当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 情景交际 > – Let’s go and listen to Mr Smith’s talk on Western culture, shall we?–_______ I...
– Let’s go and listen to Mr Smith’s talk on Western culture, shall we?
–_______ It’s getting to the end.
A.Why not? B.That’s all right.
C.I’m afraid not.D.Never mind.


试题分析:句意:----让我们去听Smith先生的关于西方文化的演讲,一起去吗?----恐怕要结束了。A. Why not? 为什么不呢?B. That’s all right.没关系。C. I’m afraid not.恐怕不行。D. Never mind.不介意。因此,选C。
试题【– Let’s go and listen to Mr Smith’s talk on Western culture, shall we?–_______ I】;主要考察你对情景交际等知识点的理解。[详细]
Peter lost his friend’s book , He felt very sad. Kate broke her mom’s favorite cup【小题1】She was so sorry for her mistake.
We all make mistake because we’re human.And it’s not always easy to get on well with everyone all the time. Sometimes we hurt people’s feelings although we don’t do it on purpose. Sometimes we hurt people’s feelings on purpose小题1:So we apologize (道歉).
An apology tells someone that we’re sorry for our mistakes. It’s a way to shoe that we’ll try to do better in future.
Apologies are one of the tools to build good friendships and relationships.When you say “I’m sorry”, you probably feel bad because what you did or said hurt another person._小题2:,you’re also saying that you respect the other person,and care about his or her feelings. Apologizing shows you have empathy(同感)。
After apologizing , you might feel a little better【小题4】When you apologize in a caring way , you might feel good because you are trying to make things right again.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A: Hi, Bill. You were not at school yesterday.     小题1:
B: Oh, I fell off my bike on my way to school and hurt my leg.
A: I’m sorry to hear that.     小题2:
B: No, my father took me to the hospital.     小题3:
A: We should be more careful when we ride. In fact, we should never ride too fast.
B: You are right.     小题4:    If we break the rules, we may be in danger.
A: Let’s go to the traffic station to learn more rules.
B:     小题5:
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

小题1:—Hi! Sam, how are you doing?
A. That’s OK  
B. Very well, thanks       
C. Never mind
小题2:—I think there is too much rain this spring.
—________. It causes many floods.
A. I agree with you
B. I’m not sure   
C. I’m all right
小题3:—Don’t be late again.
—________. I will be on time next time.
A. Yes, I will 
B. No, I don’t
C. Sorry, I won’t
小题4:—I dare not speak English in class.
—________. You should believe in yourself.
A. That’s all right   
B. Don’t be shy   
C. That’s nothing
—Sure. We’d like some rice, chicken and vegetable soup.
A. May I come in
B. May I go with you
C. May I take your order
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
一Excuse me,may I ask you a question?
一Sure,________ .
A.go ahead   
B.you’d better not  
C.I hope so
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
一China’s first moon car‘‘Yutu”has arrived on the moon surface.
一________ It’s a huge step for our space exploration.
A.My pleasure!       B.Good idea !          C.How exciting!
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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