当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 社会现象类 > I am a student in Grade Three. I began to learn English three years ago. English...
I am a student in Grade Three. I began to learn English three years ago. English isn’t very  16  to learn. But I like it very much.
  17  do I study English?
In the first year, I found   18  very difficult to memorize new words. At first I   19  a lot of time on them. I learned new words only   20  reading and writing.   21  a few days later I forgot them. Later, with the help of my teachers, I came to know how to do it well. I paid more attention to   22  and spelling. For example:

  23 , I have learned a lot of new words. Every morning after I get up, I do some reading. At school I   24  to speak English with my classmates and go over   25  I have learned.
Nothing is too hard if you put your heart into it.
A.By the wayB.In this wayC.To begin withD.Later on



小题3:此题考查代词,固定句型结构sb find it+adj+to do sth。
小题5:此题考查介词,by doing sth。
小题7:此题考查固定短语pay attention to sth(doing sth)下文说的是拼写和读
小题8:此题考查固定短语in this way用这种方法。
小题9:此题考查固定句型结构try to do sth表示尽力做某事。
试题【I am a student in Grade Three. I began to learn English three years ago. English】;主要考察你对社会现象类等知识点的理解。[详细]
American country music is very old. It came from the United States, Canada, Ireland, and Great Britain. It’s a mixture (混合物) of music from all of these places.
In West America, cowboys (牛仔) had to take care of the cattle. They had to watch them all day and all night because the cattle sometimes ran away. A cowboy’s life was lonely and dangerous. When he was alone in the desert (荒野) with the cattle, he drank strong coffee to stay awake at night. He sang about the stars and the moon, about his family and his friends. The cattle listened to the cowboy and went to sleep. They didn’t run away if he sang beautiful songs.
In South America, many people came from Ireland and England. Other people came from France and Canada. They enjoyed their own kind of music. When they visited their friends and families on holidays like Christmas, they usually sang and played country music.
American country music describes (描写) life. It talks about love, jobs, home and money. People in many parts of the world like western country music because everyone knows something about these ideas.
小题1:The passage is about ________.
A.the cowboy’s life
B.the life in America
C.American country music
D.the people who lives in America, Canada, Ireland, and Britain
小题2:The word “cattle” means “________” in the passage.
小题3:What was a cowboy’s life like?
A. Lonely.             B. Very interesting
C. Dangerous.          D. A and C.
小题4:Why didn’t the cattle run away when a cowboy sang beautiful songs?
A.Because the cattle knew he didn’t leave them.
B.Because the cattle enjoyed the music so much that they went to sleep.
C.Because he didn’t let them go.
D.Because he was very bad.
小题5:What does American country music describe?

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When someone says, “Well, I guess I’ll have to face the music”, it doesn’t mean that he is going to hear a singer. It is something far less happy, as you are called in by your leader to explain why you did this and did that or why you did not do this or that.
At some time or another, every one of us has to “face the music”, especially as children. We can all remember father’s angry words “I want to talk to you.” And only because we did not listen to him. What a bad thing it was!
In the middle or at the end of every term, we students have to “face the music”. The result of the exam will decide whether we will face the music or not. If you got a “D” in the exam, that means parents’ cold faces and the contempt(轻视) of the classmates.
“To face the music” is well-known to every American, young or old. It is at least 100 years old. It really means that you have to do something, no matter how terrible the whole thing might be, because you have no choice.
小题1:“To face the music” means “to         ”.
A.do something that we don’t like to
B.go to the theatre
C.go to the music show
D.do something we want to
小题2:After the exam, we’ll have to “face the music”. That’s why          .
A.we like to take the exam
B.we are afraid of taking the exam
C.the exam is very important
D.we are afraid of passing the exam
小题3:Which of the following is wrong?
A.“To face the music” is well-known in the US.
B.“To face the music” has a history of more than 100 years.
C.The young Americans know the meaning of “to face the music”.
D.Only the old in the US know the meaning of “to face the music”

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Australia is the smallest continent(洲) in the world. It is a little smaller than China. It is near the south of the equator(赤道).So when it is summer in our country, it is winter in Australia.
Australia has a small population (人口).The population of Australia is nearly the same as that of Shanghai, a city in China.
Australia is famous for its sheep and kangaroos. After driving for a short time from any town, you will find yourself in the middle of white sheep. Sheep are everywhere. Have you seen a kangaroo? It has a “bag” below its breast(胸). The mother kangaroo keeps its baby kangaroo in the “bag”. It is very strange, isn’t it?
小题1:China is __________than Australia.
小题2:It is ________in Australia when it is summer in our country.
小题3:Australia is famous for its  _________.

