当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 听短文,填上所缺的单词。     I have a    1    neighbour (邻居).Her name is Yang Lan.She is    ...
听短文,填上所缺的单词。     I have a    1    neighbour (邻居).Her name is Yang Lan.She is    2    years old.She lives with her family in    3    .She likes English very much.She does very well in it.Every morning,she gets up very early.Then
she reads     4    .She comes to the    5    at 7:30 by    6    .In the English class,she listens to the teacher
very carefully and she oftenanswers the teacher’s questions.All her classmates    7    her be-cause she is a    8    nice girl.
1.good  2.fourteen 3.Beijing 4.English 5.classroom 6.bus 7.1ike 8.very
试题【听短文,填上所缺的单词。     I have a    1    neighbour (邻居).Her name is Yang Lan.She is    】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
任务型阅读。     A French woman goes to London to see her son. She knows a little English,but cannot speak it very
     One day she goes to a shop. She wants to buy a hen (母鸡)for supper. But she cannot remember the
English word for “hen”. Just then the shop waiter asks her,”Can I help you?”
     "I want the egg’s mother,”the woman answers.
     The shop waiter does not understand (明白)her and says,“Sorry,we have not any bigger eggs. ”
     Suddenly the woman remembers(记起)the word“cock”. She says,“I want the cock’s wife!”
     This time the shop waiter laughs. 根据以上内容,完成短文
     A French woman goes to    1    to    2    her son. She can’t speak   3   very well. One day,she goes to a   4   and wants to buy a    5     for supper. But she can’t remember the English word for "    6   ". She
says she wants the    7    mother. The shop waiter doesn’t     8    . Then she says she wants the   9   wife.
The shop waiter    10    .
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     You know that the sea is salty. You can taste the salt. Some parts of the sea are saltier than other
parts. There is one sea, called the Dead Sea, which is very salty. It is so salty that swimmers cannot
sink! Fish cannot live in the Dead Sea. What a strange sea!
     The sea can be very cold. Divers, who dive deep down in the sea know this. On the top the water
may be warm. When the diver goes downwards, the sea becomes colder and colder. Another thing
happens. When the diver goes deeper, the water presses up on him. So the diver has to wear clothes
made of metal. Some people who want to go very deep use a very strong diving ship!1. The water in the Dead Sea is _____ the water in other seas.A. as salty as                    
B. not so salty as    
C. much saltier than              
D. more salty than2. Fish cannot live _____ .A. in the sea                    
B. in the river    
C. in the lake                  
D. in the Dead Sea3. If you dive deep down into the sea, you will have to wear clothes _____.A. made of metal                
B. made of iron  
C. made of cotton                
D. made of nylon4. The water on the top of the sea is _____that at the bottom of it.A. much warmer than              
B. much colder than    
C. as warm as                    
D. as cold as5. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Everyone can"t swim in the sea.    
B. No one can swim in the river.
C. Each one can swim in the lake.      
D. Everyone can swim in the Dead Sea.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。A: Good morning, Lucy!
B: (1)________ (2)________, Bob!
A: How (3)________ you?
B: I’m (4)________. Thanks. And (5)________?
A: I’m fine, too.(     )1. A. Thank
(     )2. A. girl  
(     )3. A. are  
(     )4. A. yes  
(     )5. A. us    B. Good  
B. boy  
B. am    
B. sure  
B. you   C. Hello  
C. morning
C. is      
C. here    
C. her     D. Hi  
D. lab  
D. it                                     
D. fine
D. his                                
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     My name __1__ Lily. I am eleven . I"m a new student in Class Six,  __2__ , No. 3 Middle shool. My
 teacher is Miss Zhou. She is __3__ . But I"m  __4__ American.  I have a sister. __5__ name is Lucy.  
 We are twins.
     I am  __6__ duty this morning,I can"t look  __7__ my sister. At school I help my teacher put her
 books, maps, and pictures on her  __8__. I tell my teacher, "Everyone is here. "But I am  __9__ Jim is
 not at school. I don"t  __10__ Where he is. I think he is at home. (     ) 1. A.  am          
(     ) 2. A.  Grade one    
(     ) 3. A.  English      
(     ) 4. A.  a            
(     ) 5. A.  Her          
(     ) 6. A.  on          
(     ) 7. A.  here        
(     ) 8. A.  desk        
(     ) 9. A.  OK          
(     ) 10. A.  think                                 
B.  is        
B.  Grade one  
B.  Japanese  
B.  am        
B.  She        
B.  at        
B.  on        
B.  chair      
B.  all right  
B.  know       
C.  are        
C.  grade one  
C.  Chinese    
C.  the        
C.  Her"s      
C.  in          
C.  at          
C.  bed        
C.  fine        
C.  do          
               D.  be        
D.  grade one  
D.  American  
D.  /          
D.  She"s    
D.  of        
D.  after      
D.  book      
D.  wrong      
D.  thank                              
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
     Sandy is an English boy.  He is thirteen.  He"s a student.  Sue is Sandy"s sister.  She"s eleven.  She"s a
  student, too.  Sandy"s shirt is white.  Sue"s dress is red.  They"re nice students.  Their father and mother
  are English teachers.
1.  Sandy and Sue are_____.
    A.   teachers    
    B.  brothers      
    C.  students
2.  Sandy"s father and mother are_____.
    A.   students    
    B.  teachers      
    C.  friends
3.  Sandy is _____and Sue is _____.
    A.  thirteen, eleven 
    B.  eleven, thirteen
    C.  eleven, eleven
4.  Sandy is in a _____shirt. 
    A.  red        
    B.  black        
    C.  white
5.  Sue is in a _____dress. 
    A.  white      
    B.  red          
    C.  black
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