当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 介词和介词短语 > . _______ the fact that he was seriously ill, he still decided to come to the me...

. _______ the fact that he was seriously ill, he still decided to come to the meeting.


试题【. _______ the fact that he was seriously ill, he still decided to come to the me】;主要考察你对介词和介词短语等知识点的理解。[详细]

They went out ______ water.
A.in search ofB.in a search of
C.in searchD.search

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For miles around me there was nothing but an island, without a single plant or tree ______.
A.in sightB.out of sightC.in placeD.out of place

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Most people are _________ bringing down the price of housing as it is too high.
A.in honour ofB.in seaceh of C.in charge ofD.in favour of

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The visiting Americans are also interested in Chinese food        Chinese culture.
A.in additionB.exceptC.in addition toD.except for

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Would you please turn your radio      a little?  I’m tired now and feel like sleeping.       

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