当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > This is my friend, Tom. He        from England. He is thirteen years old. He    ...
This is my friend, Tom. He        from England. He is thirteen years old. He        a round face, big eyes and a          mouth. His hair          short.          favorite food is chicken. Look          the photo          his family. The men        the sofa are his parents. They are office       . Tom and I are good friends. We are in the same grade, but in different       .
小题1:A.comes                  B.come                C.are
小题2:A.have                   B.has                  C.is
小题3:A.big                 B.wide                 C.long
小题4:A.are                 B.is                   C.am
小题5:A.He                  B.His                  C.He’s
小题6:A.like                    B.in                   C.at
小题7:A.to                     B.of                   C.for
小题8:A.on                     B.at                   C.with
小题9:A.worker                 B.workers              C.work
小题10:A.classes                B.class                   C.grades


小题3:.考查形容词及语境的理解。句意,他长着圆脸大眼和大嘴。A.big大 B.wide 宽  C.long长。形容嘴可以用大.故选A。
小题4:.考查系动词及语境的理解。句意,他的头发短。A.are是(复数)B.is是(单三)C.am是(主语是I);因为主语是his hair不可数名词,所以要用单三。故选B。
小题5:.考查代词及语境的理解。句意,他最喜欢的食物是鸡肉。A.He 他B.His 他的C.He’s他是;这里是所属关系。所以要用his。故选B。
小题6:.考查介词及语境的理解。句意,看他家人的照片。A.like喜欢;像B.in在……里C.at在……;看……ook at...。故选C。
小题7:.考查介词及语境的理解。句意,看他家人的照片。A.to 到……B.of……的C.for为了;表示“……的”的介词是of。故选B。
小题8:.考查介词及语境的理解。句意,在沙发上的是他的父母。A.on在……上面B.at  在……  C.with和……;在沙发上用介词on。故选A。
小题10:.考查名词及语境的理解。句意,我们在相同的年级,但是在不同的班级。A.classes班级B.class 班级C.grades年级;因为是different,所以后面接classes复数。故选A。
试题【This is my friend, Tom. He        from England. He is thirteen years old. He    】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
I have a happy family. It’s not very big. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father is tall with big eyes. He is a bus driver. My mother is short with long hair. She is a teacher. She teaches Chinese in my school. I’m a boy with black hair and big eyes. I’m a student. My parents love me very much. My family is happy.
小题1:Four people are in my family.
小题2:My father is a bus driver.
小题3:My mother is tall with long hair.
小题4:I’m a boy with big eyes and black hair.
小题5:My family isn’t very big but very happy.
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Mr. Brown is from Canada. He lives in china now. He usually has bread and milk for breakfast. And for lunch, he would like fish with vegetables and some rice. Jiaozi is Mr. Brown’s favorite food and he has it for dinner. He likes Chinese food very much.
小题1:Mr. Brown is in        now.
A.Canada               B.China                C.England
小题2:Mr. Brown has        for lunch.
A.fish                 B.bread                C.milk
小题3:Mr. Brown likes        a lot.
A.rice                 B.fish                 C.jiaozi
小题4:Mr. Brown doesn’t have        for breakfast.
A.vegetables           B.bread                C.milk
小题5:Mr. Brown has        meals(餐)a day.
A.2                    B.3                    C.4
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Dear Jane,
I’m in China now. The friends are all kind to me. We often go out for a picnic on Sundays. We take oranges, bananas and hamburgers with us. We take drinks like Coke and apple juice. We often go fishing and fly kites. We get some water and cook, too. We like cooking. We are all very happy. I’m very glad to be here.
小题1:The letter is from       .
A.Jane                 B.Lucy                 C.the friends
小题2:They take        with them.
A.apples               B.hamburgers           C.eggs
小题3:They drink       .
A.bananas              B.oranges              C.Coke
小题4:They don’t       .
A.sing some songs      B.go fishing               C.fly kites
小题5:      is glad to be in China.
A.Lucy             B.Jane                 C.the friends
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The weekend comes again. Grace is       with her mother. She wants her mother to      a new coat for her.
In a clothes shop, she finds an orange coat. That’s her favourite colour. She tries it on, but it is too      . She wants a larger (较大的) one. But the larger one is not       . Grace doesn’t like other colours. Her mother says, “      go to another shop to have a look.” Then they go out of the shop and come into the next one.
This shop is very big and there        many kinds of coats. Grace likes an orange one and asks, “       is it?”
“538 yuan,” answers the shop assistant (店员).
Grace’s mother        it is too expensive and she doesn’t have so        money with her.
“Would you like this orange one? It’s only 210 yuan,” says the shop assistant.
“Oh, it looks good. Do you think so, Grace?”
“OK. Let’s        it.” Grace’s mother pays for it.
A.largeB.smallC.cheap D.expensive
A.orange B.whiteC.yellow D.black
A.We’reB.They’reC.Let’s D.It’s
A.isB.areC.has D.have
A.How manyB.How muchC.What color D.What size
A.talks B.speaksC.says D.tells
A.many B.muchC.few D.little
A.take B.tidyC.compare D.enjoy

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Tim and Li Fang are not going to have any classes next week. They’re going to work on a farm. They are going to leave at about seven thirty on Monday morning. They are going to travel to the farm by bus. They are going to wear old clothes because they are going to grow rice. They are going to have fish for lunch. They are also going to have a swim at the farm.
Tim and Li Fang are excited about going to the farm. Not only are they going to help around the farm, they are going to learn about farming.
Li Fang is worried that Tim won’t arrive on time to catch the bus because he is nearly always late. Li Fang often has to say to him, “Don’t be late, Tim.”
小题1:When are Tim and Li Fang not going to have any classes?
A.Tomorrow.B.Next week.C.Next month.D.Next year.
小题2:What time are they going to start?
A.At 7:00 a.m.B.At 7:30 p.m.C.At 6:30 a.m.D.At 7:30 a.m.
小题3:What are they going to do there?
A.Grow rice.B.Play.C.Eat fruit.D.Pick apples.
小题4:How are they going to the farm?
A.By bike.B.On foot.C.By busD.By car.
小题5:Who is often late?
A.Tim.B.Han MeiC.Li FangD.Both Tim and Li Fang

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