当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 翻译 > 完成句子。阅读下列各小题, 根据括号内的汉语提示, 用句末括号里的英语单词完成句子。 1. Once ________ (译成) Chinese, the bo...
题型:0117 期末题难度:来源:
阅读下列各小题, 根据括号内的汉语提示, 用句末括号里的英语单词完成句子。 1. Once ________ (译成) Chinese, the book became very popular with Chinese teenagers. (translate)
2. Everyone present at the conference agrees that the suggestion ________ (学生应该学点实用的东西)
    is worth considering. (learn)
3. If you want _______ (确保赶上) the plane, take a taxi. (ensure)
4. ________ (在紧急情况下保持镇静) and knowing what to do can mean the difference between life
    and death. (calm)
5. _______ (未来的生活是什么样子) is the topic for today"s class discussion. (be)
6. Jill has been living with HIV/AIDS for twelve years. How I wish she ________ (没有感染) it! (infect)
7. