1.Which is Millie"s favourite subject?
A. History
B. Maths
C. Chinese
D. English
2. Which place will the boy visit in Beijing this summer holiday?
A. The Palace Museum
B. The Great Wall
C. Wangfujing Street
D. Tian"anmen Square
3. What did Simon do yesterday afternoon?
A. Skiing
B. Swimming
C. Skating
D. Diving
4. How will they go to the pa

A. By bike
B. By car
C. By bus.
D. By taxi
5. Which Club does Kate join?
A. The Singing Club
B. The Reading Club
C. The Swimming Club
D. The Diving Club
6. Which subject is Helen"s favourite?
A. Maths
B. English
C. Computer Studies
D. Geography
7. Who is the tallest boy in Mike"s class?
A. Simon
B. Jim
C. Mike
D. Daniel
8. Who has the most flowers of the three?
A. Tom
B. Simon
C. Ann
D. Kate
9. What time did the boy get to school this morning?
A. At 7 a.m.
B. At 6 a.m.
C. At 7:10 a.m.
D. At 6:50 a.m.
10. How was Mary"s birthday party?
A. It was good and the talk was interesting.
B. It was good and she received many presents.
C. It was good and she had a long talk with her classmates.
D. It was good and she got many toys .
试题【听下面对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。1.Which is Millie"s favourite subject?A.】;主要考察你对特殊题型等知识点的理解。[详细]
1. How will they go to New York?
A. By plane.
B. By bus
C. By ship
D. By car
2. What is Helen going to bring?
A. A sweater
B. A skirt
C. A jacket
D. A dress
3. What are they talking about?.
A. The weather of the weekend.
B. Going swimming at the weekend.
C. Staying at home at the weekend.
D. Their plans for the weekend.
4. What will the weather be like at the weekend?
A. Sunny
B. Rainy
C. Cloudy
D. Foggy
5. What would Millie like to do?
A. Go swimming
B. Go shopping
C. Staying at home
D. Travelling outside
1. How old is Alice Green?
A. 24
B. 34
C. 35
D. 25
2. Which grade does she teach?
A. 7th Grade
B. 8th Grade
C. 9th Grade
D. 10th Grade
3. When does the school start?
A. At 8 a.m.
B. At 8:30 a.m.
C. At 9a.m.
D. At 9:30a.m.
4. Where does Alice have lunch every day?
A. At home

B. At school
C. At a restaurant near her school
D. At home
5. Why does Alice feel happy?
A. Because she thinks she is helpful.
B. Because she is proud of her students.
C. Because she has a busy life.
D. Because she is cheerful.
B.21,000 .
C. 2,1000,000.
B. Yes, she is glad to help the man.
C. We don"t know.
B. In a zoo
C. In a market
B. Yes, he will
C. No, he won"t
B. Swan
C. Swallow
B. It"s min.
C. It"s cm.
A. Two days ago
B. Two weeks ago
C. Two months ago
2. What was the weather like that day?
A. Snowy.
B. Sunny and cold.
C. Rainy.
3. Why did the two friends have to stay in the open air?
A. Because they were hungry.
B. Because they were poor.
C. Because they were cold.
4. What did they do when they were hungry and cold?
A. Stayed in the shop.
B. Bought some food.
C. Cried for help.
5. Who cared for them?
A. Tom.
B. Jerry.
C. No one.
- 1如图所示,建筑工地常用的一种“深穴打夯机”工作时,电动机带动两个紧压夯杆的滚轮匀速转动将夯从深为h的坑中提到地面,两个滚
- 2读下图,Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ为三个同等规模的商业中心。若要在图上新布置一个同等规模的商业中心,则其最佳位置是[ ]A、甲 B
- 3—I hope you can get good marks in the exam. —_______. [
- 4【题文】设全集U={x∈N|x<6},集合A={l,3},B={3,5},则(CUA)∩(CUB)=(
- 5若(m+1)2+,则的值为[ ]A.-1B.-C.D.3
- 6 战火纷飞的伊拉克是当今世界关注的焦点,伊拉克所在的两河流域是世界文明的发祥地之一。下列哪一文明成果出自该地
- 7下列关于环境问题的说法正确的是( )A.汽车为人类文明作出了巨大贡献的同时,对生态环境也造成了恶化B.使用天然气作燃料
- 8设直线2x-y+1=0与椭圆x23+y24=1相交于A、B两点.(1)线段AB中点M的坐标及线段AB的长;(2)已知椭圆
- 9汽车以54 km/h的速度匀速行驶. (1)若汽车以0.5m/s2的加速度加速,则10 s后速度能达到多少? (2)若汽
- 10“北斗二号”地球卫星导航系统由中轨道、高轨道和同步卫星等组成,已知三种卫星中,中轨道卫星离地最近,同步卫星离地最远.则下
- 1若直线l过点M(-3,- )且被圆x2+y2=25所截得的弦长是8,则l的方程为__________.
- 2下列实验操作正确的是( )A.称量NaOH固体时,将其放入托盘天平左盘的纸上B.蒸发结晶时应将溶液蒸千C.分液漏斗使用
- 3受气候灾害影响,2010年韩国白菜一度创下每棵81元人民币的天价,这引起我国大白菜价格上涨。在利益驱动下,我国菜农扩大了
- 4国家游泳中心“水立方”体现了“科技奥运、人文奥运、绿色奥运”理念,建造时大量使用了一种轻型膜材料,该材料具有强度特别大、
- 5我国“化学”一词最早出于《 化学鉴原》(1871年)。该书把一种元素翻译为 “矽(xi)”。在地壳里“矽”的含量在所有元
- 6The flag looks especially beautiful _______________ the blue
- 7“言外之意”指话里暗含着的、没有直接说出的意思。请阅读下列语段,将言外之意写在横线上。(1)一位不知名的画家向著名画家门
- 8三个完全相同的杯子,里面装满水,把质量相同的实心铜球,实心铁球,实心铝球(已知铜、铁、铝的密度关系是ρ铜 >ρ铁
- 9针对目前严峻的物价形势,某市政府向城乡低收入群体发放临时价格补贴。这说明 [ ]A、财政具有促进资源合理配置的作
- 10当你带着微笑、温馨,自然、坦诚地伸出你热情的手时,一定会有一双和你一样真挚的手向你伸来。我们要获得真正的友谊,就应(