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Driving cars, trucks and motorcycles is an important part of our lives. We do it every day to get to work, to school or to friends" houses.
Traffic accidents declare millions of lives every year worldwide. In Taiwan alone, over seven people are killed in accidents every day. The annual death rate from traffic accidents in Taiwan is twice that of Japan.
To allow traffic to move smoothly and safely, everybody must follow the rules. Before you drive, learn all the traffic laws. That way of driving is safe, convenient and even fun!
小题1:The underlined sentence “Traffic accidents declare millions of lives worldwide” in the passage means “_______”.
A.Traffic accidents make some people become millionaires
B.Many people die from traffic accidents
C.Millions of people say they themselves have had traffic accidents
D.Millions of people remain healthy after traffic accidents
小题2:According to the passage, driving can be safe if _______. 
A.you are patientB.you obey all the traffic rules
C.you don"t cut another car offD.you wait in line at a red light
小题3:Which of the following may be the best title for this passage? _______.
A.Traffic SafetyB.A Careful driver
C.How To Drive A CarD.A Traffic Accident



试题【Driving cars, trucks and motorcycles is an important part of our lives. We do it】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
There are many different ways of seeing a town for the first time. One of them is to walk around it, guide-book   36  hand. Of course, we may   37  with our guide-books the history and   38  developments of a town and get to know them.   39  then, if we take out time and  40  in a town for a while, we may get to know it better. When we   41  it as a whole, we begin to have some   42  ,which even the best guide-books do not answer. Why is the town just  43  this, this shape, this plan, this size? Why do its streets   44   in this particular way, and not in any   45  way?
Here even the best guide-book   46  us. One can’t find in it the information about how a town has developed to the   47  appearance. It may not describe the original (最初的)   48  of a town. However, one may get some idea of what it   49  look like by walking around the town. One can also imagine   50  the town was first planned and built . Then one can learn more about in what direction the town   51  to develop.
What is the   52  of studying towns in the way? For me, it is   53  that one gets a greater depth of pleasure by visiting and seeing a town with one’s own eyes. A   54  visit to a town may help one better understand why it is attractive   55  just reading about it in a guide-book.
A.strangeB.similarC.separate D.special
A.look atB.look afterC.look forD.look up
A.used toB.seemed toC.had toD.happened to

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"Every time we had dinner, I felt awkward when my Chinese mom__21___asked me to eat more. My mom in American would__22___push me like that.__23___I couldn"t tolerate it any more, so I asked why she did that. She told me it was because she loved me and really looked__24___me as her own child and she worried about whether I felt hungry. From that point I understood that Chinese people had__25___a poor life in the past.__26___worries parents most is whether their children have enough food. Although their lives have dramatically improved, they are used to__27___the old concerns. I still don"t feel easy with constant___28__to eat, but when my Chinese mom tries to persuade me__29___more, I always thank her with a smile__30___feeling angry."
This story comes from Tyler, an American youngster who once lived in my neighbour’s home. His Chinese mom is Wang Huirong, a__31___from Beijing Normal University.
As economic__32___between the US and China become more frequent, an increasing number of American teenagers have become interested in Chinese culture, which seems very new and__33___ to them. Chinese has gradually become a(n) __34___choice for American high school students studying a second language. Tyler"s father has a trade relationship with China stretching back to the beginning of reform and opening-up, which gave Tyler the opportunity to have__35___to China from a very young age.
"Only__36___and opening-up has allowed us to have a lovely American teenager come and visit us frequently. I couldn"t even imagine that in the past. Before we actively sought to avoid __37___relations. None of us could ever have imagined that one day we would live with foreigners __38___we were from the same family." says Wang with deep feeling.
Tyler"s Chinese has improved a lot. When he first arrived at Wang"s home he often watched the retiree__39___ she spoke, but couldn"t respond. Wang often felt anxious and asked for my help with translating. But now Tyler has no problem__40___with us in Chinese.
A.eatB.eatingC.to eatD.ate
A.other thanB.but thanC.insteadD.instead of
A.likeB.as ifC.asD.even if
A.chatB.chattingC.to chatD.chatted