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Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa. It is also the second largest lake in the world. It is an important lake because it is one of the sources(源头) for the longest river in the world, the Nile River. Lake Victoria provides a source of water, food, and power(电力) for several African countries. Lake Victoria is a big part of African life.
Unfortunately, Lake Victoria has a problem. It is shrinking. There are several power stations at Lake Victoria in Uganda. These are on the Nile River, and besides producing power, they keep the water of the lake at a certain level. For the past forty years, that level has been 11.9 meters. Over the last several years, the water level has dropped by about 2.5 meters. There seem to be several reasons for this drop.
One possible reason is drought(干旱). Drought has been very bad in the area since 2000. Lake Victoria gets all of its water from rain, so the drought means less water in the lake.
However, some environmentalists believe that the real problem is the power plants(工厂) on Lake Victoria. Uganda depends on those power plants for most of its power, and they made the power plants larger in 2000. Many people believe the power plants have been taking too much water off Lake Victoria. As a result, they have been asked to use less water until Lake Victoria goes back to its old level.
Whether the low water level is caused by drought or power plants, the result is the same. This is already a poor area of Africa, where many people live a really hard life. People, animals and plants around Lake Victoria will suffer even more from low water levels on the lake. Many people need Lake Victoria for fishing or growing food. Fish need the water to live, and animals need it for water. Plants around the lake will die without the water, and then more animals and people will suffer. Unless the lake fills soon, many people will suffer and die.
小题1:Lake Victoria is __________.
A.an important lake in Africa
B.the largest lake in the world
C.the source of water, food and power for America
D.the only source for the Nile River
小题2:What does “It is shrinking” most probably mean?
A.It is becoming larger.
B.It is becoming more beautiful.
C.It is becoming smaller.
D.It is becoming more useful.
小题3:The water level of Lake Victoria is now __________.
A.2.5 metersB.11.9 metersC.14.4 metersD.9.4 meters
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Rain water is the only source for the lake.
B. There has been little rain in the lake area since 2000.
C. The power plants in Uganda provide water for the lake.
D The power plants in Uganda were made larger in 2000.
小题5:According to the passage, how can we solve the problems around Lake Victoria?
A.People must build more power plants.
B.More sources of water must be found.
C.Every country should offer some money to Africa.
D.All the people living in the area should move to another place.

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As time goes by, sports have become more and more important in people’s modern life. People take part in different kinds of sports, like football, basketball, table tennis, swimming and so on.
Sports are popular all over the world. People also like watching sports matches. Sports stars are very popular with people, especially students.
There are sports matches all over the world nearly every day, but the most important and famous are the Olympic Games (奥林匹克运动会). Every athlete (运动员) want to win the games. At that time all sports fans sit in front of TV to watch games. Some even go to the stadium (体育馆) to watch.
Why are sports so popular? Because sports can keep our body strong. Do you like playing sports? How often do you exercise?  
小题1:______become an important part of people’s life.
小题2:People can ______.
A.change sports rulesB.take part in sports
C.watch sports matchesD.Both B and C
小题3:The Olympics Games are ______.
A.Car races (赛)B.sports match
C.World CupsD.Asian Games
小题4:In the Olympics athletes try their best to ______.
A.win the gamesB.show their strong body
C.keep healthyD.make money
小题5:Which of the following is not trueaccording to the passage?
A.Sports can keep our body strong.
B.There aren’t sports matches nearly every year.
C.Sports are popular all over the world.
D.Sports stars are very popular with students.

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