当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 完形填空     My middle school"s student rules are very strict,    1    I think they ...
完形填空     My middle school"s student rules are very strict,    1    I think they are very good. Observing the rules is everyone"s
   2   . Rules keep students from    3    fights, skipping classes, smoking, and destroying public property. A number of
students"    4    are very bad. They like to destroy public property, for    5   ,they break the water pipes in the men"s room.
None of the men"s rooms in this school have intact windows    6    some people like to break them! These are bad boys,
doing evil things!
     But, the majority of students can observe the rules. The rules are enforced    7    punishment. For instance, the    8   
time you get into a fight at school, they"ll let your parents come and bring you home. The second time, they kick you
out of the school and you have to transfer to    9    school!
     I like the student rules at my middle school, because the rules    10   the school more peaceful and quiet. It makes the
school a better environment for studying.(     )1. A. and  
(     )2. A. idea  
(     )3. A. having
(     )4. A. think
(     )5. A. long  
(     )6. A. that  
(     )7. A. by    
(     )8. A. next  
(     )9. A. other
(     )10. A. have B. so      
B. thing  
B. have    
B. thinking
B. example
B. so      
B. for    
B. first  
B. another
B. stayC; but      
C. job      
C. to have  
C. thoughts
C. time    
C. because  
C. on      
C. one      
C. the other
C. makeD. then    
D. duty    
D. to having
D. brains  
D. ever    
D. if      
D. to      
D. once    
D. others  
D. let      
1-5   CDACB   6-10   CABBC
试题【完形填空     My middle school"s student rules are very strict,    1    I think they 】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
请阅读下列材料,找出与题意相对应的五幅图画。(     )1. If the person has stopped breathing, you must try to start his/her breathing at once. The  best thing
           is to  use the mouth-to-mouth way. Lay the person on his/her back and breathe" into his/her mouth.
(     )2. If the person is bleeding (流血) badly, you must try to stop the bleeding. Press on the bleeding
           point with  a piece of clean cloth and hold up the part of the body which is bleeding.
(     )3. If you are bitten (cut by teeth) by an animal, wash the cut under cold running water. Cover the
           broken part, if there is any, with a piece of clean cloth. Then see a doctor as soon as possible.
(     )4. If you are burnt (hurt by fire or something very hot), cool the burnt part at once. Run cool ( not
           cold)water over the burn until it is less painful. Put a piece of dry clean cloth over the burnt part.
(     )5. If there is a fire, never use a lift in the building, because it"s very dangerous. The lift may get trapped
           between floors. Use the stairs and leave the building at once.
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Read the directions of medicine before you take it.
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  2 tablespoonfuls  
      Mr Wood is very old. He has seen many changes in his hometown.
      He knows that things are different now. But he never forgets the old days. He
likes to talk about them. He often talks about his favorite birds, the robins. "When I
was a boy, these houses were not here. There were wide fields and tall trees. Every
spring the robins would come. Thou sands of them would fly up to the north from the south. They spent the winter in the south. Some would build their nests(巢)in the trees near our houses. Then people started to cut down trees, and they built more houses. The robins stopped coming. They couldn"t build their nests near our houses because
there were no trees. "
     "Now there are too many houses and too many roads. There are no places for the robins. They do not come any more. "
1. Mr Wood often talks about          .
A. his old house        
B. the old days
C. his life now          
D. his family
2. The birds, the robins, spent the winter in        .
A. the south            
B. the west
C. the north            
D. the east
3. Then people _       trees because they wanted to build more houses.
A. cut down            
B. planted
C. bought              
D. watered
4. From the passage we can know that       .
A. Mr Wood likes his new life now
B. there were many houses there in the old days
C. the robins can make their nests without trees
D. Mr Wood is not happy with the changes there
     It"s hard to make friends if you stay home alone all the time. Get out of the house and do things that will put you in touch with other People. It"s easier to make friends when you have similar interests.
     Don"t be afraid to show people what you"re really good at. Talk about the things you like and do best. People will be interested in you if there is something interesting about you.
     Look at people in the eye when you talk to them. That way, they"ll find it easier to talk to you. or
people, may think you"re not interested in them and may stop being interested in you.
     Be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before talking about 66 me, me, me .Ask lots of
questions. Show an interest in their answers.
     Try to make friends with the kind of people you really like, respect, and admire (羡慕) not
just with those who are easy to meet. Be friendly with a lot of people. That way, you"ll have a bigger group to choose from and have more chances for making friends.
1. How can we have more friends, get in touch with other people or stay at home?
2. When Jim talks to people, he always looks right, left, or at the floor. Do you think it"s right? Why or
    why not?
3. Cindy always talks about herself when she talks to other people. What advice do you think   she needs
    to follow?
4. What should you do if you want to have more chances for making friends?
5. What"s the main idea of the passage?
     You are welcome to Hong Kong Disneyland! When you enter the park, you"ll be walking back in time. In Main Street
USA, you will see old-time taxis and yellow street, lamps. This is a small US town in the early 1900s. If you go into the
shops or restaurants, you can enjoy delicious food!
     A train may take you to a beautiful place high in the air. It"s Sleeping Beauty Castle. Now you are in Fantasyland! It"s
the home of your favourite Disney stories. Why not talk to Donald Duck? You can sit on a flying elephant, take a spin
(旋转)in the teacup, or go under the sea! In Adventureland, you"ll go into a dark jungle(丛林地带). Follow the river,
surprises wait for you at every corner. In the middle of the river is an island with a tree-house. You can also watch the
dancing and music from the Disney classic(经典) The Lion King.
     Science-fiction(科幻小说) fans will get excited in Tomorrowland. You can join a cartoon character to save the world.
It"s also cool to rocket(乘火箭) through outer space in own spaceships!
     Here, you"ll find surprises that are not in other Disneyland parks. Mickey even wears a red-and-gold Chinese suit.
Mulan will have her own pavilion(亭子).The fireworks at night are even played to go with music!
     任务:Cheng Ping来到了香港迪斯尼乐园,假设你是当地导游,请你根据材料相关信息,带Cheng Ping去能满足她愿望的地方。
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Cheng Ping wants to

You could take her to

take pictures with Mulan.

Mulan Pavilion

get some information on space.

take old cars.

see the whole park.

have a picnic.
