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That is the only way we can imagine ______ the waste of water in students’ bathroom.
A.stop B.stoppedC.stoppingD.to stop


试题分析:句意:这是我们能假设唯一的方法去阻止学生的浴室浪费水。分析句子中we can imagine做way定语,因此为去阻止的方法,用动词不定式。故选D
试题【That is the only way we can imagine ______ the waste of water in students’ bathr】;主要考察你对分词等知识点的理解。[详细]
The song named “Where does time fly” make me          my parents far away.
A.think ofB.thought ofC.think overD.thought over

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car ____.
A.washedB.washC.washingD.to wash

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----Do you know why he left so early?
----___________ for the English test, I guess.
A. Study        B. Studying        C. To study
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We should do everything we can          the environment .
A. to protect             B. protect              C. protecting 
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---Mary dances best in our school.
---I agree. I’ll never forget ______ her dance for the first time.
A.seeingB.to seeC.seeD.seen

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