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众所周知,语言是不能脱离文化而存在的.两者有着密不可 分的关系.广告作为一种文化现象.不可避免地会打上不同民族文化的印记.比如:中国有一种酒叫“杜康”.中国人看到”杜康”商标.会联想起酒的发明人杜康.再联想到好酒.因此在宣传这种酒的时候,将其音译为Du Kung的情况很多见.对英语读者来说因为没有相同的文化背景.Du Kang只是字母的组合.不可能产生类似的联想,并没有顺利的完成交际意图.根据关联性,这种翻译是不切题的更不用说是满足最佳关联的.如果译为Du Kung -Chinese Baeehus(杜康一中国酒神).西方人看到它时的反应就与中国人看到“杜康”时的反应基木一致.因为Baeehus是希腊神话中酒神的名字.它易使酉方人联想起美酒.这样就实现了最佳关联,源语言和目标语言受众之间也建立了充分的语境效果.宣传者也成功的将源语言想表达的信息传递给了目标受众.


As we all know, the existing of language is not far from the cultural, the two functions are intimately linked.Advertising, as a kind of cultural phenomenon,it inevitably will play on the marks of different cultures.For example,China has a kind of wine called Du Kang.When chinese people see the identity of Du Kang, it will remind them of the inventor and the good liquor.So it is common that when the company publicize the wine, they always translate it into Du Kung.To a native English, it won't be have connection in the mind because they haven't the same cultural background and it is not done smoothly the communicative intention.According to the relevance, this translation is irrelevant to the subject and not to mention meet the optimal relevance.But if we translate it into Du Kung -Chinese Baeehus, westerners will show the same reaction as well as chinese see the mark of Du Kang. It is much easier to remind the westerners of goo liquor for the name Baeehus, it is the name of Dionysus in the Greek mythology.In this way we bulid the optimal relevance.The original language and the target language has been established a full contextual effect between audiences.And also the advocates are successful to express the information to the target audiences from the originl language.
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