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With China's accession to the WTO, the countries stressed that the "introduction" and "going out" better combination of "going out" strategy to encourage SMEs in the form of cooperation with foreign countries to further increase, in recent years, with thethe country continues to expand the scope of the import and export operation rights registration system, a growing number of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises the right to self-import and export, into the first line of the international competition. In support of national policy, SMEs in China through various channels, to participate in international cooperation and competition, to further enhance its own strength. SMEs occupy a very important position in China's economic structure is an important part of the System of National Economy is the most active part of the healthy development of SMEs to national economic growth, expand employment and technological progress and so a very important role. However, SMEs in China to explore the international market has encountered many problems, makes it difficult to part of the development of SMEs, thereby affecting the stable operation of our economy, increasing employment pressure. Therefore, we must take effective measures, which include, constantly improve the promotion of SMEs in developing the international market policy; strengthen independent innovation, improve the technological content of products and services; an accurate grasp of market information, carry out the diversification of market development; actively carry out international exchanges and cooperation .
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