当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 动词及动词短语辨析 > At a beach or a swimming pool a lifeguard is a person who is responsible for ___...
At a beach or a swimming pool a lifeguard is a person who is responsible for __________ other swimmers and protecting them from accidents.
A.turning toB.watching overC.watching outD.digging out

短语辨析。A. 转向   B.看守;照管C.小心;提防    D.掘出;发现。句意:在海边或者游泳池,救生员是一个负责照管他人,防止他们出现事故的一个人。故选B。
试题【At a beach or a swimming pool a lifeguard is a person who is responsible for ___】;主要考察你对动词及动词短语辨析等知识点的理解。[详细]
The English in the future will be quite different from the English of today. It is possible that some English words may even ________ completely.
A.die down B.die outC.die offD.die of

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—Who telephoned you just now?
— don’t know. I was about to answer the phone when it ________.
A.rang upB.rang offC.hung onD.rang back

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The fact that many college graduates get lower pay than some workers has ______ a heated discussion.
A.set outB.set aboutC.set upD.set off

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In spite of the great difficulties, Helen Keller ______ studying and finally succeeded.
A.stuck toB.kept up withC.kept onD.insisted on

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—What’s wrong with your ipad? The sound        is not clear.
—Yes. It has been broken for some time.
A.come outB.coming outC.to come outD.came out

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