当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 完形填空。     Flying like a bird has been the dream of humans since ancient times. L...
完形填空。     Flying like a bird has been the dream of humans since ancient times. Last week a group of modern
birdmen put their courage on their wings and   1   gravity in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.
     "Yes, you can buy a ticket and fly to another city. But running with your own wings and feeling your
feet ready to   2   is totally different, "Dong Fang, a middle school student in Hangzhou who   3   a home-
made aircraft competition, said in an excide voice.   4   by the Intemational Bognor Birdman Competition
in the UK, the competition in Hangzhou was a similar event. The Bognor Birdman Competition startde in
l97l in the England coastal city Bognor. People ran off the end of a pier (码头)with their own aircraft in
a(n)   5   to "fly" the farthest distance.
     In the competition, a teacher called Ni was amazed to see how imaginative the students were. He was
surprised to see his students create 10 different aircrafts with all kinds of material   6   in the past month.
"We"d rather call ourselves dreamers   7   pilots because whether our wings really leave the ground,our
dream really flies," said Dong Fang.
     Jing Yuchen and his team named their plane "weiming E", which   8   an unknown goose. The 17-year-old
boy deeply believes their goose of steel pipe and sailcloth will honour its name by successfully making it fly. 
     "Our work is much more imaginative than others. With several colourful balloons on its back and a pair
of light plastic wings, it is   9   the most eye-catching work, if not the best," said Yu Liang, another student.
     "Although nlost of those home-made aircrafts cannot really take the boys flying, the boys" braveness and
 10  in this project will encourage every one of them to fly high in the future," Ni said.
试题【完形填空。     Flying like a bird has been the dream of humans since ancient times. L】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
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(     )1.A. challenged   
(     )2.A. take on      
(     )3.A. joined       
(     )4.A. Promoted     
(     )5.A. range        
(     )6.A. available    
(     )7.A. as well as   
(     )8.A. declares     
(     )9.A. accidentally 
(     )10.A. exploration  
B. struggled     
B. take up       
B. participated  
B. Inspired      
B. group         
B. unique        
B. other than    
B. means         
B. surely       
B. perseverance    
C. abandoned   
C. take off     
C. took part in 
C. Advocated      
C. attempt     
C. visible     
C. but for      
C. reflects    
C. barely      
C. creativity    
D. observed      
D. take in       
D. attended       
D. Blamed        
D. way           
D. responsible                   
D. instead of    
D. causes        
D. simply        
D. determination  
1-5: ACCBC  6-10: ADBBC
     In this age of Internet chat, videogames and reality television, there is no shortage of mindless activities
to keep a child occupied. Yet, despite the competition, my 8-year-old daughter Rebecca wants to spend her
leisure time writing short stories. She wants to enter one of her stories into a writing contest, a competition
she won last year. 
     As a writer I know about winning contests, and about losing them. I know what it is like to work hard
on a story only to receive a rejection slip from the publisher. I also know the pressure of trying to live up to
a reputation created by previous victories. What if she doesn"t win the contest again? That"s the strange thing
about being a parent. So many of our own past scars and dashed hopes can surface.
     A revelation (启示) came last week when I asked her, "Don"t you want to win again?" "No," she replied,
"I just want to tell the story of an angel going to first grade."
     I had just spent weeks correcting her stories as she spontaneously (自发地) told them. Telling myself that
I was merely an experienced writer guiding the young writer across the hall, I offered suggestions for
characters, conflicts and endings for her tales. The story about a fearful angel starting first grade was quickly
"guided" by me into the tale of a little girl with a wild imagination taking her first music lesson. I had turned her
contest into my contest without even realizing it.
     Staying back and giving kids space to grow is not as easy as it looks. Because I know very little about farm
animals who use tools or angels who go to first grade, I had to accept the fact that I was co-opting (借用) my
daughter"s experience.
     While stepping back was difficult for me, it was certainly a good first step that I will quickly follow with
more steps, putting myself far enough a way to give her room but close enough to help if asked. All the while
I will be reminding myself that children need room to experiment, grow and find their own voices.
