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     I find some of the ways in which Chinese parents show love for their children rather surprising.
Obviously there are some pretty big differences between our behavior and theirs in this respect. Most
Chinese children seem to get whatever they want, from ice creams, sweets and toys to endless attention
from the adults around them.Is this a sort of spoiling or love? I wonder.
     Most westerners would think it is a sort of spoiling rather than love. We think love means educating
your children and bringing them up to lead an independent life. That includes learning to accept the fact
that he can"t get everything he wants. As an adult, he will not always get the quite expensive car he hunts
for; she will not always manage to acquire the beautiful dress she longs for. So we try to teach our
children early to cope with the disappointment of not getting what they want.
     I find too much such kind of love for the children can actually spoil them. To my surprise, it seems
that the life of a Chinese child is rather hard. Without doubt, the child is the very center of a whole circle
of adults, but on the other hand he or she is also expected to start studying according to adults"wishes.
Many children of my son"s age take piano lessons, painting classes and even English lessons. It looks as
if Chinese adults think that just playing without learning anything is a waste of time. So in this respect our
children appear spoiled, just because they are allowed to play. But without this sort of play how can
Western children develop such free and rich imaginations? In fact, the connection between this
imagination and the creativity is so important in the children"s future life.1. In which way do most Chinese children seem to be spoiled?A. They can be supported by their parents.
B. They can play whenever they want.
C. They need not behave themselves.
D. Their demands can always be satisfied.2. In the author"s opinion, the life of a Chinese child is __________.A. rather hard  
B. rather easy
C. independent  
D. colorful3. The author thinks Western children appear spoiled because __________.A. they can manage time by themselves
B. they can have the freedom to play
C. they can take piano lessons
D. they may have expensive toys4. The best title of the passage could be __________.A. Chinese children"s early education
B. How to develop kids" imagination
C. What is the real love for children
D. The imagination and the creativity
1-4: DABC
试题【阅读理解     I find some of the ways in which Chinese parents show love for their ch】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解     From the first use of the rocket to carry satellites into space to the setting up of space stations,
human beings have been putting great effort into space research. And so far, we have achieved many
successes. But there are still numerous tasks in front of us and we should not cease trying to progress.
     The international space station is an important step we should take in space exploration. It is not
only helpful but also essential. It provides a proper space environment for many experiments that we
have wanted to do for a long time. It is also a base for the observations of the earth and the universe. It
could also be an important base for later travel to the moon and Mars. In a word, if we want to explore
space more, the first thing we should do is to set up a space station.
     As the space station costs a lot of money, it is hard for one country alone to establish one. The USA
seems to be the only country that has the ability to build a space station alone, and it has tried to do so,
but not very successful. So it aggregated many other countries to work on it together. Though it is still
extremely expensive, it is much cheaper than doing it alone. It is really a job that needs everyone"s effort
and will benefit everyone.
     But even so, the funds needed are still a big problem. As for the USA, it seems that it has too many
things to spend its money on. Although it is the richest country in the world, it has much debt every year.
It has to make arrangements about its finance, a try to find a balance in all these issues.1. What is the author’s attitude towards building and developing the international space station?A. Supportive.    
B. Doubtful.
C. Critical.  
D. Dissatisfied.2. From Paragraph 2 we learn that __________.A. the necessity of building the international space station is not realized now
B. many experiments have been done in the international space station
C. the international space station is necessary for people to explore space more
D. people have traveled to Mars from the international space station3. Which of the following is NOT a reason for countries" cooperation in building the international
space station?A. That it requires a lot of money.
B. That it needs everyone’s effort.
C. That it will benefit every participating country.
D. That it is too far away from the earth.4. The underlined word "aggregated" in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by "__________". A. united  
B. scolded
C. allowed  
D. forbade5. Which of the following aspects about building the international space station is NOT mentioned in
the passage?A. Difficulties.  
B. Cooperation.
C. Significance.  
D. Specific arrangements.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
     Each new school year brings fresh reminders of what educators call the summer learning gap. Some
call it the summer learning setback. Put simply, it means the longer kids are out of school, the more they
forget. The only thing they might gain is weight. Recent studies show that children gain weight more
quickly in the summer vacation than when they are in school.
     Most American schools follow a traditional nine-month calendar. Students get winter and spring
breaks and about ten weeks of summer vacation. Some schools follow a year?round calendar. They
hold classes for about eight weeks at a time, with a few weeks off in between. But many experts point
out that the number of class days in a year-round school is generally the same as in a traditional school.
     Last year, a study at Ohio State University reported that year-round students did not learn any more
than other students. Lead researcher Paul von Hippel said "year-round schools don"t really solve the
problem of the summer learning setback. They simply spread it out across the year".
