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题型:0108 模拟题难度:来源:
阅读理解。     When creating a digital advertisement or something to promote (促销) a product or service, music is one
of the most important aspects. Whether it is simply a jingle (短歌), musical note or any other use of sound,
music can play a huge role in attracting a customer"s attention or being noticed by your target audience.
     Music can work hand-in-hand with what you are advertising. Many times the advertising jingle, or saying,
is what the audience remembers. Companies such as McDonald"s and Subway have used this method many
times with different jingles and little sayings that are easy to remember and fun to sing along with.
     Usually concepts that are part of a jingle would sound conceited (自负的) and pompous (浮夸的) when
said in a normal conversation. When put to music however, and sung in a rhythm (节奏), it suddenly sounds
attractive. For example, if someone said, "No one does it better than me" in a normal statement, this would
sound very conceited. Add music and a tune to this statement and it becomes attractive and fun for others to
sing along with.
     While understanding how important music is for your advertising needs, it is also important for you to
know the best way to get special music.
     Having people from many different backgrounds all over the world write something specifically for you is
one of the best ways to get songs written just for you. You simply choose which one you believe is best for
the project. So instead of hiring a single songwriter to compose your music, you can run a contest for you
advertising jingle and songwriters around the world write you a finished jingle in an attempt to win your contest. 1. What does the passage mainly tell us? A. How to use music in advertising.
B. How to get an advertising jingle.
C. Advertising jingles can help sell products.
D. Advertisements are important in promoting. 2. What makes concepts of an advertising jingle sound attractive? A. Music and tune.
B. Word and pictures.
C. Beautiful voice.
D. Wonderful sayings. 3. According to the writer, the best way to get an advertising jingle is _____. A. to hire a top songwriter
B. to invite a famous singer
C. to get advice from experts
D. to collect works from public 4. What"s the advantage of your running a contest for an advertising jingle? A. It will save much time.
B. It will cost less money.
C. You can get the best works.
D. You can sell more products.
1-4 CADC
试题【阅读理解。     When creating a digital advertisement or something to promote (促销) a p】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。       1   . If you give and give without making time to fill your own needs, then it"s likely you will burn out,
or feel upset. When you take and take without giving back, you never feel fulfilled, so you are always
searching for ways to fill the void in your life.
     The way to create a healthy balance between giving and receiving is to know and then live by your values.
I break values up into two groups which I call being and having values.    2    I suggest to my clients that they
choose three being values that are willing to make a commitment to live by. An example of some being values
are:kind, loving, generous, inspirational, peaceful, wise and even powerful. By acting on these values you give
to others through your actions and you inspire others by being a positive role model. Mastering being these
character traits becomes your life purpose. 
       3   . These could be companionship, achievement, and support, being valued or financial security. This is
what yu receive. You take responsibility for filling your own needs by taking steps to create these feelings and
conditions in your life.
     When you make a commitment to live by your being values, it becomes easier to make conscious choices
rather than reactionary ones. If your usual pattern is to talk about your problems, you could choose to think
and act like a calm person.    4   . If your usual pattern is to worry, you could choose to act like a responsible
or wise person. In other words, you would act like the person you choose to be-this is the key to personal
     When you choose to act on your values, you not only feel good about yourself, you reinforce your chosen
beliefs.    5   . A. Young people have a different set of values.
B. You feel that you have a responsibility to help them.
C. Your having values are the feelings you need to create in order to be happy.
D. Your being values are the character traits (特征,特点) of the ideal person you would like to be.
E. You feel happiest when you create a healthy balance between giving and receiving.
F. A calm person might go for a walk, meditate, or set a time limit before responding.
G. Over time acting in this way changes how you see the world, and in turn the way other people
    think of you.
题型:0108 模拟题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Chinese tennis is entering a golden time. In recent years there has been an explosion of   1   female tennis
players bursting onto the global scene. And this couldn"t have come at a   2   time with the 2008 Beijing
     These young girls have   3   strong will and talent.   4   the way is Li Na, who may have the   5   name in
women"s tennis, but she has a big reputation. Li Na is China"s top ranked player and the first to have   6   into
the world"s top 20. After   7   nearly six months of the season with a serious injury, the 25-year-old   8   an
impressive comeback by winning the Australian Women"s Hardcourt Tennis Championships.
     In the world of professional tennis, Li"s refreshing sense of humor proved to be a hit both on and   9   the
      "My husband said he had a special gift for me  10  I won," Li Na said after lifting the prize cup. "That"s
  11   I tried so hard today. I wanted a special gift."
     The Wuhan girl  12   tennis at the age of eight after being discovered by a coach who had  13  her playing
badminton. After years of hard training, Li Na turned  14   in 1999 and has become one of the most successful
Chinese tennis players.
