当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > People always say that the earlier one learns a language, the     it is to do so...
People always say that the earlier one learns a language, the     it is to do so, in theory it is that,     , in my opinion, that refers to spoken language. Capability(能力) to practice some essential(基本的)     of a language and read between the lines can only be trained through proper reading ways and hard work     .So spending money to help      learn English may    up with disappointment. It is likely that the more you     ,the more you are let down.
The daughter of one of my friends     English in primary school,     her foreign teacher’s blindness     psychology. She did not want to go on     English until middle school,     a college student studying English slowly     her interest in the language.
It is better to have the child learn Chinese than to have some difficulty     learning English for several years. Having been engaged in English education,     find that despite(尽管) their excellent     , many students have     command of English words and phrases. So I suggest that children
   classical Chinese prose(散文),rather than     them to learn English hurriedly. Otherwise, they may let go the best time to    the language ability of their mother tongue.
A.easyB.difficultC.easierD.more difficult
A.but B.howeverC.thoughD.yet
A.begin B.startC.finishD.end
A.pay B.getC.buyD.take
A.because ofB.becauseC.instead of D.instead
A.learningB.to learnC.with learningD.for learning
A.while B.whereC.when D.as
A.introducedB.practicedC.explained D.developed
A.in B.to C.atD.of
A.HeB.IC.She D.They
A.fewB.less C.little D.fewer



小题1:考查形容词的比较级 。由上文暗示可预期:理论上说,一个人越早学语言,他(她)会越容易学好。“The +比较级,the+比较级”表示“越来越……”。C、D为可选项,而D意不符,故选C。
小题2: 考查连词。 考查转折连词的使用区别。but连接句子时其后不可用逗号;however前后可用逗号隔开;though常放于句末;yet与but相似,故选however。
小题3: 考查名词。根据上下文暗示可预期:练习语言的基本表达能力……,A、B、C都不符和句意,故选expressions表达。
小题4:考查副词。由上下文提示可预期:直接通过合适的阅读方法和努力,才能形成能力,而orally意为“口头”;properly意为“合适地”,因上文已出现proper reading ways,故有重复之嫌;indirectly意为“间接地”;故选directly(直接地)。
小题5: 考查名词。 由上下文可预期,谈论的对象即是children孩子。句意:所以花费金钱让孩子们学英语可能会以失望而告终。
小题6:考查动词。 由上下文可预期:先是花钱去学,而后是失望收场。A、B与句意不合,finish不与up with搭配,end up with意为“以……结束”。
小题7:考查动词。 根据句意可预期:付(花)钱多,失望大。take常用在结构:it takes sb  some time / money to do sth 花某人时间或钱做某事;B、C与句意不符。
小题8:考查动词。 由上下文暗示可预期:因为不喜欢才来了一位学英语的大学生,从而开发了她的兴趣;故选disliked不喜欢。其他不符。
小题9:考查短语。 因为外籍教师对心理学的盲点,才导致她厌学。because和because均表示“因为”,但前者为连词,后者为介词;instead of是介词;instead是副词。故用because of。
小题10:考查短语。 介词to 意为“对……而言(来说)。句意:由于她的外国老师不懂心理学。
小题11:考查固定短语。 go on doing指继续不停地做同一件事;go on to do指继续去做另一件事;go on with sth 指停顿后接着去做同一件事;D为干扰项,故选learning。
小题12:考查连词。 when表示“当时”,相当于and at that time;while表示“在……时候”;where表示“在……地方”;as表示“因为”、“在……时候”。
小题13: 考查动词。 introduced意为“介绍”;practised意为“练习”;explained意为“解释”,均不合句意,而developed(开发)正合语境。
小题14:考查介词。  have some difficulty / trouble (in)doing sth意为“做某事遇到困难”。
小题15:考查代词。 根据It is better to have the child learn Chinese than to have some difficulty     learning English for several years. Having been engaged in English education,以及find that despite(尽管) their excellent     , many students have     command of English words and phrases.,故选B。
小题16:考查名词。 根据上下文可预期:发音好但词汇量不够——缺陷,故选pronunciation。
小题17:考查副词。 根据上文可知,表否定但无比较,可知选项为A、C;而few修饰可数名词,故选little修饰不可数名词。
小题19:考查动词。 因在四个选项中只有cause后接不定式的复合结构时不定式要带to。
小题20: 考查动词。 get back意为“回来,返回”;let go意为“放开,错过”;bring in意为“引来,吸收”;go away意为“走开,离开”。
试题【People always say that the earlier one learns a language, the     it is to do so】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
It is known to us that computer users are being warned by industry experts to pay attention to secret codes which could be used to record their conversation.
E-mails, screen savers, and electronic greeting cards can carry a secret code which is able to turn on the computer’s microphone, make a recording, and forward it to someone else without the user’s knowledge.
In fact any attachments (附件) sent to a computer, whether it is a game of Space Invaders, or a moving picture, can possibly be used to spy (窥探).
Experts say people should always think twice about opening attachments because --- although not common --- bugging (窃听) by computer can and has been done.
Bill Lyons, head of the Internet Security Company Finjan, said, “People in the army have tested this and you can be sure, if people in general are aware of it, then computer hackers (黑客) are aware of it. The frightening thing is that there are tools on the Internet which people, using a simple search method, can find, and which will enable them to attach this dangerous code to simple attachments.”
小题1:What is the advice given in the passage?
A.Use secret codes to record other people’s conversation.
B.Be careful when opening an attachment.
C.Never open any attachments.
D.Never use secret codes.
小题2:What worries the experts is that ___ .
A.nobody seems to believe such things
B.nobody knows the danger of the code
C.tools can easily be used to tie dangerous codes to e-mails
D.effective ways can never be found to deal with the problem.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.A moving picture cannot be used to spy.
B.Electronic greeting cards cannot carry a secret code.
C.A secret code is used to destroy the computer system.
D.Any attachments sent to a computer may carry a secret code.

