当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 社会历史类 > 阅读理解。1. As one of the largest museums in the world, British Museum is in _______...
阅读理解。1. As one of the largest museums in the world, British Museum is in _______. A. Beijing
B. London
C. New York 2. New York Museum is America"s largest museum on American _______. A. buildings
B. collections
C. history 3. The Palace Museum, which is in the center of Beijing, is also called "Forbidden City (紫禁城)" in China.
    It lies in _______. A. Chang"an Street
B. New Oxford Street
C. Chestnut Street 4. According to the form, if you want to see ancient Chinese collections, you can visit _______ at most. A. one museum
B. two museums
C. three museums 5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above? A. Each ticket for the Palace Museum costs the same in the whole year.
B. You don"t have to pay for tickets if you visit New York Museum on Monday.
C. British Museum lies in Chestnut Street, London.
1-5      BCABB
试题【阅读理解。1. As one of the largest museums in the world, British Museum is in _______】;主要考察你对社会历史类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     The 30th Olympic host (主办) city, London, is opening its arms to the world. It"s the capital city of the
UK and one of the business centers in the world. It has a history of more about 2000 years. Many places of
London were once villages. Today, London is a growing city with about 7 million people. They came from
all parts of the world. Their ways of life are not the same but harmonious (和谐的). Their favorite food is pie
and mashed potato. The symbol of London is a red double-deck (双层) bus. It came to London in 1956 and
was in use there until 2005. Now it only runs on two main streets in the center of London. Let"s look forward
to London"s wonderful show next year!
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The 1______ city of the UKThe 30th Olympic host city
The history of London2______ 2000 years
The 3______ of London About 7 million
The ways of life 4______ but harmonious
The 5______ of LondonA red double-deck bus
     You have heard of Batman and Spiderman, but did you know there"s another super hero called Iron Man?
He"s also a character from a popular US comic book. This summer, he"s on the big screen.
     Iron Man was an ordinary person before he got his powers. He is Tony Stark, CEO of a company that
makes weapons for the US army. Tony got the company after his father died.
     Tony lives the life of a hard-drinking, rich playboy, but he is also brilliant at his job. He has invented many
high-tech weapons for this company. One day, he flies to Afghanistan (阿富汗) to test new weapons for the
US Air Force (空军). On his way back to his plane, terrorists (恐怖分子) attack him, and wound him.
     The terrorists put Tony in a cave with Yinsen, a doctor. Yinsen treats Tony and saves his life.
     The terrorists ask Tony to produce weapons for them. But instead, Tony builds a suit of armor with
Yinsen"s help. The suit helps Tony escape the terrorists.
     Back in the US,Tony builds a better suit of armor. It gives him superhuman strength and the ability to fly.
He vows. (发誓) to protect the world as Iron Man.
     If you are interested in exciting action scenes and special effects, you might enjoy this movie. It"s in
theatres now.
1. Iron Man is _______.
A. a terrorist
B. a character from a comic book
C. a Spiderman
D. a Batman
2. When Tony was an ordinary person, he is _______.
A. CEO of a company
B. a rich playboy
C. brilliant at his job
D. A, B and C
3. A better suit of armor _______.
A. gives him superhuman strength and the ability to fly
B. vows to protect the world as Iron Man
C. makes weapons for the US army
D. helps Tony escape the terrorists
     The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. There are some traditions that you can find
almost anywhere, anytime, such as sending birthday cards, blowing out the candles on a birthday cake
and singing the Happy Birthday song. Others are only found for certain ages and in certain countries.
In China, on a child"s second birthday, family members put many things on the floor around the child.
According to Chinese tradition, the first thing that the child picks up tells you what profession the child
will choose later in life. For Japanese children, the third, fifth and seventh birthdays are especially important.
At this age, there is a special celebration Shichi-Go-San (seven, five, three in Japanese) when children go to
the temple wearing a new kimono (和服). The priest (僧侣) gives them special sweets, and the parents
usually organize a party for their friends in their home. In Argentina, Mexico and several other Latin American
countries, girls have a special birthday celebration when they reach the age of fifteen. After a special ceremony (仪式), the girls dance a waltz with their father and other boys. Eighteen is the traditional "coming of age",
the age when (in many countries) you have the right to vote (选举), join the army and (in Britain) drink
alcohol or buy a house. In many English-speaking countries, a twenty-first birthday cake often has a key on
top, or the cake itself is sometimes in the shape of a key. The key mean8 that the young person is now old
enough to leave and enter the family home at any time they want to!
