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试题【听句子,选择合适的答语。(   )1. A. He is a teacher.                (   )2. A. Thanks.       】;主要考察你对特殊题型等知识点的理解。[详细]
题型:江苏期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:四川省期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:四川省期中题难度:| 查看答案
(   )1. A. He is a teacher.               
(   )2. A. Thanks.                        
(   )3. A. Yes. I am.                  
(   )4. A. It’s good. I enjoy it very much.
(   )5. A. It’s May 25.                  
B. He is friendly.                        
B. That’s right.                         
B. Thank you.                             
B. There are many trees and flowers in it.
B. It’s¥25.                             
C. He is my favourite basketball player.
C. Good idea.                           
C. Really.                              
C. It’s near my home.                  
C. There are 25.                        
1-5: CCBAB
1. Where are they talking?
A. In the classroom.
B. In the bookshop.
C. In the library.
2. Who works in a school?
A. Father.
B. Mother.
C. I.
3. When do your lessons begin every morning? 
A. At 8:00.
B. At 8:20.
C. At 8:25.
4. What size football boots would you like to buy?
A. Size 7.
B. Size 8.
C. Size 9.
5.Why is your birthday your favourite day?
A. Because I can have a party.
B. Because my friends come to my birthday.
C. Because I can get lots of presents.
     Mr Hu is our English teacher. He likes to 1.________us about his weekends. He often gets up at seven on
Sundays. He has breakfast 2. _______. Then he goes to the park near his home. He 3. _________ for about
half an hour in the park. Then he goes to the bookshop to have a look at new books. He likes to read books. In
the afternoon, he cleans his car. But sometimes, he often plays 4. ________ with his friends. He cooks dinner
at home. In the evening, he looks for things on the Internet for about two hours. He 5. _________ his weekends.
(    )1. What"s this?
(    )2. What does Tom play every day?
(    )3. Where is the alarm?
(    )4. Which picture is right(对的)?
(    )5. What is the man talking about (谈论)?
1. What do Lucy and Lily have?
A. aunt.
B. brother
C. cousin
2. What does Kate like playing?
A. Tennis.
B. Baseball.
C. Basketball.
3. Who is Simon?
A. Miss Yang"s son.
B. Mr. White"s son.
C. Mr. White"s student.
4. What"s under the chair?
A. Books.
B. Boxes.
C. Beds.
5. Where are Lucy"s pencils?
A. In her pencil case.
B. On her desk.
C. Under her desk.
听短文,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表(短文听两遍) 。
题型:四川省期中题难度:| 查看答案
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1. What"s the girl"s name?1. _____
2. What"s her telephone number.2. _____
3. Where is the map?3. _____
4. Are the books on the table?4. _____
5. What color is her cat?5. _____