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Should the color be white or black? Or perhaps navy blue! Well, choosing the right graduation dress for middle school students can be a little difficult at times. Here are some ideas for graduation dress for middle school students.
For many students, middle school graduation marks a big change in their lives. This is a step that takes students away from junior high school but towards the elementary level before senior high school. Compared to elementary (初级的) school, middle school means more lessons and more classes, but of course, students can also see it as an opportunity to make new friends.
Well, it is no wonder that the graduation day of a middle school is often planned formally. Although this occasion is not considered to be really formal like a high school graduation, it is still celebrated in many ways. Besides, it is also considered to be a very important part of someone"s life.
Many schools often have middle school graduation parties. Well, the question that often arises in the minds of young students is about the right graduation dress for themselves. Long flowing dress with caps are commonly seen. Students should always stick to a common graduation dress that creates uniformity (统一) among all. The dress can be royal blue, black or even golden. If they seem too formal for the party, you can even plan for a common color for all the students. For example, white shirts with black pants or skirts can serve the needs of such a special occasion.
Whether the graduation party is simple or great, the graduation dress for middle school students should be planned accordingly. The main idea would be to accept the success of the students and celebrate with family and friends.
小题1:What does the text mainly talk about? (no more than 10 words)
小题2:What does middle school mean to students compared to elementary school? (no more than l2 words)
小题3:Please explain the underlined word “arises’’ in Paragraph 4 in English. (no more than 3 words)
小题4:What is the common graduation dress like? (no more than 9 words)
小题5:What is the purpose of a graduation party? (no more than l5 words)
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The Pacific island nation of Nauru used to be a beautiful place. Now it is an ecological(生态的) disaster area. Nauru’s heartbreaking story could have one good consequence — other countries might learn from its mistakes.
For thousands of years, Polynesian people lived the remote island of Nauru, far from western civilization. The first European to arrive was John Fearn in 1798. He was the British captain of the Hunter, a whaling ship. He called the island Pleasant Island.
However, because it was very remote, Nauru had little communication with Europeans at first. The whaling ships and other traders began to visit, bringing guns and alcohol. These elements destroyed the social balance of the twelve family groups on the island. A ten-year civil war started, which reduced the population from 1,400 to 900.
Nauru’s real troubles began in 1899 when a British mining company discovered phosphate (磷酸盐)on the island. In fact, it found that the island of Nauru was nearly all phosphate, which a very important fertilizer for farming. The company began mining the phosphate.
A phosphate mine is not a hole in the ground; it is a strip mine(带状矿). When a company strip-mines, it removes the top layer(层) of soil. Then it takes away the material it wants. Strip mining totally destroys the land. Gradually, the lovely island of Nauru started to look like the moon.
In 1968, Nauru became one of the richest countries in the world. Every year the government received millions and millions of dollars for its phosphate.
Unfortunately, the leaders invested the money unwisely and lost millions of dollars. In addition, they used millions more dollars for personal expenses. Soon people realized that they had a terrible problem — their phosphate was running out. Ninety percent of their island was destroyed and they had nothing. By 2000, Nauru was financially ruined. Experts say that it would take approximately $433,600,000 and more than 20 years to repair the island. This will probably never happen.
小题1:What might be the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To seek help for Nauru’s problems.B.To give a warning to other countries.
C.To show the importance of money.D.To tell a heartbreaking story of a war.
小题2:What was Nauru like before the Europeans came?
A.Rich and powerful. B.Modern and open.
C.Peaceful and attractive. D.Greedy and aggressive.
小题3:The ecological disaster in Nauru resulted from           .
A.soil pollutionB.phosphate over mining
C.farming activity D.whale hunting
小题4:Which of the following was a cause of Nauru’s financial problem?
A.Its leaders misused the money.B.It spent too much repairing the island.
C.Its phosphate mining cost much money.D.It lost millions of dollars in the civil war.
小题5:What can we learn about Nauru from the last paragraph?
A.The phosphate mines were destroyed.B.The leaders will take the experts’ words seriously.
C.The island was abandoned by the Nauruans.D.The ecological damage is difficult to repair.