     With her solid groundstroke and aggressive mindset, she  15   the first Chinese tennis player to win a WTA
Tour  16 . Then two years later, she was the first Chinese to make   17   into the last 16 of Wimbledon, which
led to her being  18   number 16 in the world last January.
     Li is now looking forward to winning a  19   at the Olympics. "The Olympics are very important for us," she
said. "I am more motivated after my recovery  20  I feel my desire for the Olympics is bigger than ever before."
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题型:0108 模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:0108 模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:0108 模拟题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. pleased   
(     )2. A. good     
(     )3. A. much     
(     )4. A. Knowing    
(     )5. A. biggest  
(     )6. A. broken   
(     )7. A. playing   
(     )8. A. returned  
(     )9. A. over    
(     )10. A. unless   
(     )11. A. what   
(     )12. A. went on   
(     )13. A. spotted   
(     )14. A. competitor 
(     )15. A. found   
(     )16. A. event    
(     )17. A. one    
(     )18. A. praised  
(     )19. A. reward   
(     )20. A. and    
B. talented  
B. better     
B. either    
B. Leading  
B. longest  
B. walked   
B. wasting 
B. made    
B. off                       
B. if     
B. how    
B. met with  
B. heard   
B. player  
B. became   
B. team    
B. this    
B. ranked   
B. score   
B. or      
C. excited   
C. best    
C. both      
C. Showing    
C. smallest  
C. dropped    
C. sparing  
C. kept      
C. in    
C. whether                 
C. because  
C. took up    
C. minded   
C. professional
C. got    
C. project   
C. that    
C. received    
C. gold    
C. but    
D. interested       
D. well               
D. some                 
D. Finding            
D. shortest           
D. changed              
D. missing        
D. brought              
D. around             
D. that                 
D. why              
D. set out            
D. persuaded        
D. coach                
D. helped             
D. race             
D. it                 
D. announced            
D. prize              
D. while            
     My students often tell me that they don"t have "enough time" to do all their schoolwork.
     My reply is often a brief "You have as much time as the president." I usually carry on a bit about there
being twenty-four hours in the day for everyone, and suggest that"not enough time" is not an acceptable
explanation of not getting something done.
     Once in graduate school, I tried to prove to one of my professors by saying that I was working hard.
His answer to me was,"That"s irrelevant (无关的). What"s important is the quality of your work." Since then
I have had time to think carefully about the "hard worker" dodge (诀窍), and I have come to some
conclusions- all relevant to the problem of how much time we have.
     If you analyze the matter, you can identify two parts of the problem: There is, of course, the matter of
"time", which we can think of as fixed. Then there is the problem of "work" during that time. But, as my
professor suggested, it"s not how hard one works but the quality of the product that"s important.
     That led me to a new idea: the quality of the work. That concept is perhaps best explained by a sign I once
saw on the wall in someone"s office: "Don"t work harder. Work smarter." There is a lot of sense in that idea.
     If you can"t get more time, and few of us can, the only solution is to improve the quality of the work. That
means thinking of ways to get more out of the same time than we might otherwise get. That should lead us to
an analysis of our work habits. Since"work" for students usually means "homework", the expression "work
habits" should be read as"study habits".
     Then, as a smart student, you will seek to improve those skills that you use in study, chiefly reading and
writing. If you learn to read better and write better, there are big benefits that pay off in all your studies.
1. From the passage, we know that the author is probably ______.
A. a poet
B. an educator
C. a novelist
D. an engineer
2. We can infer from the 2nd paragraph that we students still _____.
A. have enough time
B. can meet the president
C. get everything done well
D. should accept the explanation 
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The author"s students make good use of their time to do all their homework.
B. The author tried to tell the professor that he/she (author) had done a good job.
C. You can"t improve the quality of the work if you can"t get more time.
D. You"ll try to improve your skills in reading and writing if you"re a clever student.
4. What"s the passage mainly about?

A. Students don"t have enough time.
 B. Don"t work harder; work smarter.
C. No one can get more time.
D. Read better and write better.


     Getting your teen to think beyond his own immediate needs can be more difficult than cracking a nut
with a plastic fork.But don"t worry. It"s not impossible.There are many ways to encourage your teen to
care about those outside his immediate circle of friends. As he begins to have responsibility towards others,
he will realize he feels even better about himself.
