当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 阅读理解。     A little boy invited his mother to attend (出席) his elementary school"s...
阅读理解。     A little boy invited his mother to attend (出席) his elementary school"s first teacher-parent meeting. To
the little boy"s dismay (沮丧), his mother said she would go. This would be the first time that his classmates
and teachers met his mother and he was embarrassed (尴尬的) by her appearance. There was a severe
(严重的) scar (伤疤) that covered nearly the whole right side of her face. The boy never wanted to talk
about why or how she got the scar.
     At the meeting, the people were impressed (留下深刻的印象) by the kindness of his mother with the
scar, but the little boy was still embarrassed and hid himself from everyone. However, he could hear clearly
the conversation between his mother and the teacher.
     "How did you get the scar on your face?" the teacher asked.
     The mother replied, "When my son was a baby, he was in a room that caught on fire. Everyone was too
afraid to go in because the fire was out of control, but I went in. As I was running towards his bed, I saw
a burning wood falling down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I was knocked to be
unconscious (无知觉的), but luckily, a fireman came in and saved both of us." She touched the burned side
of her face. "This scar will be forever, but until today, I have never regretted doing what I did."
     When the little boy heard this, he couldn"t help running towards his mother with tears in his eyes. He
hugged her and felt his mother was greater than anyone. He held her hand tightly for the rest of the day. 1. The boy"s mother was actually (事实上) ______. [     ]
A. ugly
B. kind
C. beautiful
D. ugly but kind 2. According to the passage, the little boy ______. [     ]
A. didn"t ask her mother to attend the meeting
B. wanted her mother to attend the meeting at first
C. didn"t really want her mother to attend the meeting at first
D. wasn"t moved by what her mother said 3. After reading the passage, we know ______. [      ]
A. the people at the meeting didn"t like the boy"s mother
B. the boy"s mother was brave but foolish
C. the boy hated what his mother had done
D. we should respect our parents whatever they are like
1-3: DCD
试题【阅读理解。     A little boy invited his mother to attend (出席) his elementary school"s】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
短文填空。    At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. Last year, we went to an old 1.________
(people) home and sang songs and performed a play for 2.________(they). The old people 3.________(be)
very happy. We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often. For example, we should visit
primary schools and help teach young students. I want to be a teacher when I"m older so it would be a great
experience for me. Other students would like other 4.________(job). For example, my friend Tian Ge wants
to write for a newspaper. She should 5.________(allow) to volunteer at the newspaper office once a week.
题型:广东省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Tom was eight years old. He was a good boy. But he couldn"t get up early. He slept untile nine or ten
o"clock in the morning. He was often late for school.
     Tom"s mother didn"t want him to be late for school. So she bought him an alarm clock. She said to
Tom, "You must get up when you hear the clock ring."
     "Yes, Mum," said Tom. After that Tom got up at seven thirty when he heard the clock ring.
     One day his mother forget to make the clock get ready to ring. And the next morning Tom didn"t get up
at seven thirty. It was time for breakfast. Mother went to see him. Tom was in bed and his eyes open.
     "Why didn"t you get up?" Mother was angry.
     "You told me to get up when I heard the clock ring. So I am waiting for the bell." 1. Tom was a           . [     ]
A. teacher
B. student
C. worker 2. Tom"s mother bought him a clock because           . [     ]
A. he couldn"t get up on time
B. it was very beatiful
C. it was Tom"s birthday that day 3. The clock rang at            . [     ]
A. 6:30
B. 7:00
C. 7:30 4. What happened that day? [     ]
A. The clock was broken
B. Tom was ill
C. The clock didn"t ring 5. Tom didn"t get up on time that day because he            . [     ]
A. was waiting for the bell
B. didn"t want to go to school
C. didn"t want to have breakfast
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Mr Smith was in trouble those days. He drove a car for Mr Black, a rich businessman. He worked hard
and the shopkeeper liked him. But he couldn"t work when he drank too much. And once he almost fell into
the river when he drove along the bridge. Mr Black became angry and was going to send him away. He had
a big family and was afraid of it and promised (许诺) he would stop drinking at once. The man told him to
wait to be dealt with (处置).
     One Monday morning Mr Smith came into the office with badly burned ears.
     "What happened to your ears?" asked Mr Black.
     "Well", said the man. "I went to watch a football match yesterday while my wife was ironing (熨) clothes.
She had put the iron (熨斗) nearthe telephone before she went to cook supper. Our team lost the game and I
felt sorry for it. As soon as I went in the sitting-room, the phone rang and I answered the iron!"
     "And what happened to the other ear?"
     "When I put the iron down the table, the telephone rang again!" 1. _____, so he almost drove the car into the river. [     ]
A. Mr Smith was not careful
B. Mr Smith drank too much
C. Mr Smith forget they were on the bridge
D. Mr Smith couldn"t work in the morning 2. Mr Smith went to watch the football match _____. [     ]
A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Saturday
D. Sunday 3. We can guess          . [     ]
A. Mr Smith drank much after the match
B. Mr Smith was very angry with his team
C. Mr Smith didn"t drink those days
D. Mr Smith watched the match those days 4. The ______ badly burned Mr Smith"s ears. [     ]
A. telephone
B. drinking
C. iron
D. irons 5. What would happen to Mr Smith? [     ]
A. He would go on driving for Mr Black.
B. He would join his football team.
C. He would never watch any matches.
D. Mr Black would send him away.
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     A long time ago, there was a huge (大的) apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it. He
climbed the tree, ate the apples… He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.
