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完形填空。     With a group of colleagues, I travelled to the north of Thailand. I loved the heat, the streets, the
busy markets and the smell of Thai food.
     One day, I set off from my __1__ to find a temple that interested me. When I walked past some
buildings, I was __2__ as I glanced between two unfinished buildings. There, an old woman in __3__
clothing lay on the dusty stones. The terrible thought crossed my mind __4__ she might be dead.
     Feeling quite helpless, I __5__ her. She looked quite beautiful but very ill. As an instant __6__, I
reached into my pocket to find some money. __7__, I pushed it into her hand. It was enough money
for her to __8__ for a few months.
     At this moment she opened her large, brown eyes filled with tears and __9__ the money I"d given
her. I felt like the "kind stranger".
__10__ a common language, she looked at me with the __11__ and pity that could burn into a soul.
She __12__ pushed back the money. I was left shocked. Her eyes were __13__ me. It took at least
a kilometre of walking to __14__ I was quite the fool. She didn"t __15__ money. She needed covers,
a bottle of water and possibly some human comfort. She was the one to teach me a valuable lesson.
     That evening, I sat analysing my material version of "__16__". I knew I had to __17__ my Western
values. This beautiful woman had given me something that I will __18__ for the rest of my life. When I
look back upon the __19__, I hope my face carries the same wise smile that __20__ laughed at me.(     )1.A.hotel      
(     )2.A.interested    
(     )3.A.traditional  
(     )4.A.unless      
(     )5.A.greeted      
(     )6.A.failure      
(     )7. A.Carefully    
(     )8.A.save      
(     )9.A.accepted      
(     )10.A.Without      
(     )11.A.wisdom      
(     )12.A.naturally  
(     )13.A.depending on
(     )14.A.explain  
(     )15.A.need    
(     )16.A.sadness  
(     )17.A.offer  
(     )18.A.look    
(     )19.A.experience  
(     )20.A.still  B.office    
B.caring for
B.hardly     C.home    
C.laughing at
C.often  D.school          
D.quarrelling with
1-5ADACB  6-10CABDA  11-15ADCBA  16-20CDBAD
试题【完形填空。     With a group of colleagues, I travelled to the north of Thailand. I lo】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
     Jennie and I met in night school. After having completed the required courses, we started teaching in
the same school. Frequently we had lunch together.    
     For a time we were just casual friends, but one day, when I was telling Jennie about my problem son,
we discovered we were kindred spirits. "He"s a difficult little character," I explained. Jennie looked
thoughtful, “Maybe you"re seeing him with your eyes.” She was silent a moment and then added softly,
"It is only with the heart that one sees rightly." I stared at her, "You"re quoting that! It"s from The Little
Prince, SaintExupery"s book for children. One of my favorites. You know it, too?" Jennie nodded, "I love
it. I"ve read it so often, I"ve practically memorized it."   
     Now, when I think of Jennie, I recall that book, because Jennie-more than anyone I know-possessed
the gift of seeing with the heart.    
     From that moment of a treasured book shared, our friendship grew steadily. It wasn"t that I didn"t
have an excellent relationship with my husband and son. But my mother had died shortly after my
marriage, and I had neither sisters nor daughters. I realize, now, how I needed someone to share those
little, seemingly unimportant things that add so much to life-things that must be shared to be fully
     And it was Jennie who helped me with my fourthgrade problem child. One day I was at_my wit"s_end. "What he needs is a good beating!" I exploded.    
     "He"s probably had plenty of those,"  Jennie said. "Maybe he just needs sincere praise for anything he
does right, and a hug or two each day." I followed this suggestion, and eventually, because of Jennie, I
discovered a lovable little boy.    
     Looking back, I had to admit that she taught me so much, such as how to love spring. One April day
I said, "I hate rain!"  And I"ll never forget what she said, "You can"t hate spring rain! It brings the flowers!" So I learned to love spring rain, too, because it did bring flowers-violets, tulips and daffodils.
     Once upon a time there was one storyteller. After getting tired of telling old fabricated stories, he left
his house in search of a real life story.
     He reached a village and took a cottage for rent. After wandering in the village throughout the month,
in search of  true stories, the storyteller couldn"t find one. Disappointed, he decided to stop his search.
     The next day, while sitting in the cottage, he suddenly heard a voice-a woman was yelling(吼叫)at
someone. The voice was coming from the big wall behind his cottage.
     He tried to hear the conversation; it sounded like the woman was abusing(辱骂)her daughterinlaw.
The storyteller didn"t like it but he was happy to finally get his story.
     Listening to the conversations each day he added them to his story. Though he couldn"t see the
characters of his story, he started hating the motherinlaw, as she seemed to be a villain(坏人).