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 Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some students ask for more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. They say they can afford these things. But I don’t agree with them.
Waste can bring a lot of problems. Although China is rich in some resources(资源), we are short of(缺乏) others, for example, fresh water(淡水). It is reported that we will have no coal(煤) or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where can we move? Think about it. I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible.
In our everyday life, we can do many things to prevent waste from happening, for example, turn off the water taps(水龙头) when we finish washing, turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, try not to order more food than we need, and so on. Little by little, everything will be changed. Waste can be stopped one day, if we do our best.
小题1:From the passage we know that some students often _______ in the school.
A.eat too muchB.don’t work hardC.waste thingsD.throw rubbish everywhere
小题2:Which is not mentioned in this passage?
A.Fresh water.B.Forest.C.Oil.D.Coal.
小题3:What may happen in 100 years?
A.We may still have enough oil.B.We may still have enough coal.
C.We may have a little oil.D.We may have no coal or oil to use.
小题4:Which is the best title of this passage?
A.Stop WastingB.School life
C.Waste in the SchoolD.Rich Resources in China

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The relationship between humans and animals has always been complex. Some cultures have developed entire belief systems around favored animals. Even in cultures with less formal belief systems, connections between people and animals still lead to commonly accepted opinions about animals.
These belief systems usually develop around the animals that interact (互动) with humans most frequently. Therefore, it should not be surprising that so many stories surround the most common of animals: rats. Rats live side by side with humans all over the world and regularly interact with people. Human-rat coexistence may be common all around the world, but different cultures respond to that closeness in different ways.
In the United States and Europe, one typical attitude is that the rat is a pest. This could be due to the common belief that rats spread disease. Actually, they don’t, at least not directly, but many people don’t know that. The Pied Piper of Hamlin, a well-known children’s story, is one example of how rats have been described in Western literature: in that story, rats cause such a problem that a town has to hire a piper to call them all away.
In many Latin American countries, the rat is described in a very different way. The story of the tooth fairy (a fairy believed by children to leave money while they sleep in exchange for a tooth that has come out) is common all over the world, but in Latin America, the “fairy” is a rat! Rats do have very strong teeth, which could explain the association. Clearly, this shows another attitude toward rats that is much more positive.
Yet another attitude toward the rat can be seen in the Chinese Zodiac (生肖). The Rat is one of the animals of the Zodiac. Like the other zodiac animals, the Rat is neither entirely good nor entirely bad. It’s described as clever and friendly, but also tricky and not entirely honest. That may be the most accurate description of the rat so far. Whether you like rats or not, it’s hard to deny their reputation for cleverness.
As many people are discovering these days, rats can even make excellent pets, so long as you remember to close the cage carefully!
小题1:What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.A trend of keeping rats as pets.
B.How different cultures look at rats.
C.How humans get along with animals.
D.Favored animals in different cultures.
小题2:The rats in The Pied Piper of Hamlin appear______.
小题3:The tooth fairy in Latin America mentioned in Paragraph4 is to show______.
A.the tooth fairy is lovely
B.rats look very frightening
C.rats are welcome in Latin American countries
D.the story of the tooth fairy is common all over the world
小题4:According to the author, rats______.
A.don’t spread disease
B.should be treated as pests
C.are fairly described in the Chinese Zodiac
D.are kept as pets by more and more people
小题5:The passage is probably taken from a ______.
A.travel guideB.news reportC.nature magazineD.history textbook

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