     Across the country, research shows that students from poor families fall farther behind over the
summer vacation than other students. Experts say this can be prevented. They note that many schools
and local governments offer the programs that can help.
     But calling them "summer schools" could be a problem. The director of the summer learning center
at Johns Hopkins, Ron Fairchild, recently wrote about this issue on his blog.
     He said that in American culture, the idea of summer vacation is connected to the beliefs about
freedom and the joys of childhood. He said research with groups of different parents in Chicago and
Baltimore found that almost all strongly disliked the term summer school. They said it created an image
of children being forced to do work they missed during the school year. 1. Which of the following is the result of the long summer vacation?A. Kids become much stronger.
B. More kids drop out of school.
C. Kids become poor in learning.
D. Kids take part in all kinds of activities. 2. Some American schools have their vacations ________. A. every two months  
B. every few weeks
C. every three months  
D. every four months3. The study at Ohio State University suggests that ________. A.  the traditional calendar is better than the year-round one
B. the year-round calendar is better than the traditional one
C. the traditional calendar is as bad as the year-round one
D. the year-round calendar is the same as the traditional one4. The summer vacation is most likely to have bad effect on the kids ________. A. who are too young  
B. whose families are poor
C. who are too naughty  
D. who don"t work hard5 According to American culture during the summer vacation kids ________. A.  should try their best to improve their lessons
B. must choose to take part in one of the programs
C. should do what they like and enjoy themselves
D. must be forced to make up for their poor lessons
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     What exactly are white lions?"They are a color variation of regular lions,"says William
Swanson,director of animal research at the Cincinnati Zoo,in Ohio.
     White lions are the result of a rare color gene mutation(变异).When both a male and
a female lion carry the same white genes,there is a good chance that one or more of their
cubs(幼兽)will be born with white fur.
     Not many lions carry the white mutation.In nature,it"s rare.A mutation can make an
animal"s survival more difficult.For example,being white makes it harder for the animal to
mix with its surroundings.Mutations also can cause physical problems,so those animals
generally do not survive long enough to reproduce.
     But sometimes white lion cubs are born among wild lions,especially in two areas of
South Africa.
     In 1975 two white cubs were spotted in the wild in South African reserve.They were
seized and sent to a zoo.Today about 500 cubs of those two white lions and a few others
known to have the white color gene live around the world in zoos,circuses,farms and private
      White lions may be extremely rare in the wild,but breeders(饲养动物的人)know how
to create more of them.This has created serious concern and debate.
      White lions continue to exist only because they are inbred by people-fathers and
daughters,sisters and brothers.Scientists worry that it also will cause health issues for white
     Inbreeding to create white lions as moneymaking attractions is only one concern.Another
concern is that some people want to release captive-bred(人工繁殖的)white lions into
the wild in South Africa to restore balance to the ecosystem.However,not everyone agrees
that releasing these white lions into the wild is a good idea.Dan York of Hillsdale College
has been studying white lion genetics and is worried.He says that because so many of today"s
white lions are inbred,it could spread health problems.If they breed with wild lions,they"ll
pass on the genetic problems to the wild population.
     Instead of releasing captive-bred white lions,York suggests that South Africa concentrate
on protecting all of its wild lions.That would ensure the safety of the wild population of lions,
which may produce healthy white cubs in the future.1.It"sdifficultforawhiteliontosurvivebecause__________.


2.What does the underlined word "inbred" in Paragraph 7 probably mean?A.kept in enclosed space and unable to run away
B.bred in human-controlled environments with restricted settings
C.produced by breeding among closely related members
D.born among wild lions and kept in the zoo3.One of the reasons for inbreeding white lions is that __________.A.they can bring people a profit
B.their fur can be of great use
C.people want to keep white lions as pets
D.people want to study the genes of white lions4.Which of the following agrees with Dan York"s opinion?A.It"s useless studying white lion genetics.
B.White lion cubs born among wild lions are more healthy than captive-bred ones.
C.White lions shouldn"t be kept in zoos or circuses.
D.The ecosystem in South Africa is being seriously damaged.5.It can be inferred from the passage that __________.A.white lions are seldom seen in the wild
B.color gene mutation is common among lions
C.South Africa is taking strict measures to protect its wild lions
D.white lions will disappear from the earth soon
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     Today we tell you about some new understanding of why cutting the main branch of a plant
or tree can lead to better development.
     The findings are from researchers on two_continents.Professor Prezemyslaw Prusinkiewicz
of the University of Calgary in Canada led the research with scientists from Britain and Sweden.
