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His first successful fight was for the equal rights of black people in South Africa. Then, as the first black president, he fought to unite the country and organize the government. Now Nelson Mandela has set his sights on a new enemy, AIDS.
On March 19 the 82-year-old, former president, hosted his second AIDS-awareness concert. He warned that 25 million people in Africa were already infected with the fatal disease.
Mandela was born in a small village in South Africa in 1918. He was adopted by the chief of his tribe and could have been a chief himself and lived a happy country life.
But he refused to be a chief when his people lived under racial discrimination(歧视). He decided to fight for equal rights for all the people in South Africa. Before 1990, under the country’s Racial Segregation Law, colored and white people lived separately. Black people were treated unfairly even when taking a bus. Blacks had to stand at the back of the bus to make room for white people even when there were only a few of them on board.
For his opposition to the system, Mandela was arrested and spent 27 years in prison. He was freed in 1990 and became the president of the country after the first election were held in which everyone could vote.
Mandela was not only a political fighter who attacked with speeches. He was also a trained boxer and fought in the ring when he was young.
“Although I did not enjoy the violence of boxing, I was interested in how one moved one’s body to protect oneself, how one used a strategy both to attack and retreat”, he wrote in his autobiography.
As a skillful fighter, he chose music as his weapon against AIDS. He hopes to win another victory against AIDS.
小题1:When was Mandela arrested? 
A.In 1963B.In 1990
C.When he refused to be a chiefD.When he became the president
小题2:Nelson Mandela succeeded in doing the following except _______.     
A.winning the equal rights for the black people in South Africa
B.Uniting South Africa
C.organizing a government in South Africa
D.controlling the spread of AIDS
小题3:If Nelson Mandela hadn’t fought against racial discrimination, he_______. 
A.could have been the president of South Africa
B.could still have lived a happy life
C.could have been in a difficult situation
D.would have been an excellent boxer
小题4:Which of the following statements can best describe the life of Nelson Mandela?
A.struggle is his life
B.sports make his fame
C.fight for equal rights
D.a great fighter against government.



小题1:推理判断题。从第五段“. . . spent 27 years in prison. He was freed in 1990. . . ”可以推出。
小题4:推理判断题。从文章信息看,D项显然是不正确,B项文章没有提到, C项太片面,没有涉及文章后几段的内容。
试题【His first successful fight was for the equal rights of black people in South Afr】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
“Everything happens for the best,” my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. “If you can   41  on, one day something good will happen. And you’ll   42  that it wouldn’t have happened if not for that previous disappointment.”
Mother was right, as I discovered after graduating from college. I had designed myself for a 43  announcer(播音员). So I went to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station and got   44  every time.
In one station, a kind lady told me that   45  stations wouldn’t risk employing a person without   46  since I had just graduated. “Go out in the town and find a small station that might give you a chance,” she said.
I returned to Dixon,   47  I had finished my high school education and had   48  in the school football team. My father said that our town had opened a store and wanted a local athlete to   49  its sports department(部门). The job sounded just   50  for me but I wasn’t hired.
My   51  had shown as if by design. “Everything happens for the best,” Mum   52  me. Dad offered me his car to job hunt. I tried WOC Radio in Davenport. The program director told me they had already hired a/an   53 .   54  I left his office, my frustration boiled over(发怒).I asked aloud, “  55  can a fellow get to be a sports announcer   56  he can’t get a job in a radio station?”
Suddenly, I heard the director   57 ­.“What was that you said about sports? Do you know anything about football?” Then he stood me before a microphone and asked me to   58  an imaginary game.
It was easy, and I did it without difficulty. The director was   59  and told me I would be broadcasting a game on the   60  Saturday.
A.putB.take C.getD.carry
A.newsB.sports C.weatherD.TV
A.played B.joinedC.takenD.fought
A.woke B.advisedC.demandedD.reminded
A.calling B.answering C.broadcastingD.announcing
A.make B.actC.broadcastD.play
A.moved B.sorryC.thankfulD.satisfied
A.future B.comingC.lastD.later

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
I had been rather proud of myself when my friends and family got the ticket,whether it was for speeding,parking or stop sign violations (违反).It was something that happened to others. But last Friday I joined the club.
I was asked to do a new project last week. On Friday morning on my way to work,I suddenly remembered that I had spent the past six weeks without considering that I had a week’s vacation planned during that time. I was very disappointed with myself for not remembering it. The fact  is that I was not paying enough attention to my driving and I did not come to a complete stop at the stop sign in front of a school. I was so distracted (思想不集中的)that I didn’t even notice I had a policeman on my tail with his lights flashing. Finally I looked in my mirror and caught on.
The policeman was rude and took my papers. Fortunately,I had everything up to date and since I had never had a ticket before,there was nothing for him to do but write me a ticket. While I was sitting there in the seat of “shame”,I felt bad. If I had been that distracted and a child had run onto the road,perhaps I would have not reacted as well as I could have. It was a wake-up call.
People at work asked me if I tried to talk my way out of it. Frankly,it never occurred to me. I felt guilty. Now I no longer have a clean driving record. Please be careful out there,as a moment’s distraction can lead to tragedy.
小题1:What is this passage mainly about?
A.The writer’s most unforgettable experience.
B.How the writer got her first ticket.
C.An accident caused by the writer.
D.Why the writer is always so careful.
小题2:We can infer that the underlined part “the club” in Paragraph 1 here refers to ________.
A.people who are crazy about driving cars
B.a club for drivers without much experience
C.people who get tickets for breaking traffic rules
D.a club for people to talk about their driving stories
小题3:What made the writer unable to focus on her driving?
A.Planning how to spend the vacation.
B.Thinking of the forgotten vacation.
C.Thinking about her work.
D.Missing her children.
小题4:From the experience,the writer has probably learnt ________.
A.what is really important to her
B.how to deal with policemen
C.to enjoy the small things in life
D.to be much more careful

