当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 第三部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节:阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上...

Immediately I got up and dressed, stuck my violin under my jacket, and went out into the streets to try my luck. I wandered about for an hour, looking for a likely spot, feeling as though I were about to commit a crime. Then I stopped at last under a bridge near the station and decided to have a try.
I felt tense and nervous. One moment I was part of the hurrying crowds, the next I stood apart, my back to the wall, my hat on the pavement before me, the violin under my chin.
The first notes I played were loud and raw, then they settled down and began to run more smoothly. To my surprise I was neither caught nor told to shut up. Indeed, nobody took any notice at all. Then an old man without stopping secretly threw a penny into my hat, as if getting rid of some guilty evidence.
Other pennies followed, slowly but steadily, dropped by shadows who appeared not to see or hear me. It seemed too easy, like a secret trick.
I worked there for several days, gradually getting the truths of the trade by trial and error(反复试验).It was not a good thing, for example, to let the hat fill up with money; nor was it wise to empty it completely. Placing a couple of pennies in the hat to start the thing going soon became a regular rule.
41.When he first began to play the violin, he expected           .
A.to get into trouble                                                               B.to play better than he did
C.people to stop and listen to him             D.to be told to move somewhere else
42.The first man who gave him money           .
A.was too busy to stop                            B.wanted to get rid of him               
C.dropped the money by mistake              D.did not want to attract attention
43.He gradually became confident that day because           .
A.nobody looked at him                          B.he played the violin very well       
C.people continued to give him money      D.he earned a lot of money
44.On the following days, he           .
A.made a lot of mistakes                         B.learned how to do the job better    
C.get better at playing the violin               D.did not make so much money
45.He found that the best way of encouraging people to give him money was to          .
A.play in different streets                        B.leave all the money in the hat        
C.empty the hat at regular times               D.leave a small amount of money in the hat


A California family drives a car that could help protect the environment. When Jon and Sandy go to the store or to their daughters’ soccer games, they drive in high-tech style. They drive a $1 million, fuel-cell-powered car. It may be the world’s most expensive car and one of the most environmentally friendly cars. The FCX is the first fuel-cell-powered car to be used by a family anywhere in the world. The FCX uses hydrogen and oxygen for fuel. Car makers have been working to develop vehicles that are better for the environment. They are developing cars that use fuel other than gasoline. And then what is fuel cell technology? Fuel cell technology works by changing the chemicals hydrogen and oxygen into water. This process produces electricity, and water vapor which comes out of the exhaust pipe. Most cars release dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Many scientists say these gases are major contributors to global warming. “The FCX is driven just like any other vehicle on the road, but without the gases which pollute the environment,” scientists say. Fuel cell technology has been around since the 1800s, but scientists have yet been to perfect it. They say it may take years before the technology is ready for widespread use. Another earth-friendly car is already on the market. Hybrid cars use both gasoline and an electric motor. They are becoming more popular with customers because they cut pollution and improve fuel efficiency.
46. Which of the following about the FCX is not true?
A. It may be the most expensive car in the world.
B. It is one of the most environmentally friendly cars.
C. It releases dangerous gases to pollute the air.
D. It uses hydrogen and oxygen for fuel other than gasoline.
47. According to the passage, what is the major cause for global warming?
A. Gases from FCX.                           B. Water vapor from cars.
C. Hydrogen and oxygen.            D. Gases from cars.
48. From the passage, we know that fuel cell technology ______.
A. works by water                       B. has a history for over two hundred years
C. works by electricity                 D. has been widely used since the 1800s
49. We can infer from the passage that ______.
A. future cars will be environmentally friendly
B. there will be no gasoline for cars
C. people can’t afford to buy cars in the future
D. global warming has been stopped
50. Hybrid cars are popular because ______.
A. they are the fuel-cell-powered cars
B. they are energy-saving and cut pollution
C. they are perfect cars in the world
D. they produce no gases to pollute the environment
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Some years ago industries had more freedom than they have now,and they did not need to be as careful as they must today. They did not need to worry a lot about the safety of the new products that they developed. They did not have to pay much attention to the health and safety of the people who worked for them. Often new products were dangerous for the people who used them; often conditions in the work place had very bad effects on the health of the workers.
Of course sometimes there were real disasters which attracted the attention of governments and which showed the need for changes. Also scientists who were doing research into the health of workers sometimes produced information which governments could not ignore. At such times, there were inquiries into the causes of the disasters or the problems. New safety rules were often introduced as a result of these inquiries; however, the new rules came too late to protect the people who died or who became seriously ill.
Today many governments have special departments which protect customers and workers. In the U.S., for example, there is a department which tests new airplanes and gives warnings about possible problems. It also makes the rules that aircraft producers must follow. Another department controls the foods and drugs that companies sell. A third department looks at the places where people work, and then reports any companies that are breaking the laws which protect the health and safety of workers. Of course, new government departments and new laws cannot prevent every accident or illness, but they are having some good results. Our work places are safer and cleaner than before. The planes and cars which we use for travel are better. Producers are thinking more about the safety and health of the people who buy and use their products.
51. The main topic of the passage is ______.
A. conditions in the work place            B. the freedom of industries in the past
C. changes in industrial production       D. the safety and health of workers and customers
52. It can be inferred from the passage that in the past ______.
A. workers often got ill because of the poor working conditions
B. companies were free to put out any products they wanted to
C. many people were killed by dangerous products
D. industries were as careful in management as they are today
53. It is implied in the passage that ______.
A. governments and companies had different opinions about the safety of products
B. in the past no safety laws were introduced by governments
C. government officials often did not listen to scientists
D. governments paid no attention to the safety of products at all
54. From the passage, we know that some years ago safety rules ______.
A. were put forward due to scientists’ recommendations
B. came into being as a result of the workers’ demands
C. were introduced because quite a number of people were killed or seriously injured
D. were effective enough to protect workers and customers
55. The special departments protect customers and workers in many ways EXCEPT by ______.
A. testing new products                       B. controlling the sale of products
C. designing new products                   D. inspecting work places
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
I came to India a year ago to find a village in which I could live and write but it was many months before I settled down happily in this Himalayan community.
I wasted a lot of time looking for the “typical” village. Yet no such thing exists. Conditions are quite different from village to village. But the villages I stayed in had much in common---poor, dirty and backward. Often the villagers themselves were puzzled and doubtful. Why had I come? I had put aside my work as a political journalist because my ideas had changed. I had come to believe that what was happening in the Third World was more important than anything else. But to understand how three—quarters of the world population live, and what effect their future might have on ours, I felt that I first had to try and share their way of life.
In the end I chose a mountain village because it was little cooler than those in the plains. I took the bus from town along a rocky road. Then came a rough walk down a steep path to the river. After this I began the climb into the hills. Whenever I stopped to catch my breath, there was a beautiful scene. After several hours’ walk the village came into sight.
小题1:After the writer had arrived in India,________.
A.he spent a year writing about the place he lived in
B.he spent quite some time looking for a suitable place to live in
C.he stayed in an Indian village working for the poor
D.he lived in a Himalayan community for many months.
小题2:While looking for a typical village, the writer found__________.
A.he was searching for the impossible
B.all the villages were exactly the same
C.he was doing something enjoyable
D.the villagers were curious about him
小题3:Before coming to India, the writer________.
A.had been a successful politician
B.had made a decision to work for India
C.had studied India culture for some months
D.had worked for newspapers and magazines
小题4:The write decided to change his way of life because__________.
A.he no longer found his work interesting
B.he hoped to live a peaceful life in the countryside
C.he wanted to find out more about the Third World
D.he wanted to try his luck in a foreign country
小题5:The village the writer finally chose to live in_________.
A.lay at the end of a rocky road
B.had a beautiful sight of the river
C.was a short walk from the river
D.had better weather than those in the plains.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I’ll never forget my first job interview. It was a  36  position at an elementary school in my hometown. I was very  37  and worried, but I thought I had an “in” 38  I knew many people in this district. I felt  39  that the interview would be a piece of cake. I had  40  well for my interview; I had been  41  interview questions in front of my mirror for days. I wore my navy blue suit and took my  42 of lessons I had taught during student teaching. There was  43  I would not face this interview.
After arriving at the school about half an hour early, I waited  44  in the office. The secretary told me not to be nervous.“ Just  45   ,”he advised. When the time for my interview  46  came, I was so nervous that I didn’t think I could 47 any questions. Inside the interview room,  48  people sat at a round table: two teachers, two principals(校长),and a member of the school board .I had been 49  there would only be three people at the interview, and was overwhelmed(不知所措的)by the presence of  50  interviewers.
Once the interviewers started asking questions,  51  ,I answered with ease. Everyone smiled and we even  52  .After they finished asking questions, the  53  told me they would call me in two weeks. Two years later ,I ‘m still waiting for the 54  ! I eventually found out that it was my lack of  55  that kept me from getting the job offer.
A.no doubt
B.no way
C.no worry
D.no wonder
A.help yourself
B.be yourself
C.enjoy yourself
D.behave yourself
C.think of
D.put forward
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

