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I did some translating exercises,could you please help me to correct them?

拿着照相机的那个人是我的同学.The one (taking)with a camera is my classmate./ The one who is taking a camera is my classmate.

我梦到的那个地方是我去年去过的地方.The place (that/which) I dreamed of is where I visited last year. 

我正在玩儿的手机是我妈妈昨天送给我的生日礼物.The cellphone I'm playing with was sent to me by my mom yesterday as a birthday gift . 

在唱歌的那个女孩是我的邻居.The girl who is singing is my neighbor. 

我中午吃的汉堡是在麦当劳买的.The hamburger I ate at noon was bought from Mcdonald's. 



The one with camera is my classmate./ The one who has a camera is my classmate .

The place that I dreamed of was where I visited last year./ I dreamed of the place that I visited last year.

The cellphone I am playing with was given to me as a birthday gift yesterday by my mom.

The singing girl is my neighbor.(越简捷越好)

The burger I ate for lunch was bought from Mcdonald's./ I ate a burger from Macdonald's at lunch.

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