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James shook his money box again.
Nothing! He carefully counted the coins that lay on the bed. All that he had was $24.52 (about 153 yuan). The bicycle he wanted was at least $90! How on earth (究竟) was he going to get the rest of the money?
He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was hard to hang out with people when you were the only one without a bicycle. He thought about what he could do. There was no point asking his parents, for he knew they had no extra money.
There was only one way to get money, and that was to earn (挣) it. He would have to find a job. He decided to ask Mr Clay for advice.
“Well, you can start right here,” said Mr Clay. “You see, my windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.”
That was the beginning of James’ part-time job.
For the next three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He took dogs for walks, cleaned out cupboards and repaired books.
The day finally came when James counted his money and found $ 94.32. He wasted no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode home proudly, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard working for the money, but James knew that he valued (珍惜) his bicycle far more because he had bought it with his own money. He had achieved what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even more than the bicycle.
小题1:Why didn’t James ask his parents for help?
A.Because they didn’t love him.
B.Because they didn’t have extra money.
C.Because they lived far away from him.
D.Because they didn’t need a bike.
小题2:In order to buy a bicycle, James           
A.found a job
B.borrowed money from his classmates
C.sold his old books
D.asked his grandfather for some money
小题3:James did the following jobs EXCEPT           .
A.walking dogsB.cleaning out cupboards
C.cooking meals D.repairing books
小题4:How much money did James earn?
A.$24.52 B.$90C.$94.32D.$69.80
小题5:What does the writer want to tell us?
A.We should buy everything we want.
B.We should get what we want through hard work.
C.Parents shouldn’t give children any money.
D.We shouldn’t show off new things to poor children.



小题1:根据第二段There was no point asking his parents, for he knew they had no extra money.描述,可知选B。
小题2:根据He would have to find a job. 及下文描述,可知他为此找了一份工作,故选A。
小题3:根据He took dogs for walks, cleaned out cupboards and repaired books.描述,可知选C。
小题4:根据The day finally came when James counted his money and found $ 94.32.及上文All that he had was $24.52描述,计算可知94.32-24.52=69.80,可知选D
试题【James shook his money box again.Nothing! He carefully counted the coins that lay】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
With more and more cars on the road, the traffic jam will happen. How do we see it and how can we solve the problem?
We know that the traffic jam happens in many places, especially in big cities. What are reasons for the problem? On one hand, some people think that they should have a car when they have enough money, and then it’s easy to go out and they can feel comfortable. On the other hand, a growing number of people hope to use their cars to show off (炫耀). What’s more, years of research has shown that one of other reasons for the traffic jam is the driving habit. For example, many young people enjoy driving very fast, so they can feel excited. At last, most of them hardly care about the speed rules.
Many governments are working at how to make the traffic better. In my opinion, firstly, the governments should educate those people who have cars or plan to buy cars. The governments must make them know that the traffic jam is very serious, and set up a much more perfect traffic system to solve the traffic pressure.
小题1:What does the underlined word “jam” mean in Chinese?
小题2:Why is the traffic jam getting more and more serious?
A.Because there are not enough ways of transportation.
B.Because there are fewer speed rules.
C.Because there are more and more cars on the roads.
D.Because the speed rules make young people have a bad driving habit.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The reason for the traffic jam is that people have too much work.
B.The reason for the traffic jam is that more and more people drive cars.
C.The reason for the traffic jam is that some people want to show off.
D.The reason for the traffic jam is that some people don’t have good driving habits.
小题4:What should the governments do to make the traffic better?
A.They should educate those people who are young.
B.They should set up a much more perfect traffic system.
C.They shouldn’t allow people to buy so many cars.
D.They should make people know the difficult to solve the problem of the traffic jam.
小题5:What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Different traffic problems.
B.Reasons why people want to buy cars.
C.How drivers should drive.
D.The traffic jam, reasons for it and solutions.

