当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 介词的分类 > —How do the children cross the river to go to school in that small village? —Th...
—How do the children cross the river to go to school in that small village?
—They cross the river _________.
A.on a ropeway B.by bikeC.by the boatD.on foot


试题分析:句意:--在那个小村庄里的孩子们怎样过河?--他们通过索道过河。A. on a ropeway在索道上; B. by bike 骑自行车; C. by boat坐船,这里不能用 the,故排除C; D. on foot步行。根据句意故选A。
试题【 —How do the children cross the river to go to school in that small village? —Th】;主要考察你对介词的分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
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A.for; forB.for; ofC.of; ofD.of; for

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