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
At the age of 15,I paid my first visit to Disneyland in America. It wasn"t the first time for me to be ___36___ . Like most English children I learned French ___37___school and I had often been to France,and I ___38___ speaking English to people who didn"t understand ___39___ . So ___40____ I went to America,I was really looking forward to ____41___ a nice easy holiday without any ___42____problems. ___43___ wrong I was! The misunderstanding ___44___at the airport. I was looking for a ___45___ telephone to give my friend Danny a ___46____ and tell her that I had arrived. A___47___ old man saw me looking lost and asked ___48___ he could  help me.“Yes,”I said,“I want to give my friend a ring.”“Well,that"s nice,”he said,“Are you getting ____49____ ? But aren"t you a bit young?” “ ___50___ is talking about marriage?” I replied. “I just want to call her to tell her I"ve arrived. Can you tell me ___51___ there’s a phone box?” “Oh!” he said, “there"s a phone downstairs.” When at last we did meet up,Danny explained the misunderstanding to me. “Don"t worry,”she said to me,“I had so many ___52___ at first. There are lots of words which the Americans ___53___ differently in meaning from us British. You"ll soon get used to ___54___ funny things they say. Most of the ___55___, British and American people understand each other!”
A.get used toB.was used toC.used toD.used
A.TooB.What aC.WhatD.How
A.to marryB.to be married C.marryingD.married
A.whereB.in whichC.over thereD.that
A.everyB.theseC.someD.all the

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In the year after my mother left us, my father was 42 and he knew that he wasn’t going to make it to 43. He wrote a letter to me and hoped that something in it would help me for the rest of my life.
Since the day I was 12 and first read his letter, some of his words have lived in my heart. One part always stands out. “Right now, you are pretending to be a time killer. But I know that one day, you will do something great that will set you among the very best.” Knowing that my dad believed in me gave me permission to believe in myself. “You will do something great.” He didn’t know what I would be, and neither did I, but at times in my life when I’ve felt proud of myself, I remember his words and wish he were here so I could ask, “Is this what you were talking about , Dad ? Should I keep going?”
A long way from 12 now, I realize he would have been proud when I made any progress. Lately, though, I’ve come to believe he would want me to move on to what comes next: to be proud of , and believe in somebody else. It’s time to start writing my own letters to my children. Our children look to us with the same unanswered question we had. Our kids don’t hold back because they’re afraid to fail. They’re only afraid of failing us. They don’t worry about being disappointed. Their fear ---- as mine was until my father’s letter---- is of being a disappointment.
Give your children permission to succeed. They’re waiting for you to believe in them. I always knew my parents loved me. But trust me: That belief will be more complete , that love will be more real, and their belief in themselves will be greater if you write the words on their hearts :“Don’t worry; you’ll do something great .”Not having that blessing from their parents may be the only thing holding them back.
小题1:We learn from the text that the author__________.
A.lost his father when he was young
B.worked hard before he read his father’s letter
C.asked his father’s permission to believe in himself
D.knew exactly what great thing his father wanted him to do
小题2:What does the author tell us in the 3rd paragraph?           
A.Children need their parents’ letters.
B.Children are afraid to be disappointed.
C.His children’s fear of failure held them back.
D.His father’s letter removed his fear of failing his parents.
小题3:Which of the following is true of the author?
A.He got no access to success.
B.He wrote back to his father at 12.
C.He was sure his parents loved him.
D.He once asked his father about the letter.
小题4:The main purpose of the text is to        .
A.describe children’s thinking
B.answer some questions children have
C.stress the importance of communication
D.advise parents to encourage their children

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Florence Nightingale was born in a rich family. When she was young she took lessons in music and drawing, and read great books. She also traveled a great deal with her mother and father. 
As a child she felt that visiting sick people was both a duty and a pleasure. She enjoyed helping them. 
At last mind was made up. “I’m going to be a nurse,” she decided. 
“Nursing isn’t the right work for a lady,” her father told her. 
“Then I will make it so,” she smiled. And she went to learn nursing in Germany and France. When she returned to England, Florence started a nursing home for home. During the Crimean War in 1854 she went with a group of thirty eight nurses to the front hospitals. What they saw there was terrible. Dirt and death were everywhere to be seen — and smelled. The officer there did not want any woman to tell him how to run a hospital, either. But the brave nurse went to work. 
Florence used her own money and some from friends to buy clothes, beds, medicine and food for the men. Her only pay was in smiles from the lips of dying soldiers. But they were more than enough for this kind woman. 
After she returned to England, she was honored for her services by Queen Victoria. But Florence said that her work had just begun. She raised money to build the Nightingale Home for Nurses in London. She also wrote a book on public health, which was printed in several countries. 
Florence Nightingale died at the age of ninety, still trying to serve others through her work as a nurse. Indeed, it is because of her that we honor nurses today. 
小题1:When she was a child, Florence ____ .
A.loved to travel very much
B.knew what her duty in life was
C.loved to help the sick people
D.was most interested in music and drawing
小题2:What made Florence make up her mind to become a nurse?
A.Her father’s support.
B.Her desire to help the sick.
C.Her education in Germany and France.
D.Her knowledge from reading great books.
小题3:During the Crimean War in 1854, Florence served in the front hospital where ____ . 
A.she earned a little money
B.work was very difficult
C.few soldiers died because of her work
D.she didn’t have enough food or clothes
小题4:The passage can best be described as ____ .
A.the life story of a famous woman
B.a description of the nursing work
C.an example of successful education
D.the history of nursing in England

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