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Halfway through a year-long pilot study using iPads instead of textbooks,a San Francisco eighth grade algebra class is showing signs of every teacher's dream:the spark of engagement in her students' eyes.
Jeannetta Mitchell,a veteran teacher with 20 years of experience,is encouraged by what she sees so far."This is not a magic wand," she says."This just makes it more fun for them to learn.Nobody's just sitting there writing down the answer,saying 'I don't know how I got there.' They know how they got there."
During my visit to her class last Friday,it was apparent that she was a big part of the reason they understood those problems.Mitchell walked up and down the aisles of the class for the entire duration of the period,asking questions,offering explanations and giving one-on-one help when it was needed.
The students never had a chance to tune her out.They were constantly being asked to participate one way or another,whether it was working out problems on the whiteboard (not interactive),watching instructional videos on the iPad or working in groups.
If the goal of learning is to figure out the "how" and not just the correct answer,then the gadget is doing its job.
The class at Presidio Middle School is part of a study involving 1,000 California students where 400 are learning algebra with iPads.The pilot program for the iPad algebra application was developed by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,a textbook publisher,and follows the traditional textbook page by page.
But one of the differences between the book and the app is that students can watch videos of instructors explaining each problem as many times as they need in order to understand.
"That's one of the best things about the iPad as opposed to the book," Mitchell says."It shows how to solve.The textbook just has answers in the back,no explanations as to how to get there."


用IPAD代替教科书的试点研究已经进行过半,在旧金山的一个8年级数学课堂上出现了每一个老师都梦寐以求的景象,在她学生的眼中闪动着吸引的火花. Jeannetta Mitchell,一个具有20年教龄的老师,深受她目前所看到的鼓舞.“...
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