1. What do we learn from the first paragraph?
[     ]
A. A lot of entertainments compete for children"s time nowadays.
B. Rebecca is much too occupied to enjoy her leisure time.
C. Children do find lots of fun in many mindless activities.
D. Rebecca draws on a lot of online materials for her writing.
2. What did the author say about her own writing experience?
[     ]
A. She did not quite live up to her reputation as a writer.
B. Her way to success was full of pains and frustrations.
C. She was constantly under pressure of writing more.
D. Most of her stories had been rejected by publishers.
3. The author took great pains to correct her daughter"s stories because _____.
[     ]
A. she wanted to help Rebecca realize her dreams of becoming a writer
B. she was afraid Rebecca"s imagination might run wild while writing
C. she did not want to disappoint Rebecca who needed her help so much
D. she believed she had the knowledge and experience to offer guidance
4. What"s the author"s advice for parents?
[     ]
A. Children should be given every chance to voice their opinions.
B. Parents should keep an eye on the activities their kids engage in.
C. Children should be allowed freedom to grow through experience.
D. A writing career, though attractive, is not for every child to pursue.
     We may all have had the embarrassing moment: Getting half-way through a story only to realize that we"ve
told this exact tale before, to the same person. Why do we make such memory mistakes?
     According to research published in Psychological Science, it may have to do with the way our brains
process different types of memory.
     Researchers Nigel Gopie, of the Rotman Research Institute in Toronto, and Colin Macleod, of the University
of Waterloo, divided memory into two kinds. The first was source memory, or the ability to keep track of
where information is coming from. The second was destination memory, or the ability to recall who we have
given information to.
     They found that source memory functions better than destination memory, in part because of the direction
in which that information is travelling.
     To study the differences between source and destination memory, the researchers did an experiment on 60
university students, according to a New York Times report. The students were asked to associate (联想) 50
random (随意的) facts with the faces of 50 famous people. Half of the students "told" each fact to one of the
faces, reading it aloud when the celebrity"s (名人的) picture appeared on a computer screen. The other half
read each fact silently and saw a different celebrity picture afterward.
     When later asked to recall which facts went with which faces, the students who were giving information
out (destination memory) scored about 16 percent lower on memory performance compared with the students
receiving information (source memory).
     The researchers concluded that out-going information was less associated with its environmental context
(背景) that is, the person-than was incoming information.
     This makes sense given what is known about attention. A person who is giving information, even little facts,
will devote some mental resources to thinking about what is being said. Because our attention is limited, we give
less attention to the person we are giving information to.
     After a second experiment with another group of 40 students, the researchers concluded that self-focus is
another factor that undermines destination memory.
     They asked half the students to continue giving out random information, while the other told things about
themselves. This time around, those who were talking about themselves did 15 percent worse than those giving
random information.
     "When you start telling these personal facts compared with non-self facts, suddenly destination memory
goes down more, suggesting that it is the self-focus component (成分) that"s reducing the memory," Gopie
told Live Science.
1. The point of this article is to _____.
[     ]
A. give advice on how to improve memory
B. say what causes the memory to worsen
C. explain why we repeat stories to those we"ve already told them to
D. discuss the differences between source and destination memory
2. What can we learn from the article?
[     ]
A. Source memory helps us remember who we have told the information to.
B. One"s limited attention is one of the reasons why those reading aloud to the celebrity"s pictures perform 
    worse on the memory test.
C. Silent reading is a better way to remember information than reading aloud.
D. It tends to be more difficult for people to link incoming information with its environmental context than 
    outgoing information.
3. The underlined word "undermines" probably means _____.
[     ]
A. weakens
B. benefits
C. explains
D. supports
4. What did the scientists conclude from the second experiment?
[     ]
A. Destination memory is weaker than source memory.
B. Focusing attention on oneself leads to relatively poor source memory performance.
C. Associating personal experience with information helps people memorize better.
D. Self-focus is responsible for giving information twice or more to the same person.
     President Barack Obama shouldn"t be surprised if his approval rating among students has plummeted
(陡然变差). In a recent speech about US education, he called for extending the school day and year. "The
challenges of a new century demand more time in the classroom. Why more time? Because US students
are falling behind students in other countries," he said.
     More school
     US schools need to lengthen school days and the school year. If we intend to stay competitive with
the rest of the world on test scores and in the job market, we need to add classroom hours and get rid of
summer break almost entirely. As President Obama said, South Korean students spend more than a month
longer in school-and achieve better results than us.
     The current two-term school year and the school days that form it were developed based on an old
system of agriculture. The long summer break allowed children to be home to help tend the fields. It is not
necessary anymore. It may not be popular to cut summer break or extend school days, but that"s the only
way to improve US education and get back the American jobs lost to foreign countries.
     Home Time
     Adding school hours won"t solve the problems with our school system. The USA is different from other
countries. US families have full schedules, with participation in sports, community groups, and other interests.
In places such as South Korea, where only several hours of a day aren"t spent on school work, children don"t
have time to participate in many of those activities.
