当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 >    Frank bought a new doorbell, but nobody seemed to notice it. When his friends...
   Frank bought a new doorbell, but nobody seemed to notice it. When his friends came, they knocked heavily at the door. Frank was not happy about it.
One day a friend came to see Frank. He knocked at the door loudly. Frank came to the door, but didn’t open it. He shouted at the visitor from inside. “ I can’t hear you! Please ring the doorbell!”
小题1:What did Frank buy?
小题2:Why wasn’t Frank happy?
小题3:Who came to see Frank one day?
小题4:Why didn’t Frank open the door?
小题5:Did Frank hear the knock?

小题1:Frank bought a new doorbell.
小题1:When his friends came, they knocked heavily at the door.
小题1:a friend
小题1:Because he knocked at the door loudly.
小题1:Yes, he did.

小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:Frank bought a new doorbell.可知Frank买了个新门铃。
小题1:从第一段的句子:When his friends came, they knocked heavily at the door. Frank was not happy about it.可知答案是When his friends came, they knocked heavily at the door.
小题1:从第二段的句子:One day a friend came to see Frank.可知是一个朋友来看他:a friend
小题1:从第二段的句子:He knocked at the door loudly. Frank came to the door, but didn’t open it. 可知是因为朋友大声的敲门:Because he knocked at the door loudly.
小题1:从最后一句话“ I can’t hear you! Please ring the doorbell!”可知frank是听到了: Yes, he did.
试题【   Frank bought a new doorbell, but nobody seemed to notice it. When his friends】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Jeff Keith has only one leg. When he was only twelve years old, Jeff had cancer. Doctors had to 16  off most of his right leg.
 17  Jeff puts on an artificial leg(假肢). The leg is plastic. With the plastic leg, Jeff can ski, ride a bicycle, swim, and play soccer. He can also run.
Jeff made a plan with his friends who had plastic legs,  18 . They decided to  19  across America. They all wore special T-shirts. 20  it was “Run, Jeff, Run, Jeff Keith’s Run Across America”.
Jeff Keith ran across the United States from the east to the west  21  he was twenty-two years old. He started running in Boston(波士顿). Seven 22  later, he stopped 23  in Los Angeles(洛杉矶). He ran 3,200 miles (1 mile =" 1.6093km)." Jeff wore out thirty-six pairs 24  running shoes and five plastic legs. Jeff 25  in cities on the way to Los Angeles. In every city people gave Jeff money. The money was not for Jeff, 26  for the American Cancer Society. The Society used the money to help people know  27  about cancer.
On the way to Los Angeles, Jeff talked to people about 28 . Jeff is disabled, but he can do many things. He finished college and is studying to be a lawyer(律师). Jeff says, “People can do 29  they want to do. I want people to know that. I ran 30 for disabled people. I ran for everybody.”
A.Every dayB.One dayC.Some dayD.A day
A.months  B.daysC.hoursD.minutes
A.running B.to runC.walkingD.to walk
A.not onlyB.notC.onlyD.just

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Mr. Smith was an old miser (守财奴). He had a lot of   16  , but he never bought anything     17 . He and his wife lived in an old house outside the town. He often went to the shop  18  in order to save some money. In the   19 , as soon as it was dark in the room, he   20 . He had no TV but bought a cheap radio and often 21 the advertisements.
The old man had no   22 , his wife was often ill. He wouldn’t send her to the hospital. He thought he would   23  much to the doctors if they looked her over. He bought a few medical books and bought some  24  for her.
One night, Mrs. Smith felt unwell. She had got a bad headache. She asked her husband to      25 a doctor, but he didn’t agree. He brought out some pills and made her  26  them. But it was no use.
The old woman began to   27  at home. Mr. Smith locked the door and went in another room and     28  there. The next morning, when he woke up, he came into her   29 to see if she was all right. But he found the poor woman had died. He hurried to the telephone, but   30  his mind at once. He ran out and shouted to the servant (佣人), “Don’t cook breakfast for Mrs. Smith this morning, Linda!”
A.booksB.shoes C.clothesD.money
A.on footB.by carC.by taxiD.by motorbike
A.went to danceB.went to the cinema
C.read newspaperD.went to bed
A.listened toB.watchedC.mendedD.looked at
A.look forB.take care of
C.catch up withD.send for
A.takeB.drinkC.to takeD.to drink