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I love science and science fiction. Like many science fiction fans, I am fascinated by the possibility of time travel. However, one must combine romance with reasoning and look into the chances of time travel critically.
First of all, we must remember the whole universe is in motion. If we want to go back to yesterday, our "time machine" has to move back in time and space. If someone claimed he was at home when he suddenly travelled 200 years back in time, he either had an illusion or made the story up. Two hundred years ago, Earth was in a different place in space, so how can you travel back 200 years without moving in space? Don"t get me wrong. I am not knocking the genius of science fiction writers. H.G. Wells"s "The Time Machine" is a great work of fiction, but that’s all. I have read many other time travelling science fiction stories since reading H.G. Wells, but none address this problem of displacement.
My own argument for the impossibility of time travel is that physical states of the past no longer exist and those of the future are not here yet. To be able to move back and forth in time requires everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen everywhere in the whole universe at every single moment in time-past, present, and future-to be stored as a "reality" somewhere-like the save game file of a computer game that contains every single byte of information of the game at the point it was saved, but you would need an almost extremely large file and almost extremely many of them-so it can be re-entered and communicated with, and not just light signals for viewing. To me, I don’t buy it.
小题1:Which of the following can be the best title?
A.How to make time travel possible?
B.Why am I fascinated by time travel?
C.Why do I think time travel is not possible?
D.How to explain the possibility of time travel?
小题2:What’s the meaning of the underlined word “illusion”?
小题3: According to the author, which of the following is RIGHT?
A.We can go back to the past by time travel.
B.People can travel to the future by moving in space.
C.“The Time Machine” is nothing more than a science fiction.
D.Everything that happened, is happening and will happen can be stored somewhere.
小题4:In the author’s opinion, time travel might be possible if                            .
A.people could combine romance with reasoning
B.people could stop the movement of the whole universe
C.people could use time machine under the instruction of H.G. Wells
D.people could “save” everything in the past, present and future in a certain space

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People playing computer games to train their brains might as well be playing Super Mario, a new research suggests. In a six-week study, experts found people who played online games designed to improve their cognitive skills didn’t get any smarter.

Researchers recruited(招募) participants from views of the BBC’s science show Bang Goes the Theory.More than 8,600 people aged 18 to 60 were asked to play online brain games designed by the researchers to improve their memory, reasoning and other skills, for at least 10 minutes a day, three times a week.
小题1:What’s the purpose of online brain games according to the designers?
A.To take part in the study.
B.To draw public attention to computer.
C.To provide free service to teenagers.
D.To improve players’ IQ.
小题2:How many people were inveolved in the study made by the researchers?
A.About 60.B.Only 2700.C.8600 or so.D.Around 11,300.
小题3:.What’s the result of the study about online games?
A.Those who didn’t play online games felt disappointed.
B.Those who played online games proved smarter.
C.Online games don’t improve the players’ skills at all.
D.Online games will be more popular than before.
小题4:The best title for the passage may probably be         .
A.Don’t Play Games Any MoreB.New Study of IQ
C.Brain Games Don’t Raise IQD.Brain Games and Super Mario

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The first English week at our school started on May 4th, 2009. The whole school was filled with an English learning atmosphere. A series of activities was held. There were handwriting activities, story writing, English songs, role playing in English, and so on, all the teachers and students were very happy. They spoke English, sang English songs and enjoyed all the activities.
Handwriting was for the students in lower grades. Although most of them couldn’t write so well, they were all very careful about it. In the show window, there were a lot of colorful handwritten papers. They copied some articles from books or newspapers. And then they decorated them with pictures in different colors, and some even put their own photos on them. How cute and lovely they looked!
Story writing was for students in Grade 7 and Grade 8. These students are always fond of cartoons, so they got interested in this activity. Reading the stories they made up, all the visitors couldn’t help speaking highly of them.
The most important event was the English show on the last day. The students and teachers presented(上演) a lot of English songs and English operas. Each program won storms of applause.
One week is not very long, but all the students and teachers learned a lot. Just as the headmaster said, “It is a helpful week. It will certainly lead us to enjoy and learn more from our English studies.”
小题1:In this passage, the English week is described as__________.
小题2:Which of the following is Not true?
A.All the students took part in the handwriting contest.
B.The story writing contest was for students in Grade 7 and Grade 8.
C.The English show was the most important event.
D.Teachers also took part in the English week.
小题3: What does the underlined word “applause” probably mean?
小题4:What does the writer probably want to tell us at the end of the passage?
A.The activities are a good way to learn English.
B.Students usually don’t like English.
C.The activities last longer.
D.Learning English in the classroom is invaluable.

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