     "Teens are thinking about career, college, and what their future might look like," explains Michelle
Maidenberg, a clinical director of Westchester Group Works, a center for group treatment in New York.
 "This is very challenging and just one of the reasons why they are so focused on their own world." Once
teens participate in community service, however, they begin to look beyond their personal needs. They also
learn firsthand about the challenges others face, and they experience a sense of authority as they realize they
can make a real difference in others" lives.
     Not sure how to convince a teen to get away from the cell phone and into a community project? Teens
buy into community service when the project or program is in an area of their interest.
     "Finding something in an area of interest for them keeps them motivated and inspired," Maidenberg says.
For instance, if he is interested in culinary (烹饪) school, he could volunteer in a soup kitchen or bake for a
project that supports families in need.Volunteer projects in your teen"s area of interest will build her
knowledge base as well as help others.
     Parents can do their part by participating in community service themselves. Teens can learn directly from
their parents that personal enjoyment is not, all that matters.
     Let teens know the benefits they will obtain." Give them every reason in the world to volunteer, " 
Maidenberg advises. She says that working on community service projects builds confidence." By working
with others, teens improve managerial, interpersonal and communication skills. Community service helps to
approach maturity when they take a step back to see the needs of other people," she adds. Another reward:
service hours look great on a resume!

1. According to Michelle Maidenberg, it"s hard to get teens to think beyond their own immediate needs
partly because _____.
A. they care more about their circle of friends
B. they have no interest in doing anything
C. they have to work hard for college
D. they are facing many challenges
2. The underlined phrase "buy into" in Paragraph 3 probably means ______.
A. agree to join in
B. spend money on
C. get away from
D. are interested in
3. The writer mentions the benefits in the last paragraph in order to ______.
A. make teens feel much better about themselves
B. encourage teens to care about his own needs
C. help parents reason teens into volunteering
D. get parents to do more community service
     The Japanese coined the word tsunami to mean "harbor wave." ("tsu" means harbor, and the character
"nami" means wave). Japan"s most powerful earthquake since records began has struck the north-east
coast, leading to a massive tsunami. Cars, ships and buildings were swept away by a wall of water after
the 8.9-magnitude earthquake, which struck about 400km (250 miles) north-east of Tokyo and caused
massive destruction, flattening whole cities, starting powerful fires, and killing hundreds.
     In the wake of the Japanese tragedy, remember these tsunami survival tips:
     1. A good warning sign of an approaching tsunami is "drawback," when the ocean recedes (减弱)
drastically or the water level falls unusually along the shoreline. During the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, a
10-year-old girl on vacation with her family in Thailand, Tilly Smith, saved the lives of dozens of tourists
when she recognized the receding water and frothing bubbles on the surface of the water as a sign that a
tsunami was on its way. Experts believe that a receding ocean may give people as much as five minutes"
warning to evacuate the area.
     2. You"re not out of danger after the first wave of a tsunami. A tsunami occurs as a series of waves
known as a "wave train," and the series of surges (奔涌向前) can be five minutes or up to an hour apart.
The tsunami does not usually appear on the shoreline as a gigantic breaking wave, but rather as a rapid tide
or a wall of water. The worst mistake you can make is staying near the beach out of curiosity. Find higher
ground and go as far inland as you can. If you can see the waves, you"re still too close.
     3. A tsunami surge may be small at one point of the shore and large at another point. Move to higher
ground as soon as you can and don"t assume that because there"s minimal activity in the coastal area where
you are, it will be like that everywhere else.
     4. Keep your ears peeled. Many witnesses have said that a tsunami sounds thunderous, like a freight train.
1. The underlined word "coined" is closest to "_____" in meaning.
A. invented a new word or phrase that other people then began to use
B. introduced a new word into a language
C. explained a new word
D. gave a definition to a new word.
2. What can we learn from the passage?
A. You will be out of danger if thirty minutes has passed after the first tsunami wave.
B. Tilly Smith must have a very good knowledge of science.
C. A lot of people must have been killed in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
D. If a tsunami surge is small at one point of the shore and it should be small at another point.
3. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. The 2011 Japanese tsunami is Japan"s most powerful earthquake since records began.
B. The worst mistake you can make is staying near the beach out of curiosity after the first wave of a tsunami. C. Experts believe that a receding ocean may give people as much as five minutes" warning to escape from the
D. A good warning sign of an approaching tsunami is "drawback," when the ocean recedes slightly or the water
     level falls usually along the shoreline.
4. What is the best title of this passage?
A. Smart Actions during Tsunami
B. Signs of Tsunami identification
C. Methods of Avoiding Tsunami
D. Tips for Tsunami Survival