当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 钟点 > We can meet on          .A. January 13th,2014     B.2014 January 13th   C.13th ...
We can meet on          .
A. January 13th,2014     B.2014 January 13th   C.13th January 2014

试题分析:句意:我们可以在2014年1月13日相见。英语日期的表达顺序为:月 ,日,年。January 13th,2014="the" thirteenth of January, 2014。故选A。
试题【 We can meet on          .A. January 13th,2014     B.2014 January 13th   C.13th 】;主要考察你对钟点等知识点的理解。[详细]
Two hundred thousand three hundred and sixty means ___________.
A.2,360B.20,360 C.2,316D.200,360

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
There are          days in a week. The         day is Saturday.
A.seven; sevenB.seven; sixthC.seventh; sevenD.seven; seventh

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---Huck, how old is your mother this year?
---    . And we had a party for her        birthday last weekend.
A.Fortieth, forty B.Forty, forty
C.Forty, fortieth D.fortieth, fortieth

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
—Can I help you?
—Yes. I want two ______ eggs.
A.dozenB.dozensC.dozens ofD.dozen of

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As a result of the fight, Jim was in ________ prison for ________ years.
A.the; fiveB.the; fifth C./; five D./; fifth

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