当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 其他 > 听下面一段材料,填写下文空中所缺单词。      Brett had made a great deal of trouble since he came to...
题型:0119 期末题难度:来源:
听下面一段材料,填写下文空中所缺单词。      Brett had made a great deal of trouble since he came to live with us when he was 1__________ years old.
I often told myself to love Brett. I tried to deal with him 2__________, but 3__________ I was feeling sad.
When Brett was nearly 18, he was sent to a 4_________ school which helped troubled teens. At the
5_________ ceremony Brett thanked me for loving him, and I realized love is action.
1. 12/twelve  2. patiently  3. inside  4. boarding  5. graduation
试题【听下面一段材料,填写下文空中所缺单词。      Brett had made a great deal of trouble since he came to】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
话仅读一遍。 1. What"s the weather like now?[     ]
A. Sunny.
B. Cloudy.
C. Rainy. 2. Where did the man go? [     ]
A. England.
B. Italy.
C. France. 3. What will the woman do tonight? [     ]
A. Stay at home.
B. Go to the man"s house.
C. Order a swimsuit. 4. Where is the bookstore? [     ]
A. Behind the bathroom.
B. To the left of the ATM.
C. Next to the grey door. 5. What does the woman think of the man"s job? [     ]
A. Tiring.
B. Stressful.
C. Well-paid.
题型:0123 期中题难度:| 查看答案
听下面一段材料,回答第1、2题。 1. What"s the probable relationship between the speakers? [     ]
A. Workmates.
B. Salesgirl and customer.
C. Boss and employee. 2. Why does the man want to buy his girlfriend a gift?[     ]
A. Her birthday is coming.
B. She likes gifts.
C. She is a little upset.
题型:0123 期中题难度:| 查看答案
听下面一段材料,回答第1、2题。 1. What subject does the woman like? [     ]
A. Mathematics.
B. English.
C. History. 2. What does the man"s brother think if he chooses history as a major? [     ]
A. He won" t be interested in it.
B. He won" t do well in it.
C. It will be hard for him to find a good job.
题型:0123 期中题难度:| 查看答案
听下面一段材料,回答第1-3题。 1. How is the woman now? [     ]
A. She is very well.
B. She is still seriously ill.
C. She is a little better, but annoyed. 2. Why did the woman wait for half an hour? [     ]
A. There were lots of other patients.
B. The clinic was out of service.
C. The doctor was late for work. 3. What does the man advise the woman to do? [     ]
A. Ask the doctor to take her temperature.
B. Take the drugs the doctor listed.
C. Go to a hospital next time.
题型:0123 期中题难度:| 查看答案
听下面一段材料,回答第1-4题。1. Who saw the movie Angels & Demons with Tom? [     ]
A. Lucy.
B. Mark.
C. Kate. 2. What did the man think of Angels & Demons? [     ]
A. It was soul-stirring.
B. It was interesting.
C. It was touching. 3. What" s the man" s favorite movie? [     ]
A. Angels & Demons.
B. The Da Vinci Code.
C. The Day After Tomorrow. 4. What did the woman promise Mark to do? [     ]
A. Do homework with him.
B. Buy a DVD with him.
C. Go to New York with him.
题型:0123 期中题难度:| 查看答案
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