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He only finished fourth in this year"s Super Boy talent show. But it didn"t stop him capturing (俘获) the hearts of thousands of fans. He can hit high notes with ease. And he is very modest. Zhang Jie,25,shed(流) sweat and tears all the way through the competition, but he never gave up.
“No matter how life treats him, he always fights back bravely ,”said Wu Chunyan, a Senior 2 student in Hubei.“He has never lost his dream of being a singer.”The road to fame is always rocky, and Zhang is no exception. As a college student he was majoring in tourism. He was considering becoming a tourist guide after graduation until he entered a singing competition.
His life changed after he competed in My Show. He won first place and signed with a record company.“I was very excited and regarded it as a way to take me closer to my dream,” he said. But the company gave him little money to make music and slowly began to ignore him. Zhang even borrowed money to buy costumes.“Life has its ups and downs. But the tough (艰难的) reality only makes me stronger,” he said.
He forgot he was once a champion of a talent show and joined Super Boy. His decision got support from his family who worked hard to make ends meet. His mother sold rice noodles on a street in his hometown, but she said she would “support him forever.”
“I have the dream to buy a large house for my parents, where my mom can get a large window sill (窗台) to grow flowers,” said Zhang.
小题1:Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.An easy way to successB.A rocky path to success
C.A clever boyD.A successful boy
小题2:From the passage, we can know that _________.
A.he once won the first place in Super Boy talent show.
B.he finished fourth in My Show.
C.he is an exception on his way to fame.
D.after signing with a record company, he didn’t get much money.
小题3:When he met with difficulty in a record company, he decided to _______.
A.join Super BoyB.tell the others he was a champion
C.give up on his way to successD.quarrel with the boss
小题4:Before he joined in a singing competition, his dream was to become________.
A.a great scientistB.a good college student
C.a famous singerD.a tourist guide



试题【He only finished fourth in this year"s Super Boy talent show. But it didn"t stop】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Remembering your dreams will require some efforts on your part. But what your dreams can offer and tell you about yourself will be well worth  it.  Here are some tips to help recall your dreams:
1. Before going to bed, keep a clear mind. Tell yourself that “I will remember my dreams when I wake up”. This is actually a proven and effective way to recall your dreams.
2. Have a regular bedtime and wake-up time. Make this your routine. Going to bed and waking up at a regular time every day could aid in dream recollection.
3. Avoid alcohol consumption and taking medicine before going to bed. These things may prevent you from remembering your dreams.
4. Keep a pencil and a notebook next to your bed so that they will be within reach as soon as you wake up. Having a small lamp by your bedside is also a good idea, so you wake up in the middle of the night and can record your dreams immediately.
5. Do not get out of bed immediately. Upon waking from a dream, lie still in your bed, keeping your eyes closed and moving as little as possible. Let your mind wander among the images of what you have just dreamed.
6. Write down as many details in your dreams as you can, no matter how seemingly unimportant they may be. Do not judge the content or worry if they make sense.
7. Sometimes it may help to draw pictures. A picture is worth a thousand words, as the saying goes. Even if you are not an artist, a simple drawing can help to recall details of your dreams.
小题1:This passage tells you ______ .
A.some useful tips to recall your dreamsB.the way to recall your dreams
C.the reason to remember dreamsD.many details in your dreams
小题2: Which of the following ways may NOT be useful for recalling dreams?
A.Avoiding taking alcohol and medicine.B.Not getting out of bed immediately.
C.Drinking a cup of hot milk.D.Writing down as many details as possible.
小题3:What does the underlined “it” in the first paragraph mean? ______   
A.Remembering your dreams.
B.Some tips to help recall your dreams.
C.Your making efforts to remember your dreams.
D.What your dreams can offer and tell you about yourself.
小题4: The author uses the saying “A  picture is worth a thousand words” to_______.
