当前位置: > 1 )Cut a hole at the bottom of a paper cup( )Put it in a big pot( )Put the cup into the water(...
1 )Cut a hole at the bottom of a paper cup( )Put it in a big pot( )Put the cup into the water(
排序( 1 )Cut a hole at the bottom of a paper cup
( )Put it in a big pot
( )Put the cup into the water
( )Add some soil over the seeds
( 7 )In several days.sprouts come out of the soil
( )Choose a strong plant
( )Put two seeds into the cup
( )Cover the cup with an old
newspaper and put it in the house
( )Put soil into the cup
()Put the plant in the sun when it has three or four leaves and water it


( 1 )Cut a hole at the bottom of a paper cup开个洞在一个纸杯的底
(8 )Put it in a big pot把它放进大锅
(5 )Put the cup into the water茶杯放到水里
(4 )Add some soil over the seeds加一些土壤种子
( 7 )In several days.sprouts come out of the soil几天后,豆芽便长了出来.
( 2 )Choose a strong plant选择一株较好的植物
(3 )Put two seeds into the cup把两个种子放进杯子里
( 9 )Cover the cup with an old newspaper and put it in the house 将一张旧报纸盖住杯子并放入屋内.
( 6)Put soil into the cup放点土在杯子里
(10 )Put the plant in the sun when it has three or four leaves and water it让植物在太阳下面,但将三四片叶子放入水中
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