     Now it was time to finalize the end of the story. But before he did, the storyteller wanted to see the
characters once, so he climbed up the wall.
     There he saw the motherinlaw sitting in a wheelchair. It seemed she was disabled and that the
daughterinlaw was resting nearby.
     He saw the old lady trying to get some food lying on the table near her chair. But because of her
condition, she couldn"t reach it and it looked like the daughterinlaw was enjoying the old lady"s
helplessness. Suddenly the old lady fell from the chair and started abusing her daughterinlaw.
     The storyteller went back and quickly changed the ending of the story. He was surprised how
different it was compared to what he originally thought it would be.Truly he had found both a real life
story and areal life lesson.
1. What"s the meaning of the underlined word "fabricated" in Paragraph 1?
A. Funny.  
B. Imaginary.
C. Amazing.  
D. Romantic.
2. Why did the storyteller climb up the wall?
A. He thought he was strong enough to do it.
B. He expected to find out what was happening.
C. He would like to find a good ending for his story.
D. He wanted to have a look at the woman and herdaughterinlaw.
3. Why did the old woman start abusing her daughterinlaw?
A. Her daughterinlaw didn"t take care of her.
B. Her daughterinlaw was too busy to help her.
C. Her daughterinlaw pushed her out of her wheelchair.
D. Her daughterinlaw didn"t allow her to get food.
4. What lesson can we learn from the text?
A. No one is as deaf as the man who will not listen.
B. A good listener is not someone with nothing to say.
C. Don"t just listen to one"s words. Watch what one does.
D. Everybody lies, but it doesn"t matter because nobody listens.
     Mr. Black lived in a small town. Nobody was    1   than him there, but he wished to get    2   
money all the time. One day on his way home, he found there was a    3   on the ground. He thought
it was    4   to him, so he picked it up and put it in his pocket That   5   , after he had supper, he
brought it out and began to   6    it in the room. He was interested in a piece of news on it Some
gold    7    in a desert He was afraid someone would know about it and started off,   8   telling
anybody about it. He tried to find the place    9   the gold was.
    The greedy man walked on the    10    desert for two weeks, but he didn"t find any gold and
his food and water was   11   . His horse was so weak that he couldn"t   12    it. He had to go
back to his hometown, but it was too   13   . His horse at last died and he was too hungry and
thirsty to go any   14   . He looked around, there was nothing   15    sand. Suddenly he saw a
man   16   on the ground far away. He crawled to him and found he was    17  , with a bag in
his hand. He hurried to open the bag to find something to   18   ,but it was full of gold. He threw
it away. As he was   19   , he cried and said," Now a bag of bread is far more   20    than a bag
full of gold. How unhappy I am!"
题型:新疆自治区期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     ) 1. A. happier  
(     ) 2. A. little
(     ) 3. A. newspaper
(     ) 4. A. important
(     ) 5. A. dawn  
(     ) 6. A. read  
(     ) 7. A. discover
(     ) 8. A. with    
(     ) 9. A. which  
(     )10. A. wet    
(     )11. A. lifted
(     )12. A. ride  
(     )13. A. early    
(     )14. A. near  
(     )15. A. except
(     )16. A. standing
(     )17. A. dead  
(     )18. A. wear  
(     )19. A. sleeping
(     )20. A. dangerous
B. sadder  
B. less    
B. picture
B. useful  
B. noon    
B. copy    
B. invent  
B. without
B. where  
B. rainy  
B. lost    
B. drive  
B. late    
B. nearer  
B. of      
B. running  
B. alive  
B. eat    
B. laughing  
B. impossible
C. richer    
C. a little  
C. photo    
C. interesting
C. afternoon  
C. improve    
C. was discovered
C. for      
C. when      
C. dry      
C. wasted      
C. mend      
C. easy      
C. far      
C. in        
C. lying    
C. healthy    
C. write    
C. leaving    
C. helpful  
D. poorer      
D. more        
D. map        
D. popular    
D. evening    
D. touch      
D. was invented
D. about      
D. that        
D. cloudy      
D. gone        
D. feed        
D. possible    
D. further    
D. off        
D. singing    
D. well        
D. draw        
D. dying      
D. delicious  
     During the 19th century, farmers in and around Southeast began to invest in a new and unique
business venture (冒险活动). This area would later become known as the origin of the American circus(马戏). In 1793, Englishman John Bill Rickets introduced Americans to the circus at his place in
Philadelphia where trick riding was featured along with clown(小丑) acts in the same show.    
