当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 词法 > 单词拼写小题1:With encouragement and determination, we can o__________ any difficulty....
小题1:With encouragement and determination, we can o__________ any difficulty.
小题2:With no idea of what he would do with the roses, the little girl looked at the gardener c__________.
小题3:Every classroom in our school is e___________ with two air-conditioners.
小题4:In the job market, you need to sell yourself to the employers by c_________ them that you have the knowledge, skill and experience they need.
小题5:The goods you bought will be d______ to your house at noon tomorrow.
小题6:Visitors of the exhibition were amazed at the u________ work of art and agreed it could be sold at a very high price.
小题7:Young parents may feel upset when their babies cry from __________(饥饿) in the midnight.
小题8:“We’ve lost so many young people,” said a middle-aged man, tears rolling down his ________(脸颊).
小题9:Most members of the committee supported the suggestion; only a m________ of them were against it.
小题10:V________ opinions came up at the meeting, but they finally managed to reach an agreement.

小题6: unique      
小题9: minority    

小题1:overcome    动词overcome克服,相当于get over。本句是指有勇气和决心,我们就可以克服任何困难。
小题2: curiously    本句中使用副词curiously好奇地,作为状语修饰谓语动词look at the garden。
小题3:equipped   固定搭配be equipped with…配备有…其中的equipped是一个形容词,表示状态。
小题4:convincing  动词convince使某人相信,构成固定搭配convince sb of sth使某人相信某事;本句中动词convince放在介词by的后面,故使用动名词的学生。
小题5:delivered 动词deliver投递,本句是一个被动语态的形式:你所购买的东西明天下午会被投递给你。
小题6: unique     形容词独一无二的,独特的unique,用来修饰后面的名词work of art,指独特的艺术作品。
小题7: hunger  本句中的名词hunger饥饿;是形容词hungry的名词 ,在句中作为介词from的宾语。
小题8:cheeks   名词脸颊cheek,常用复数形式。
小题9:minority   名词少数…minority,其反义词是majority多数;
小题10: Various 形容词various各种各样的,用来修饰后面的名词opinions指在会议上各种各样的观点都出现了。
试题【单词拼写小题1:With encouragement and determination, we can o__________ any difficulty.】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
小题1:Some experts say high fever maybe a s_______of A H1N1.
小题2:For_________(显而易见的)reasons we had to cancel tonight’s performance.
小题3:He e_________ from prison this morning.
小题4:The hurricane_________(袭击)  the southeast of England in October,2009.
小题5:The medicine had no _______(影响) on the patient.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:He isn’t my friend. A ____________, I don’t know him at all.
小题2:Susan looks very ____________ (不安的); I should do something to make her happy.
小题3:I’m glad that John was ____________ (说服) to take part in the English party.
小题4:Years of fighting has left the area in ____________ (废墟).
小题5:The balloon ____________ (突然破裂) and the child let out cries.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:The story, __________ __________ (基于) the real life, is very popular with readers.
小题2:Seeing a policeman __________ __________ (走近) to me, I suddenly felt nervous.
小题3:Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that __________ __________ (她来组织) the trip properly.
小题4:Everybody can see that she did it __________ __________ (故意).
小题5:John asked, “Is there a letter for me?” (变为间接引语)
John asked __________ __________ __________ a letter for him.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:The scenery in Guilin enjoys a high _______________(声誉) around the world.
小题2:Although life is not easy, we should keep an ______________(乐观的) attitude to it.
小题3:The role will be the biggest ____________ (挑战)of his acting career.
小题4:____________(怀疑) nothing, he walked right into the trap.
小题5:It is _______________(宣布) that new laws on drunk driving would be practised.
小题6:I will make __________________ (安排)for you to be met at the airport.
小题7:The building has _____________(先前的) been used as a hotel.
小题8:The weather at the moment is not _____________(典型的) for November.
小题9:Don’t worry about the cost ———I will __________ (请客)you.
小题10:It is impossible to _____________(预测) what will happen.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:The salesman p________ us into buying his product yesterday.
小题2:What’s your a________ to this idea? Good or not?
小题3:They began the r___ work at once, as soon as the earthquake happened.
小题4:In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and b_______..
小题5:There were dozens of people i____in the fire, and they were sent to hospital immediately.
小题6:We work hard at English so as to have a good c________ of it.
小题7:I don’t want to set down a s______ of facts in a diary as most people do.
小题8:A_______ all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other.
小题9:The goods will be t________ to Singapore by air.
小题10:How can Linda r_______ from her illness in this room when it’s so dirty and dusty?
小题11:We will cycle along the Mekong River and my sister is planning our s______ for the trip.
小题12:He often tells lies so I don"t think he is a r_______ man.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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