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As time went by, the plan stuck ______ fairly practical.
A.to provedB.to provingC.provedD.to be proved


试题分析:考查分析句子。句意:随着时间的推移,被坚持的计划被证明相当实用。本题为省略which/that的定语从句,proved是the plan的谓语,stick to的宾语是which/that,prove在这里是"证明是;结果是;事实说明"的意思,用作连系动词,主动表被动,选A。
试题【As time went by, the plan stuck ______ fairly practical.A.to provedB.to provingC】;主要考察你对数词等知识点的理解。[详细]
Last Sunday, our class took part in the Volunteers’ activities小题1: _______(组织)by ourselves. We were divided into four groups. Group 1 went to the People’s Park, 小题2:_________ they planted trees and watered flowers,小题3:_________the park more beautiful. Group 2 made小题4:e______ to clean the bus station thoroughly and it took小题5: _________ a new look. Group 3 helped小题6:r_______ money in the street for more poor children to小题7:a______ their schooling fees. Group 4 put on wonderful小题8:__________(表演)at the old people’s home. After the activities we were all tired小题9: _________ very happy. Not until then did we realize deeply that it was better to 小题10:_________ than to receive
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Mary’s skirt looked just the same as Joan’s, but it cost __________ hers.
A.as much twice asB.twice as much asC.much as twice asD.as twice much as

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_________ the progress of science and technology, the discomfort of old age will no doubt always be with us.
A.As forB.In addition toC.Except forD.In spite of

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I refuse to lie about it--it’s against all my _________.

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