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  Mike is a factory worker. He is often very tired after a day’s work. His wife, Jenny, has no job, so she stays at home to cook the meals. Every day he can have his dinner when he gets home from his factory.
  One day, Mike came home very late because he was very busy in the factory. He was very hungry when he got home.
  He was not happy when he found his dinner was not ready. He was very angry with his wife. He shouted at her, “I’m going out to eat in a restaurant.” “Wait for five minutes,” said his wife. “Why? Do you think that dinner will be ready in five minutes?” asked Mike.
  “Of course not,” she answered. “But I can be ready to go with you in five minutes.” 
小题1:Mike works in________.
A.a factoryB.an officeC.a schoolD.a hospital
小题2:Jenny stays at home because ________.
A.she likes cookingB.she loves her husband very much
C.she doesn’t have a jobD.she doesn’t want to work
小题3: One day, Mike came home very late because________.
A. he wanted to have dinner in a restaurant
B. he had a lot of work to do
D. his wife didn’t cook dinner
小题4:Mike was________when he found his dinner was not ready.
A.happyB.gladC.hungryD.not happy
小题5:Which sentence is correct?
A.Jenny could have dinner ready in five minutes.
B.Jenny wanted to go to the restaurant with her husband.
C.Jenny didn’t like the dinner at home.
D.Jenny didn’t love her husband.

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Li Shizhen was born in 1518. His father was a poor doctor. Li Shizhen often saw that people fell ill. He decided to study medicine so that he could be able to help people. Li Shizhen read many books about medicine. He found many of the old medical books to be full of mistakes. So his wish was to write a new one.
He did his best to study medical science. He studied not only the herbs(草药)in his own garden, but also the wild ones. He set out many times on long journeys to collect herbs and talk with old farmers. He learned a lot from the working people.
After many years of hard work and study, Li Shizhen finished his great work “Ben Cao Gang Mu”(本草纲目). At that time he was sixty. His book is now one of the greatest contributions(贡献)of the Chinese people to the medical science of the world.
小题1:Li Shizhen’s father was       .
A.a soldierB.a doctorC.a teacherD.a peasant
小题2:Li Shizhen decided to study medicine because he wanted to        .
A.making a livingB.become famous
C.help the people who fell illD.get more money
小题3: Li Shizhen wanted to write a new medical book because       .
A.he was a doctor
B.he liked writing books
C.many medical books were full of mistakes.
D.he was a writer
小题4:“Ben Cao Gang Mu” is       .
A.a medical bookB.a medical worker
C.a herbD.a dictionary
小题5:Li Shizhen collected a lot of          on his long journeys.
A.flowersB.living thingsC.plantsD.herbs

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Hello, everyone.Nice to meet you.It is my   16  day (天) in the school.My first name is Jenny.My family   17  is Green.I’m   18  Class Two.My phone   19  is 886-3068.There are   20  people (人) in my family, my parents, my two brothers and I.My brothers and I are   21 .We are in the same (相同的) school.Look, this is my good friend    22     name is Sally.She is   23  English girl.She is in Class   24 , too.  25  are in the classroom.We are talking happily (快乐交谈).
小题1:A.first   B.last C.middle
小题2:A.color   B.name C.number
小题3:A.in  B.at   C.of
小题4:A.number  B.member   C.notebook
小题5:A.four    B.three    C.five
小题6:A.friends B.sons C.students
小题7:A.His B.Her  C.She’s
小题8:A.a   B.an   C.the
小题9:A.One B.Two  C.Three
小题10:A.Sally and me   B.I and Sally  C.Sally and I
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