当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 介词和介词短语 > The trade union intended to call on the workers to go on strike ______ the gover...
The trade union intended to call on the workers to go on strike ______ the government’s limitation on exports.  
A.in memory ofB.in honor ofC.in need ofD.in response to


这题考查词组辨析:in memory of为了纪念 ,in honor of为了庆祝,为了纪念,in need of需要,in response to做为回应,句意是:工会打算号召工人罢工做为对政府限制出口的回应。选D。
试题【The trade union intended to call on the workers to go on strike ______ the gover】;主要考察你对介词和介词短语等知识点的理解。[详细]
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A.searchingB.in the search ofC.in searchD.in search of

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A.in relation toB.in terms ofC.in apposition toD.in response to

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A.inB.atC.onD. with

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A.no more thanB.not more than
C.more thanD.rather than

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