     In the 1830s, farmers in Southeast began showing menageries(野生动物), collections of interesting
animals from far away lands. They soon combined the menagerie show with the acrobatic(杂技的)
entertainment of trick riding and these early circus bosses began taking their show on the road. By the
1850s American circuses were a big business and they began to travel abroad, bringing back to
American even more unique items and animals.    
     Hachaliah Bailey, from nearby Somers, Westchester County, brought the first elephant "Old Bet" to
the United States in 1796. Bailey exhibited "Old Bet", until her death in 1816. Somers is home to the
Elephant Hotel, built by Hachaliah Bailey in 1820-1825. The building served as a meeting place for
menagerie owners.    
     Many showmen and circus people came from Southeast. Nathan and Seth B. Howes began their
show business careers at early ages, in Southeast.    
     In 1811, Nathan formed a small circus company made up largely of his friends and family, including
11yearold Seth. Seth B. Howes would later become one of the foremost circus businessmen in the area.
From 1850 to 1853, Seth B. Howes managed a circus project for P. T. Barnum. He later toured Europe, performing before heads of state. Seth B. Howes retired in 1870.
1. When did the American circus come into being?
A. In the 17th century.
B. In the 18th century.
C. In the 19th century.
D. In the 20th century.
2. Which of the following shows the right order of events that happened to the American circus?
a. Farmers in Southeast began showing menageries.
b. The first elephant "Old Bet" was brought to the United States.
c. American circuses were a big business and began to travel abroad.
d. Nathan formed a small circus company.
e. Seth B. Howes retired in 1870.
A. b, d, a, c, e  
B.  c, a, b, d, e
C. d, c, a, b, e  
D. a, c, b, d, e
3. According to the passage, Somers was________.
A. the person who built the Elephant Hotel
B. a place for menagerie owners to meet
C. a farmer who raised animals
D. an American who introduced an elephant
4. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A. The American Circus in Southeast
B. The Origin of Circus
C. Menageries in the United States
D. Ways of Fun in Southeast

     Years ago in Scotland, the Clark family had a dream. Clark and his wife worked and   1   , making
plans for their nine children and themselves to travel to    2  . It had taken years, and they had   3    saved
enough money and had got passports (护照) and    4   for the whole family to the United States.
     The entire family was filled with   5   about their new life.    6   , seven days before their departure, the
youngest son was bitten by a dog. The doctor sewed up the boy but he   7   a yellow sheet on the
Clarks" front door.   8   the possibility of rabies (狂犬病), they should be quarantined (隔离) for
fourteen days.
     The family"s   9   was destroyed. They would not be able to make the trip to America as they had 
  10  . The father, filled with disappointment and   11   , hurried to the dock to watch the ship leave-without
the Clark family.   12   of disappointment came to the father. Five days    13   , the tragic news spread
throughout Scotland - the mighty Titanic had sunk. The unsinkable ship had sunk,   14   many lives with
it. The Clark family should have been on that ship,   15   because the son had been bitten by the dog,
they were   16   in Scotland. When Mr. Clark heard the news, he    17  his son and thanked him for saving
the family. He thanked God for saving their lives and turning   18   he had felt was a(n)   19   into a
     Although we may not always understand, all things    20   for a reason.

题型:云南省期中题难度:| 查看答案
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(     ) 1. A. spent    
(     ) 2. A. America  
(     ) 3. A. instantly
(     ) 4. A. cars    
(     ) 5. A. creativity
(     ) 6. A. However  
(     ) 7. A. signed  
(     ) 8. A. Apart from
(     ) 9. A. passport
(     )10. A. imagined  
(     )11. A. tension  
(     )12. A. Information
(     )13. A. later    
(     )14. A. saving  
(     )15. A. so      
(     )16. A. left behind
(     )17. A. envied  
(     )18. A. when    
(     )19. A. sacrifice
(     )20. A. remain  
B. counted    
B. Europe    
B. obviously  
B. ships      
B. excitement
B. Besides    
B. brought    
B. In spite of
B. ship      
B. planned    
B. courage    
B. Tears     
B. after      
B. leaving    
B. or        
B. given out  
B. called    
B. what      
B. experience  
B. disappear  
C. saved    
C. Japan    
C. originally
C. tickets  
C. surprise  
C. Instead  
C. hung      
C. As for  
C. house    
C. admitted  
C. anger    
C. Letters  
C. late      
C. taking    
C. and      
C. turned away
C. blamed    
C. that      
C. comedy    
C. happen    
D. played    
D. Africa    
D. finally    
D. rooms      
D. imagination
D. Otherwise  
D. raised    
D. Because of
D. dream      
D. claimed    
D. doubt      
D. News      
D. over      
D. killing    
D. but        
D. taken over
D. hugged    
D. why        
D. misery    
D. exist