When you think of the different types of advertising, several come to your mind. There are the traditional means to advertise: newspapers, magazines, radio, television commercials, billboards, and even taxicabs. Yet there are other types of advertising, such as aerial advertising, which is very different in many aspects.
Radio advertising is aimed at the local customers. The downside of using radio is that the customer needs to have the station tuned in. Placement of ads on the radio is another consideration since listening time is important to the ad being heard at the best time. The upside of using radio is that the audience does tend to remember jingles(收音机广告中的歌曲)that are easy to remember.
Magazine and newspaper advertising is directed to the subscribers(订阅人). The subscriptions limit the availability to non-subscribers. The concept of being able to read information online is slowly changing the subscriptions to this advertising market. Limitations of circulation of magazines and newspapers mean fewer people viewing the advertisements.
Television commercial advertising is channeled to the viewers. Limitations of viewers based on the available channel selections lower the exposure audience. With the availability of satellite to consumers, locating the client base for advertisement can easily be lost or overlooked.
Billboard advertising focuses on the area of the billboard. Limitations of outside regions viewing the information are high. Getting the attention of the passers-by to view the information is also a subject to be considered.
Aerial banner advertising focuses on vast population of various regions. Based upon the region, the exposure is limitless. Grabbing or gaining the public’s attention is based on simple human nature to look up at the airplane that is flying overhead. People typically look up when a plane flies overhead. To have a banner with an advertisement adds more curiosity and response.
People tend to remember aerial advertising at a high rate. They also tend to communicate to others about the advertisement by sharing the information by word of mouth. This word of mouth is absolutely free but is of important benefit to aerial advertising. Aerial advertising can be done throughout the entire year, but the warmer months are preferred. Aerial advertising has certain restrictions. Yet these restrictions are fewer than the other means of advertising.
59.The underlined word“downside”in the second paragraph can be replaced by ________.
A.strength       B.weakness     C.purpose           D.instruction
60.Which of the following is the author probably in favor of?
A.Radio advertising.      B.Television advertising.
C.Aerial advertising.D.Billboard advertising
61.The first paragraph is used as a(n) _________.
A.explanation  B.introduction         C.account           D.start
62.What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.Different advantages of advertising.      B.Advantages overpass weakness.
C.Various weaknesses of advertising.  D.Different types of advertising.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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