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There is an old saying about volunteer work that goes like this: "No one can do everything, but everyone can do something."
Today, many people volunteer their time and energy to help others. There are a lot of ways to meet other people"s needs, and it seems there is a volunteer group for everything. Some provide education, while others offer adventure. Many do both. For example, some volunteers provide emergency help after a catastrophic event or disaster. Others are happy to get dirty while repairing homes or planting trees or flowers in poor neighborhoods. Young people see suffering and loneliness around them and find ways to help. And history lovers help archeologists search for ancient objects to help deepen knowledge of the past.
The volunteers also work in many areas around the world, including Haiti. More than two years have passed since a seven point zero earthquake shook the nation. The exact number of people who died may never be known. Estimates gave numbers from ninety five thousand to more than three hundred thousand.
Thousands of survivors of the Haitian earthquake still live in temporary shelters. Last year, former American President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn joined five hundred Habitat volunteers in the town of Leogane to build houses.
Organizations do not have to be large to get volunteers. An activist group in Dharamsala, India is a good example. Jodie Underhill from England arrived in northern India several years ago. She planned to volunteer for an environmental project. She found a lot to do there. She could hardly believe how much garbage was ruining some of the area"s most beautiful sights. Miss Underhill learned about _______________________ while taking part in other volunteer projects. But soon enough she formed her own group, Mountain Cleaners. Miss Underhill says the work is very hard and the Indian media started calling her "Garbage Girl." But she says she was pleased with the name.
小题1:What does the passage mainly talk about? (no more than 8 words)
小题2:What does the underlined word “both” (Line 3, paragraph 2) probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)
小题3:What did former American President Jimmy Carter do as a volunteer? (no more than 8 words)
小题4:Fill in the blank in paragraph 4 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)
Miss Underhill learned about __________________ while taking part in other volunteer projects.
小题5:What kind of volunteer jobs do you want to join? And why? (no more than 20 words)

小题1:The volunteer work is found everywhere. / Many people volunteer their time and energy to help others/ Many people like to do voluntary work
小题2:Education and adventure
小题3:They did the work of building houses./ Building houses/ To build houses
小题4:how to control the garbage/ how to deal with garbage/ how to clean the garbage/ how to protect the environment
小题5:(open answer)

小题1:根据第二段“Today, many people volunteer their time and energy to help others.”和第三段“The volunteers also work in many areas around the world”可知,文章讲的是志愿服务,志愿者的身影穿梭在世界各地,他们从事着各种各样的志愿工作,故填The volunteer work is found everywhere. / Many people volunteer their time and energy to help others/ Many people like to do voluntary work.。
小题2:根据“Some provide education, while others offer adventure.”可知,划线词指的是教育和冒险,故填Education and adventure。
小题3:根据“Last year, former American President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn joined five hundred Habitat volunteers in the town of Leogane to build houses.”可知,卡特在海地帮忙修建房屋,故填They did the work of building houses./ Building houses/ To build houses。
小题4:根据“She could hardly believe how much garbage was ruining some of the area"s most beautiful sights.”可知,Miss Underhill从事的志愿工作与保护环境有关,通过志愿服务,Miss Underhill学会了怎样处理垃圾来保护环境,故填how to control the garbage/ how to deal with garbage/ how to clean the garbage/ how to protect the environment。
小题5:I want to join in some activities about how to protect our environment. Because pollution is becoming worse and worse.这道题是开放性题目,学生只要言之有理,皆可得分。
试题【There is an old saying about volunteer work that goes like this: "No one can do 】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
Ecotourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in tourism. More and more of us are becoming concerned about the effects we are having on the destinations we choose, as well as the world around us. Some of us are choosing more green modes of transport to get there instead of flying, and some of us are choosing to visit greener destinations. India is one of the best places for ecotourism, and with the destinations below you can be sure that you’ll not only be protecting the earth, but giving something back to the area too.