     Giving kids time outside of school allows them to grow in other areas. That"s just as important as learning
fractions (分数). Fingers shouldn"t be pointed at the school year for being too short, but at teachers and
schools that don"t challenge their students and just pass kids along to the next grade. We do need to hold
ourselves accountable for an education system falling behind other countries, but we also need a solution that
actually works.

     Two recent studies have found that punishment is not the best way to infIuence behavior.
     One showed that adults are much more cooperative if they work in a system based on rewards.
Researchers at Harvard University in the United States and the Stockholm School of Economics in
Sweden did the study.
     They had about two hundred college students play a version of the game known as the Prisoner"s
Dilemma. The game is based on the tension between the interests of an individual and a group. The
students played in groups of four. Each player could win points for the group, so they would all gain
equally. But each player could also reward or punish each of the other three players, at a cost to the
punisher. Harvard researcher David Rand says the most successful behavior proved to be cooperation.
The groups that rewarded it the most earned about twice as much in the game as the groups that
rewarded it the least. The study appeared last month in the journal Science.
     The other study involved children. It was presented last month in California at a conference on
violence and abuse. Researchers used intelligence tests given to two groups. More than, eight hundred
children were ages two to four the first time they were tested. More than seven hundred children were
ages five to nine. The two groups were retested four years later, and the study compared the results
with the first test. Both groups contained children whose parents used physical punishment and children
whose parents did not.
     The study says the IQs of the younger children who were not spanked were five points higher than
those who were. In the older group, the difference was almost three points. The more they are spanked,
the slower their mental development.
1. According to the first study, we mainly infer that _____.
[     ]
A. the game is called Prisoner"s Dilemma
B. the less a group punished itself, the lower its earnings
C. adults are much more cooperative if rewarded
D. the game is introduced in the journal Science
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the second study?
[     ]
A. Children"s IQs has much to do with physical punishment.
B. The study is about violence and abuse of children.
C. The children tested were divided into groups of four.
D. Children"s mental development only relies on their IQs.
3. What does the underlined word "spanked" refer to?
[     ]
A. punished.
B. blamed.
C. tested.
D. praised.
4. What might be the best title for the text?
[     ]
A. The Best Way to Correct Misbehavior.
B. Punishment Is the Best Way of Education.
C. Cooperation Is the Most Successful Behavior.
D. Punishment or Reward: Which Works Better on Behavior?
     From the beginning of human history, people have used oils from seeds and nuts. Most of the time these
oils are used as food, especially in cooking. But sometimes they have other uses. For example, oils are used
in paint and in cleaning products like soap.
     Oil is separated from seeds by using pressure. A machine called a press is often used.
     The first step in pressing the oil from seeds is to crush the seeds between two stones. The crushed seeds
are then put into a cloth bag and the bag is hung up. Some of the oil will flow out of the bag and can be
     But some oil will remain in the crushed seeds inside the bag. The easiest way to get the rest of the oil out
is to place heavy rocks on the crushed material.
     Another method is to place several cloth bags on top of each other in a box. Then a long wooden stick is
used to slowly push a heavy cover down on the bags. Great pressure is produced in this way. Much greater
pressure can be produced by using a machine, a hydraulic jack (液压千斤顶). The greater the pressure, the
more oil win be produced. 
     Small presses are important in areas where electricity or gasoline cannot be used. They are also a good
way to test if a local market for oil exists.
     Small batch presses can be made of local materials. Their cost is low. They are not difficult to operate.
And they are easy to repair. The small presses produce good quality oil. But the work is hard. And getting
all the oil from the seeds can be difficult.
     If there is a large supply of seeds, then hand-operated presses may not be enough to support a business.
Large, powered presses that can operate all day are needed.
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Title How to 1.______ Oil From Seeds
2.______ of oil People use oils when they cook meals, paint pictures and clean objects.
Method l●Crush the seeds between two stones and then put them into a cloth bag.
●3.______ the cloth bag up. Some of the oil will flow out of the
●The 4.______ oil in the seeds can be got by putting more heavy
   rocks on them.
Method 2 ●A box is used to 5.______ several bags of seeds.
●Place a heavy cover on the bags.
●Use a long wooden stick to push the cover slowly.
●The 6.______ of oil relies on the pressure placed on the bags.
Small batch presses●They are at a low 7.______
●They are easy to operate and repair.
●They can be used in areas 8.______ of electricity or gasoline.
●They can be operated by hand very conveniently.
●They can produce good quality oil.
Large 9.______
●It is easy to get all the oil from the seeds.
●They can 10.______ with a large supply of seeds and support a 
●They can run all day.