     Time went by…The little boy grew up and he no longer played around the tree.
     One day, the boy came back to the tree and looked sad. The boy told the tree that he wanted the toys
but he didn"t have money. The tree asked the boy to pick all the apples and sell them. The boy did it and left
happily. He didn"t come back after he picked the apples. Several years later, the boy returned again and said
he needed a house for his family. The tree asked the boy to cut off his branches (树枝) to build the house.
     Years later, the boy returned again. This time he wanted to go sailing but he didn"t have a boat. The tree
said that the boy could use his trunk (树干) to make the boat. He went sailing and did not show up (露面)
for a long time.
     After many years, the boy returned. The tree said with tears, "Sorry, my boy. But I don"t have anything
for you anymore. No more apples for you, No more trunk for you to climb on…Now the only thing left is
my dying roots (根)." "I don"t have teeth to bite (咬) the apple and I am too old to climb the tree. I just need
a place to rest. I am tired after all these years," the boy replied. "Good! Old tree roots are the best place to
lean on (依靠) and rest. Come here, please sit down with me and have a rest." The boy sat down and the
tree was glad and smiled with tears… 
    This is everyone"s story. The tree is our parent. When we are young, we love to play with Mom and Dad.
When we grow up, we leave them, and only come to them when we need something or when we are in
trouble. No matter what, parents will always be there and give everything they have to make us happy.
     You may think that the boy is cruel (残忍) to the tree but that"s how all of us are treating (对待) our
parents. 1. How did the boy get the money to buy the toys? [     ]
A. By picking the apples and selling them.
B. By cutting off the branches and selling them.
C. By making money on his own.
D. By helping the farmers pick the apples. 2. What did the tree do when he knew the boy wanted a boat for sailing? [     ]
A. He asked the boy to cut off the branches to make a boat.
B. He asked the boy to use the trunk to make a boat.
C. He asked the boy to use the root to make boat.
D. He offered the apples to the boy and asked him to sell them 3. Put the pictures in the correct order according to the passage. The correct order is _______.
                   ①                       ②                                  ③                                   ④[     ]
A. ①③②④
B. ④①③②
C. ④②①③
D. ①④③② 4. Which of the following is NOT the writer"s idea? [     ]
A. When children are young, they love to play with their parents.
B. When children grow up, they only come to them when they need something or they are in trouble.
C. Parents are always there and they are willing to (愿意) give everything to their children.
D. Children are always kind to their parents and they always like to stay with their parents. 5. The writer wanted to tell the children _______. [     ]
A. to protect the environment
B. to plant more trees
C. to treat their parents kindly
D. to stay at home with their parents
题型:安徽省期中题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     I have had thousands of classes since I started school nine years ago. But only one    1   was the most
    It happened last term just after I had got a    2   result in an exam. I was sad and had lost my confidence.
I decided to go to a class which can tell me how to be    3   .
    The speaker walked into the room. But he did not start talking    4   a teacher. Instead, he held up a
twenty yuan note!
    "Who wants this?" he asked. Unsurprisingly,    5   of us in the class put up our hands.
    The speaker smiled. Then he put up the note on the blackboard and asked the same question. Again, we
all put up our hands. The speaker smiled again, but    6   nothing. Suddenly, he threw the note onto the floor!
Then he asked the same    7   a third time.
    I didn"t    8    what the speaker was doing. Why was he asking the same question again and again? I didn"t
know what to do. I wanted the note,    9   I put my hand up again. After a while, he   10   the note and started
to laugh. "You have all just told me how to become successful,"   11   said to us with the note in his hand.
    "The note is worth (值) twenty yuan. It is   12   worth twenty yuan, even though I throw it on the floor.
You are like the note. No matter   13   happens to you, you still have your worth."
    When I heard those words, I was deeply moved. Suddenly, I   14   I was worth a lot. I may have done
badly in an exam, but it doesn"t   15   I can"t do well in the future. If I believe in myself, I will be successful.
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
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(     ) 1. A. classroom 
(     ) 2. A. same      
(     ) 3. A. comfortable 
(     ) 4. A. like      
(     ) 5. A. both      
(     ) 6. A. said      
(     ) 7. A. student   
(     ) 8. A. remember   
(     ) 9. A. so       
(     ) 10. A. took out   
(     ) 11. A. you      
(     ) 12. A. never    
(     ) 13. A. when      
(     ) 14. A. realized   
(     ) 15. A. know      
B. subject   
B. good      
B. successful  
B. for      
B. neither   
B. bought    
B. teacher   
B. understand 
B. though    
B. threw away     
B. he        
B. sometimes  
B. who      
B. forgot    
B. mean      
C. class 
C. lucky  
C. famous  
C. about  
C. all   
C. saw   
C. question 
C. notice  
C. if    
C. picked up    
C. she   
C. hardly  
C. what  
C. dreamed 
C. think  
D. school        
D. bad           
D. rich          
D. by            
D. none          
D. wanted        
D. way           
D. find          
D. or            
D. put down                 
D. they          
D. always        
D. how           
D. decided       
D. complain