A.show that a picture is better than words
B.say a picture is equal to thousands of words
C.prove that it’s more important to draw pictures than to speak
D.indicate drawing pictures really helps to recall dreams

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
For centuries, the body’s blood has been linked closely with the emotions.People who show no human emotions or feelings, are said to be cold-blooded killer.For example, the police are searching for a cold-blooded killer.He seems to kill for no reason, and no emotion, as if taking someone’s life as nothing.
Cold can affect other parts of the body.The expression “get cold feet” has nothing to do with cold or your feet.The expression means being afraid to do something you have decided to do.For example, you agree to be president of an organization.But then you learn that all the other officers have resigned, and all the work of the organization will be your responsibility.You are likely to get cold feet about being president when you understand the situation.
The expression “give someone the cold shoulder” probably comes from the physical act of turning your back toward someone, instead of speaking to him face to face.You may give a cold shoulder to a friend who has not kept a promise he made to you.Or, to someone who has lied about you to others.
A cold fish is not a fish.It is a person.But it is a person who is unfriendly, unemotional and shows no love or warmth.A cold fish does not offer much of himself to anyone.Someone who is a cold fish could be cold-hearted.Now a cold-hearted person is someone who has no sympathy.Several popular songs in recent years were about cold-hearted men or cold-hearted women who, without feelings, broke the hearts of their lovers.
Out in the cold means not getting something that everybody else got.A person might say that everybody but him got a pay raise---he was left out in the cold.And it is not a pleasant place to be.
小题1:There are _________ expressions related to cold that are mentioned in the passage.
A.3B.4 C.6D.7
小题2:When you refuse to speak to a man and treat him in a distant way, you may express by “_________”.
A.I give him the cold shoulderB.I think he is a cold-blooded man
C.I think he is a cold fishD.I’m likely to get cold feet
小题3: If Sue shows absolutely no reaction to those awful pictures of starving children in Africa, you will say _________.
A.she is a cold-blooded killerB.she gets cold feet
C.she is a cold fishD.she is out in the cold
小题4:We can use the expression “__________” to describe a man who abandons or hurts his lover without mercy.
A.cold-bloodedB.cold shoulder
C.cold feetD.cold-hearted
小题5:The topic of this passage is about _________.
A.the relationship between cold and our body
B.some expressions about friendship
C.some expressions connected with cold
D.how cold weather comes into being

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Whether you’re taking a trip alone or with your family, it’s easier to get sick when you’re in a new place because your body hasn’t had a chance to adjust to the food, water, and air in a new environment. Read the following tips on keeping your travel experience as healthy as possible.
Safe foods and drinks
What foods are safe to eat? Foods that have been boiled are generally safe, as well as fruits and vegetables that have to be peeled before eating. Avoid eating uncooked or undercooked meat.
Stay away from foods that require a lot of handling before serving.
Drink only bottled water when traveling. If you have to use the tap water, you should boil it first.
You can take it with you
When you’re packing, taking some painkiller and diarrhea medicine is a good idea. It’s also a good idea to pack some allergy (过敏) medicine even if you don’t take it at home, because people sometimes unexpectedly develop allergic reactions in a new environment.
Write it all down
Before you leave your sweet home, create a medical history form that includes the following information:
your name, address, and home phone number as well as a parent’s daytime phone number
your blood typea list of any ongoing health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, or AIDS a list of current medicines you are taking a list of allergies to medicine, food, insects, and animals the name, address, and phone number of a relative other than your parent It also helps if you have some basic emergency medical knowledge, not only for yourself but also for helping others you may be traveling with. A great way to prepare for your trip is to take a first-aid or basic life support course before you go; if you’re traveling with a group, you should know where the first-aid kit is and what’s in it.
小题1: Which of the following word can replace the underlined word in Para.1?
小题2:What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Some travel tipsB.Danger of travelC.Travel experienceD.First aid in travel
小题3: According to the passage before you travel you’d better write the phone number of the following EXCEPT ______.
A.your ownB.one of your parentsC.one of your relativesD.one of your friends
小题4:Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?
A.Taking a first-aid course.B.Writing down your blood type.
