当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 翻译 > 句子翻译。1. 中国的人口是40年前的两倍。(as…as)    _______________________________________________...
题型:0119 期中题难度:来源:
句子翻译。1. 中国的人口是40年前的两倍。(as…as)
2. 他宁愿被嘲笑,也不愿和她吵架。(would rather)
3. 在深圳的头几年,那时什么都没搞定,他经常感到沮丧。(first few, settled)
4. 我们再也不能等了,否则会误飞机的。(afford)
5. 到目前为止,他们已经为那所希望小学筹集到了3万元。(so far)
1. The population of China is twice as large as (it was ) forty (40) years ago.
2. He would rather be laughed at than quarrel with her.
3. For the first few years in Shenzhen, when nothing is settled, he often felt depressed.
4. We can"t afford to wait any longer, or we"ll miss the plane.
5. So far, they have raised 30,000 yuan for the Hope School.
试题【句子翻译。1. 中国的人口是40年前的两倍。(as…as)    _______________________________________________】;主要考察你对翻译等知识点的理解。[详细]
完成句子:根据所给汉语完成句子,使句子意思完整、正确。1. 地震之后,这座城市成为一片废墟。
    The city lay _______ _______ after the earthquake. 
2. 尽管他是百万富翁,他不太在乎衣着.
    He doesn"t _______ much _______ his clothes, though he is a Millionaire.
3. 目前,中国有数以百万计的英语学习者。
    _______ _______, there are millions of English learners in China.
4. 安妮认为把自己所经历的事情写到日记里是种好方法。
    Anne thought it was a good way to _______ _______ what she had _______ _______ in her diary.
题型:浙江省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。1. _______________ (正如我们所能看到的) from the graph, the number of TV
    watchers is increasing rapidly compared with the film-goers. (see)
2. It is the first time that _________________ (我下决心) to give up smoking. (mind)
3. It is well known that Asia is _________________ as (四倍大) Europe. (large)
4. My classmate David asked me _________________ (我是否厌倦)school life.(tired )
5. It was in the stone house which was built as a school by local villagers ________________ (他完成)
    his primary school. (finish)
6. That day we got separated in London, but it was ________________ (没过多久) we reunited
     again. (long)
7. There was a lot of fun at yesterday"s party. You _________________ (本应该来), but
     why didn"t you? (come)
8. _________________ (多么有趣的角色) she played in the film! No wonder she has won an Oscar. (role)
9. It is reported that the schools, ___________________ (正在被建) in my hometown, will open next year.
10. This boy ___________________ (梦想成为) a police officer since he was just a boy. (dream)
题型:0115 期中题难度:| 查看答案
汉译英。(注意:每个空格只填1个单词)1. 我发现等候考试结果有点紧张。
    I find waiting for exam results _______ _______ stressful.
2. 演讲终于结束了。
    The lecture _______ _______ _______ ______ at last.
3. 通向成功之路既充满艰辛又充满欢乐。
    The road to success is full of happiness _______ _______ ______ hardship.
4. 依我看,北京奥林匹克运动会是一次成功的盛会。
    ______ ______ ______ the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing were a great success.
5. 这是非正式聚会,你不必穿的太讲究。
    This is an informal party. You ______ _______ _______ dress too smartly.
题型:0112 期中题难度:| 查看答案
翻译。1. 他竭力使我们相信他的话。
    He tried to persuade ______ ______ ______ words.
2. 目前我在班里交朋友有麻烦。
    I ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ friends in my class at the moment.
3. 好的饮食在帮助人们长寿方面起着重要的作用。
    A good diet ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ helping people to live longer.
题型:0128 期中题难度:| 查看答案
请把下列句子翻译成英语 (括号中的提示词必须用,不用作零分记)。 1. 我建议他在高峰时段乘坐地铁上班。(recommend)   
2. 他们迷失在茫茫大海上,在恶劣的天气面前一点办法也没有。(mercy)   
3. 尽管前面的道路上还有许多困难,但我们决心要取得更大的成就。(determine)  
4. 你迟到了。要是你早来几分钟,你就见到他了。 
5. 聪明的学生在课堂上会把注意力集中在老师的讲授上。(fix)
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
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