Their study appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
     Researchers have known since the 1930s that the actively growing tip of a plant produces
a hormone(荷尔蒙)called auxin(生长素).This hormone flows down the main stem.Scientists
say the auxin has an indirect effect on buds(芽)on the side of the stem to prevent branching.
T     hese buds themselves also produce auxin.The research suggests that to grow,they have
to be able to export the hormone into the main stem.But the flow from the stem tip prevents
them from doing this.The researchers wanted to find out how this blocking happens.
     Professor Prusinkiewicz is on leave in Australia,but he sent us an e-mail suggesting a
simple way to understand the process.Think of a major road crowded with traffic.So many
cars are on the main road that the cars on the side roads cannot enter.
     The stem is like the crowded main road.The new research shows that the buds on the
side cannot export their auxin into the main stem because it is too full.But if that main shoot
is pruned(修剪),other buds below it can start exporting.They are no longer prevented from
     Ottoline Leyser from the University of York says that after a plant is pruned,all the
inhibited(被抑制的)shoot tips compete with each other to grow.In doing this,the branches
influence each other"s growth.Nearby shoot tips are more likely to affect each other than those
that are far apart from each other.
     Professor Leyser says the strongest branches grow best,wherever they may be on the
plant.The study found that the main shoot grows the best of all not because of its position at
the top of the plant,but mostly because it got there first.

1.The underlined part "two continents" in Paragraph 2 refers to"__________".A.Asia and Africa
B.Africa and Europe
C.North America and Europe
D.Australia and Europe2.Professor Prusinkiewicz compares the cars on the side roads to __________.A.plant stems  
B.plant buds
C.the leaves of a plant  
D.the roots of a plant3.To make the buds on the side of the stem to grow better,the main shoot should __________.A.be cut off
B.be protected
C.be watered as much as possible
D.be given much auxin4.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?

A.Researchers have recently found out that the growing tip of a plant produces hormones.
B.Auxin has a direct effect on buds to keep branches from growing.
C.Buds on the side of the stem can’t produce hormones.
D.In order to grow,the buds on the side of the stem export the hormones into the main stem.

5.Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?A.Why shoot tips grow fast?
B.When and how to prune plants?
C.Scientists help cut the mystery behind pruning
D.The great scientist-Prezemyslaw Prusinkiewicz
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阅读理解。    Camille Mahlknecht,9,has some big fun planned for this weekend.She and other residents of Agoura
Hills,California,plan to pick up trash during their city"s annual cleanup.At the same time,Wissam Raed,12,
will be busy volunteering too.Thousands of miles away in Lebanon,Wissam plans to put on a play at an
orphanage and bring potted plants to elderly people at a senior citizen center.
    Some other children like Nathan White,10,have personal reasons for volunteering.Nathan"s grandmother
died of a heart attack.To help raise money for medical research,Nathan participated in Jump Rope for
Heart.He and five other boys took turns jumping rope for two and half hours and collected more than US
$1,200 in donations for the American Heart Association.
    Millions of children around the globe lend a hand to their communities every year.Schools and parents
also contribute to the rise in youth service.For example,many schools offer community service activities for
students to join.Teachers either combine volunteer work with classroom lessons or make service work a
requirement.Parents,on the other hand,encourage their kids to volunteer and do it with them.
    Community service is particularly important in this depression time.As the need for monetary support
and other aid has increased,many charitable organizations have experienced a significant drop in donations.
Camille and other children who volunteer thousands of hours annually can fill in some of the gaps.
     According to research, kids who start  volunteering are  twice as likely  to continue doing good deeds
when they are adults.So,grab a paintbrush,a trash bag,or whatever you need to help your community.You"ll
love how you feel after helping others.Even dirty work can be lots of fun,if it"s for a good cause.1.What"s the writer"s purpose of writing this passage?A.To recommend youth service programs to schools.
B.To ask charity organizations to serve the community.
C.To urge children to take part in volunteering activities.
D.To propose alternatives for doing community services.2.What is the main idea of the 3rd paragraph?A.Community service is gaining popularity among children.
B.Families and schools help to make community service popular.
C.Children now depend more on their teachers than on their parents.
D.Nathan White had a special reason to raise money for medical research.3.Why is community service important in a time of depression?A.It raises money for school activities.
B.It teaches children to take care of the sick.
C.It gives charity organizations some needed help.
D.It encourages parents and teachers to work together.4.What can be inferred from the passage?A.Community service can help prevent juvenile delinquency(青少年犯罪).
B.Children will probably leave school and work as volunteers.
C.Organizing sports events for the school is a kind of community service.
D.Children who do volunteer work are more likely to grow up to be caring adults.
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