C.Taking some necessary medicine.D.Telling your parents’ your plan.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Have you ever thought, “I wish I could take a year off and just travel around the world”?
Well,three lucky American teenagers were able to do just that.The teens—two males and one female--got an all-expenses paid, yearlong hike to five continents.
This trip didn’t include any five-star hotels or shopping funs.Eighteen-year-old Jamie Fiel from Keller, Texas, 17-year-old Arsen Ewing from Canyon, California, and 16-year-old Tyler Robinson from Lincoln, Massachusetts, didn’t expect fancy treatment.They signed up for the experience of a lifetime, which included hard work, often uncomfortable accommodations, and encounters with(遭遇) some of nature’s most dangerous animals and environments.
Jamie, Arsen, and Tyler were among hundreds of high school kids nominated by their science teachers to take this trip.Earthwatch Institute sponsored this adventure.Each year, Earthwatch employs thousands of volunteers worldwide to help with scientific research projects.
The group went all around the world to get a close look at the most pressing environmental issues of our time.Their assignments were as varied as their locations, and included measuring and attending pink flamingos in Kenya’s Great Rift Valley, and tracking giant sea turtles in Costa Rica.
As they worked with the Earthwatch scientists, Jamie, Arsen, and Tyler began to understand that we are at a critical moment in the life of our planet.Time for change is running out.As the teens went from country to country and witnessed different environmental dangers and challenges, they understood that solutions to important environmental issues start with the power of one person"s actions.They realized that each of them can make a difference.
小题1:These teenagers went on the journey around the world _____.
A.to experience the most serous environmental problems on the earth
B.to bring the kindness of America to the other parts of the world
C.to go on sightseeing around the world
D.to call on more teenagers to join Earthwatch Institute
小题2:What’s true about their journey?
A.They had to pay for their journey at their own expense.
B.They often had to move from one hotel to another.
C.They had to take great pains to collect environmental information.
D.They received a warm welcome every time they arrived at a new place.
小题3:It can be inferred that Earthwatch Institute could be _____.
A.an international university that takes in students from all over the world
B.a TV station that makes programmes on the beautiful scenery of the earth
C.a travel agency that organizes adventure trips specially for school children
D.an organization that brings science to life for people concerned about the earth’s environment
小题4:What did they these teenagers learn from the journey?
A.It was high time that people protected the environment.
B.Long journey was not suitable for school children.
C.It should take the whole world to help the children.
D.Environmental problems can be solved if school children take part.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的A、 B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Children model themselves largely on their parents. They do so mainly through identification. Children identify   36  a parent when they believe they have the qualities and feelings that are   37  of that parent. The things parents do and say---and the   38  they do and say to them--therefore strongly influence a child’s   39 . However, parents must consistently behave like the type of   40  they want their child to become.
A parent’s actions   41  affect the self-image that a child forms   42  identification. Children who see mainly positive qualities in their   43  will likely learn to see themselves in a positive way. Children who observe chiefly   44  qualities in their parents will have difficulty   45  positive qualities in themselves. Children may   46  their self-image, however, as they become increasingly   47   by peers groups standards before they reach 13.
Isolated(孤立的) events,   48  dramatic(突然的) ones, do not necessarily have a permanent   49  on a child’s  behavior. Children interact such events according to their established attitudes and previous training. Children who know they are loved can,   50 , accept the divorce of their parents’ or a parent’s early   51 . But if children feel unloved, they may interpret such events   52  a sign of rejection or punishment.
In the same way, all children are not influenced   53  by toys and games, reading matter, and television programs.   54  in the case of a dramatic change in family relations, the   55  of an activity or experience depends on how the child interprets it.
A.behavior B.wordsC.moodD.reactions
A.in turnB.neverthelessC.alsoD.as a result
A.negative B.cheerfulC.variousD.complex
A.seeB.seeingC.to seeD.to seeing
A.modifyB.copyC.give upD.continue
A.luckilyB.for exampleC.at mostD.theoretically
A.evenB.at allC.alikeD.as a whole

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