Kerala, more commonly known as “God’s Own Country”, is a beautiful state on the southern tip of India. It’s a biologically diverse area, with many unique animal species, and almost 2,500 plant species in its tropical forests—that’s nearly a quarter of all India’s plant groups. In the past, though the forests in this area were much cleared, today they are well protected. There are plenty of wildlife reserves where you can see some of these unique animals.
With tourism developing in the area and money brought in, more attention can be given to protecting its plants and animals, ensuring that the people in the area have a better quality of life.
Arunachal Pradesh, situated on the most northern tip of India, is a resort for the more adventurous. With dry, desert heat in the summer and a snowfall best avoided in the winter, this area is less about greenery, and more about stunning desert landscapes. When visiting this amazing area, you"ll be promoting locals earning income from their surroundings, encouraging them to make the most of them and preserve them, as well as gradually increasing their quality of life.
As a north Indian province, Ladakh supports much rare and even endangered plants and animals, which can be seen at Hemis High Altitude National Park. There are also many Tibetan monasteries, including the Hemis Monastery, to visit in the area.
小题1:Why do people regard Kerala as a biologically diverse area? (no more than 15 words)
小题2:What’s the author’s attitude towards the tourist industry in Kerala? (no more than 6 words)
小题3:What can the tourists enjoy in Arunachal Pradesh despite much hardship? ( no more than 4 words)
小题4:According to the passage, where would you like to go if you intend to study some endangered animals and plants? (no more than 7 words)
小题5:What is the passage mainly talking about? (no more than 6 words)
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[1]Oops! In your rush to get to school, you drop a piece of toast on the floor. Do you throw it away or decide it’s still OK to eat? If you’re like most people, you eat it. Maybe you follow the “5-second rule”, which claims foods are safe to eat, if you pick them up within 5 seconds of dropping them. But you might want to think again. Scientists now say that 5 seconds are all it takes for foods to become contaminated with enough bacteria to make you sick.
[2]Bacteria can cause many kinds of illnesses. Some kinds of bacteria can grow on food. If we eat foods on which these bacteria are growing, we can become sick. One of these food-borne bacteria is Salmonella. It makes 1.4 million people sick every year. Earlier this year, 370 people became sick after eating peanut butter that had been contaminated with Salmonella at the manufacturing factory. Salmonella are often found in raw eggs and chicken. Cooking kills these bacteria, which is why it is so important to cook eggs, chicken, and other foods carefully.
[3]Being a good housekeeper is another good way to prevent infection. If household surfaces aren’t washed thoroughly, they can support Salmonella for weeks. A team of scientists at Clemson University in South Carolina have tested the 5-second rule, using sandwich ingredients. First, they placed a known amount of Salmonella cells on three surfaces: wood, tile, and carpet. They then placed a slice of bread and a slice of bologna(博洛尼亚大红肠) on each surface for 5, 30, or 60 seconds. After just 5 seconds, both the bread and bologna picked up enough bacteria to make you sick.
[4]So forget the 5-second rule. If your toast lands on the floor, throw it away. Stick a fresh slice of bread in the toaster. And this time, be careful not to drop it!
小题1:What is the “5-second rule” mentioned in the first paragraph? (no more than 18 words)
小题2:Why is it important for us to cook food carefully?(no more than 5 words)
小题3:What advice is given to prevent infection in the last paragraph? (no more than 10 words)
小题4:Why did the scientists at Clemson University carry out that test? (no more than 15 words.)
小题5:What is the author’s attitude towards the 5-second rule? (one word)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
【1】Classroom programs designed to improve elementary school students" social and emotional skills can also increase reading and math achievement, even if academic improvement is not a direct goal of the skills building, according to a study to be published this month in American Educational Research Journal.
【2】The benefit holds true for students across a range of social-economic backgrounds. In the study, "Efficacy of the Responsive Classroom Approach: Results from a Three Year, Longitudinal Randomized Controlled Trial," the researchers looked specifically at Responsive Classroom (RC), a widely-used social and emotional learning intervention(介入方式).
【3】The study is among just a handful of randomized controlled trials that have examined the effect of social and emotional learning interventions on student achievement.
