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Heavy rainstorm broke out in South China,     68 lives and       62 still missing.
A.killing ,leavingB.killing ,leftC.killed, leavingD.to kill , leave


试题【 Heavy rainstorm broke out in South China,     68 lives and       62 still missi】;主要考察你对现在分词等知识点的理解。[详细]
_________ the right kind of training, these teenage soccer players may one day grow into the international stars.
A.GivingB.Having givenC.To giveD.Given

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The early warning of floods,      over the radio and on TV, spread quickly through the area.
A.having broadcastB.broadcastingC.broadcastD.to be broadcast

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He found them      at a table      chess.
A.sat; to playB.sitting; to playC.seated; playingD.seat; playing

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You can never imagine what great difficulty I had ________ his parents.
A.findingB.of findingC.to findD.about finding

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With some books badly needed _____, she went to the bookstore hurriedly.
A.to buyB.buyingC.boughtD.having bought

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