will go to King"s Park by bus
D. only boys" fathers are welcome to the Sports Day
题型:浙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Do you want to get pocket money or do you want to learn the value of money? Starting your own
business is an excellent way to learn skills that will last all your life.
     If you are more business minded, choose what you want to do to make money and then ask your parents
for support (支持). Here are some ways for kids to make money with their own business.
     Housing Cleaning: This is a good job for older children. Practice on your own house first. Then you"ll have
some experience.
     Mother"s Helper: If you are too young to baby-sit (做保姆), thinking about being a mother"s helper. This
means that you look after the kids while their mother gets some work done in another place.
     Plant Watering: If you know of someone going on a trip soon, offer to water their plants for a little money.
You should learn which plants need to be watered every day and which prefer to stay drier.
     Pet sitting: Someone leaving on a trip might also need you to look after their animals. They should show
you where the food is and how much to feed the pets each day. For dogs, you will need to walk them and
spend some time playing with them. And don"t forget to let them out or go to the bathroom!
     Toy renting: Do you have lots of old toys that you don"t need any more? Rent (出租) them out to families
with children who are tired of their own toys, or to grandparents who have children visiting.
      These are just a few ideas to get you started. Remember to be friendly with the customers (顾客). Good
luck! 1. Which of the following is not mentioned for kids to do? A. Toy Renting
B. Housing Cleaning
C. Pet Sitting
D. Newspaper spending 2. If someone will leave on a trip, which of the following can"t you offer to do?A. Planting watering
B. TV watching
C. Pet walking
D. Pet feeding 3. If you have lots of toys that you don"t need any more, you can ______ to make money. A. throw them out
B. rent them out
C. sell them to a toy shop
D. lend them to your friends 4. According to the passage, you should be ______ with the customers. A. pleased
B. strict
C. friendly
D. careful
题型:浙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。Dear Zhou Jun,
     Thank you for your letter. It"s great to   1   you again. How"s your study? I hope you can   2   all your
exams to get into a high school.
     When I got your last letter, I was very   3   volunteering (志愿活动) in Ghana. So I had no time to write
back. I just got back home last week. I"ve got so much to   4   you! It was my first time to be a volunteer.
  5   two months there, teaching in a very poor school. When I arrived, there were only six classes and
three   6  !
     I had my own   7  . There were twenty children in it. I could teach them anything I wanted. They love
me very much. I was so   8   in Ghana. I slept in the same house with some of the children in my class.
That was a (an)   9   experience for me! I"d love to  10  to Ghana in a few months to see them again.
     Well, good luck with your exams!
题型:浙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:浙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:浙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. hear from  
(     )2. A. fail       
(     )3. A. surprised  
(     )4. A. help       
(     )5. A. spent      
(     )6. A. children   
(     )7. A. letter     
(     )8. A. welcome    
(     )9. A. old        
(     )10. A. run away  
B. worry about    
B. pass          
B. tired         
B. beat          
B. played        
B. students      
B. exam          
B. rich          
B. unlucky       
B. go back       
C. agree with    
C. take      
C. busy      
C. believe   
C. travelled 
C. parents   
C. class     
C. shy       
C. new       
C. ring up   
D. look for              
D. do         
D. angry      
D. tell       
D. drove      
D. teachers   
D. school    
D. sad        
D. boring     
D. fall down  
Roy Yang, a reporter of English Learner, is interviewing some students. Here are what they are saying.
Zhen Yii: The hero in my heart has to be Yang Liwei. He is the first person who has been sent into space in
Shenzhou V in China. Besides Russia and the US, his trip to the space made China the third country to have
successfully sent a person into space.
Cai Ling: My hero is Jay Chou because he can not only sing and dance, he can also write songs. He is so
popular among us young people.
Wang Qi: I understand what Cai Ling is saying. He"s OK. But he"s not a hero. In my mind, a hero is someone
who has done something great. So Bill Gates, he"s my hero. He invented Windows, which made computers so
much easier to use. He makes a lot of money. But he gives a lot of it away to help others, and it really surprised
me a lot.
Lin Jun: My hero? You never guess it. He"s my father. My father knows everything. He can help me with my
study. He can fix computers. And he plays basketball very well. He"s so great!
1. How many countries have successfully sent a person into space?
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Four.
2. What does the underlined word "He" above refer to?
A. Jay Chou.
B. Bill Gates.
C. Cai Ling.
D. Roy Yang.
3. What surprised Wang Qi most about Bill Gates?
A. He invented Windows.
B. He made computers easier to use.
C. He makes a lot of money.
D. He gives much money away to help others.
4. Why does Lin Jun think his father is his hero?
A. Because his father can write songs.
B. Because his father can get lots of money.
C. Because he thinks his father knows everything.
D. Because he thinks his father can invent something useful.
5. Which topic are the students probably talking about?
A. Fathers.
B. Heroes.
C. Inventors.
D. Singers.
     Last week, Richard"s wife Leila had an accident. Richard"s youngest child, John, was at home when it
happened. He was playing with his new toy car. Richard had given it to him a week before, for his third
    Suddenly John heard his mother calling "Help! Help!" He ran to the kitchen. His mother had burned herself
with some hot cooking oil (油). She was crying and the pan (锅) was on fire.
     Richard had gone to his office. Both the other children had gone to school. John was too small to help his
mother. __________. She soon put out the fire and took Leila to the hospital. When Richard came, Leila told
him what had happened. He was very proud of his son. "When you are a man, you will be just like your father,"
he said.
1. How old was John in this story?
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Five.
2. How many people were there in their family?
A. Three.
B. Five.
C. Six.
D. Seven.
3. Choose the right sentence to fill the blank (空白处) in the passage.
A. The whole kitchen was on fire
B. But John telephoned his father
C. John stood there not knowing what to do but crying
D. But he ran to the neighbour"s house and asked her for help
4. Which is the right order (顺序) according to the passage?
a. Leila had an accident.
b. John got his present, a new toy car.
c. Richard was very proud of his youngest son.
d. John heard his mother calling "Help! Help!"
A. a-b-c-d
B. b-a-d-c
C. c-a-b-d
D. c-b-a-d
5. What"s the best title of this passage?
A. A son to be proud of
B. A little boy and his mother
C. An accident
D. A proud father