1. Which of the following birthday traditions can be found almost anywhere, anytime?
A. Putting many things on the floor.
B. Wearing a new kimono.
C. Dancing a waltz.
D. Sending birthday cards.
2. The ______ usually organize a party at children"s special birthday celebration in Japan.
A. priests
B. parents
C. friends
D. relatives
3. Mexican girls have a special birthday celebration at the age of ______.
A. five
B. seven
C. fifteen
D. twenty-one
4. In many countries you can ______ when you reach the age of eighteen.
A. join the army
B. have a key
C. have a special ceremony
D. have special sweets
5. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A. The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago.
B. Some birthday traditions are only found in certain countries.
C. You become the owner of your house at the age of fifteen.
D. In many countries you have the right to vote at the age of eighteen.
     The program "China Year in Russia" has ended, but the cultural ties between the two countries grow
stronger. "China fever (中国热)" continues in Russia.
     Fifty-year-old Wei Dehan has been studying Chinese culture for thirty years. He was among the first
Russians to open a Chinese teahouse in Moscow. That was in 1995. He also teaches Chinese language and
Tai Chi(太极) . (2) During " China Year in Russia", he set up a magazine introducing Chinese culture. It"s
popular with local readers.
     In Russia, young people who can speak Chinese (1)_____  by every industry. Young people who are able to
speak Chinese language find jobs easily. Some 15-thousand people attend Chinese language classes in Russia.
The Confucius Institute (学院) , the world-wide Chinese language and culture education center, has been set
up in thirteen of Russia"s universities and colleges.
     Besides the language, Chinese way of life is becoming a common factor (因素) in the daily lives of Russian
people. (3) 绿茶,中国食品和太极变得越来越受欢迎。
     Russian newspapers and magazines praised(称赞) "China Year in Russia" as a timely event. They said that
the program deepened (加深) understanding between the people of the two countries. It also opens the way
for further culture exchanges.
1. 将(1)的空白处填入适当的内容使句意完整、上下文通顺。
2. 将(2)处翻译成中文。
3. 将(3)处翻译成英语。 
4. 在文中找出与下面句子意思相近的句子。
    It"s easy for young people who can speak Chinese to find jobs. 
5. 找出文中或写出最能表达该短文主题的句子。
    Have you ever heard of the language Esperanto (世界语)? This is a man-made language for world use.
But it hasn"t been known by most of people around the world, let alone (更不必说) worldwide use. There
are more than 3,000 languages in the world today,but only about ten are major (主要的) languages. Among
them English is the most popular one in the world.        
    More than 350 million people speak English as their first language. Major English-speaking countries
are Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA. Another 400 million speak it as a second
language. No one knows how many people speak English as a foreign language. They usually learn English
as a school subject instead of learning it from their parents. Chinese is the only language with more speakers
than English. This is because of the large population of China.
     English is the language for a better understanding between peoples of the world. It is also the language
for business and science. Nearly half of the business deals in Europe are done in English, and more than
half of the science magazines are in English. English is widely used in the world"s computer network.
And children should begin with English when they learn how to use computers. Through the English language
peoples of different countries are able to work together and make things even better.
1. Esperanto hasn"t been widely used because _______.
A. not many people know it
B. it is very difficult to learn
C. people don"t like it at all
D. it"s a bad language
2. Most Chinese people learn English _______.
A. as the first language
B. as the second language
C. as a foreign language
D. from their parents
3. Which of the following language is spoken by the largest number of people in the world?
A. English.
B. Chinese.
C. Japanese.
D. Esperanto.
4. Which of the following is true?
A. If you know English, you will be able to use computers.
B. Scientists from different countries can only speak English at the international (国际的) meetings.
C. English is the only language used in the world"s computer network.
D. English is more widely used than any other languages.
5. The passage is about _______.
A. the difference between Esperanto and English
B. the major languages in the world
C. the importance (重要性) of English
D. the use of foreign language