【4】"We find that at the very least, supporting students" social and emotional growth in the classroom does not interfere with academic learning," said Rimm-Kaufman, professor at the University of Virginia Curry School of Education. "When teachers receive adequate levels of training and support, using practices that support students" social and emotional growth actually boosts achievement."
【5】Math and reading gains were similar among those students who qualified for free and reduced-priced lunch and those who were not.
【6】"The success of many curricula(课程)requires that teachers use effective classroom management and develop student confidence and autonomy(自主)," said Rimm-Kaufman. "Our trial of the Responsive Classroom approach suggests that teachers who take the time to foster relationships in the classroom and support children"s self-control actually promote student achievement."
【7】"In a time of intense academic demands, many critics question the value of spending time on teaching social skills, building classroom relationships and supporting student autonomy," said Rimm-Kaufman. "Our research shows that time spent supporting children"s social and emotional abilities can be a very wise investment."
小题1:What’s the main idea of the passage? (no more than 10)
小题2:What skills were improved according to the study? (no more than 4)
小题3:How do the researchers carry out the study? (no more than 6)
小题4:What do critics question about the study? (no more than 15)
小题5:What’s the purpose of the passage? (no more than 6)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Across the world, mobile phones are very popular with young people. They think that the phones are more than a means of communication — having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected.
The explosion in mobile phone use around the world has worried some health professionals. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people will suffer from health problems because of the use of mobile phones. But mobile phone companies say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for health.
On the other hand, why do some medical studies show changes in the brain cells of some people who use mobile phones? Signs of change in the tissue (组织) of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at a young age due to the fact that he couldn’t remember even simple tasks. The man had been talking on his mobile phone for about six hours a day for a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use.
What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation. High-tech machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about.
As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that it is better to use mobile phones less often. Use a normal phone if you want to talk for a long time. Use your mobile phone only when you really need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient, especially in emergencies. So, for now, it is wise not to use your mobile phone too often.
小题1:Why do young people buy mobile phones according to the passage?
(No more than 11 words) (2 marks)
小题2:Why did the salesman mentioned in the passage retire young?
(No more than 7 words) (2 marks)
小题3:What do the manufacturing companies think of the safety issue of mobile phones?
(No more than 14 words) (3 marks)
小题4:What’s the purpose of the author’s writing this passage?   (No more than 11 words) (3 marks)                                            
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
[1]Jogging is a great way to have fun and stay in shape.But is it safe? Yes,it can be,as long as you are making it safe.There is no reason that you can’t share the road with everyone.
[2]First of all,it is best to run with a partner,just in case something would go wrong.But some people enjoy running as a way to be alone and get away for a while.I must admit I am guilty of this one myself. So if possible,bring a cell phone.and I always carry it in my hand if I don’t have pockets.
[3]I know the number one worry when jogging on the road is traffic.You can’t control who is driving on the road,but there are precautions that you can take.Avoid running at night,even with reflective clothes. And also avoid running in bad weather.When conditions are bad,try to use alternative fornls of exercises.
[4] Next if you plan to run for a long distance,make sure_______________________.
You’ll need to drink a lot of water after sweating.If you plan to run in the country and might not have access to the fountain,then bring a light bottle with you.Wearing proper shoes is also important.Not wearing proper shoes can cause blisters,rashes,and even more serious injuries such as sprained ankles.
[5]Warm-up is a must when jogging,especially for long distances.If you don’t,cramps(痉挛)are very likely to happen,and they are not fun at all,not to mention pulling or straining muscles. I like to take a very light warm-up exercise,just around the block or down tbe driveway.This allows your muscles to loosen up so you can stretch.
[6]Jogging is a great exercise and great pastime,Be safe,be aware and have fun.
小题1:What’s the main idea of this passage?(no more than 6 words)
小题2:Fill in the blank in paragraph 4 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)
小题3:Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 into Chinese.
小题4:List three things a jogger should pay attention to based on the text.(no more than 10 words)
小题5:Why does the writer suggest taking a cell phone for jogging?(no more than 10 words)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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