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Mr. Black works in a hospital in a town. He is a good   1  , and people in the town like him very much. He is very     2  to his patients(病人),  3  many people like to ask him for help.
One day, Mr. Black gets to the hospital and 4  a fat(胖) woman in the waiting room. He calls her to his office and asks,“ What’s  5   with you?,madam?”“It’s my birthday today, sir”says the woman.“My husband(丈夫)”  6  me a present(礼物). But I can’t go in it.” “It doesn’t matter, madam,” says Mr. Black. “You 7  lose some weight(减肥)”.Then, you can go in 8   your coat.” “You are   9   ,doctor, says the woman. “He buys me not a coat, but a  10   !
A.doctorB.nurse C.office workerD.teacher
A.find B.looks atC.listen toD.sees
A.matterB.your nameC.wrongD.doing
A.takesB.gives C.goesD.comes
A.likeB.want C.shouldD.would like

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It’s a fine Sunday morning. There are many children near the river. They are students of No.4 Middle School. They are students of Grade Seven. There’re two teachers with them. All of the students are Young Pioneers(少先队员). They are having their Young Pioneers’ Day.
They are not playing games now. They are working. They are planting(种植) trees and flowers. Some of the girls are carrying water for new trees. The teachers are helping them. They are all working hard. Good work, Young Pioneers!
小题1:It’s a fine Saturday morning.
小题2:Some workers are helping them plant trees.
小题3:Today is Young Pioneers’ Day.
小题4:There’re two teachers of Grade Seven.
小题5:They are carrying water now and working hard.
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We often think about why money disappeared so quickly. That may be because we didn’t have a good budget. A budget is a plan to control where your money goes. A good budget can help you use money wisely. For example, it can help you save money for the things that you want but can’t pay for now. Have a look at the budget of Simon’s family this month and you will get a clear idea about what a budget is. The income(收入) of Simon’s family a month is RMB6,000.
Entertainment( sports, films and music, etc.)
Clothing ( shoes, seasonal wear, etc.)
Transportation (bus, underground and train fares.)
“Just in case (急用) fund”
Housing ( rent, cost of electricity, water, heating, gas )
Food (meal, fruit and snacks, drinks )
Medical care (hospital bills and medicine)
小题1:Sometimes money disappeared so quickly maybe because________.
A.we lost it
B.we didn’t have a good budget
C.we put it in the bank
D.we gave it away to others
小题2:The underlined word “budget ”probably means _______ in Chinese.
小题3:Every month Simon’s family can get _________.
A.RMB3,000B.RMB 4,000C.RMB 6,000D.RMB 9,000
小题4:Simon’s family will pay _________for food this month.
A.RMB 600B.RMB 800C.RMB 1,000D.RMB 1,200
小题5:Simon’s family will spend the most money on _______ this month.
A.clothingB.medical careC.housingD.transportation

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I go to school by school bus every day, because my home is far from the school. It takes more than 30 minutes to get to school. The school bus is very beautiful, wide and strong. We go home at 4:30 in the afternoon.
David Smith, 14, America
     We often go to school at 7:00, because I have a far journey to go to school. I like riding a bike and I think it’s good for my health. Riding is one of the greenest ways. I get home at 5:00 in the afternoon.
Wang Runze, 15, Beijing
   I went to school by bus half a year ago, but now I walk to school with my parents or my classmate—Liu Bin now. It’s because the school bus accident. In the accidents, lots of students died. I have to go to school one hour earlier than before. I spend one and a half hours getting to school. I got home at about 6:30 every day.
Wu Daqiang, 10, Jiangsu
小题1:How old is David Smith?
小题2:How does Wang Runze go to school?
A.By bike.B.On foot.C.By train. D.By car.
小题3:Why can’t Wu Daqiang go to school by school bus?
A.Because it’s slow to go by bus.
B.Because there are the school bus accidents.
C.Because they like sports.
D.Because their school hasn’t got buses.
小题4:David Smith’s school bus isn’t _________.
A.safe B.beautiful
小题5:________ gets home earliest in the afternoon.
A.David SmithB.Wang Runze
C.Wu DaqiangD.Liu Bin

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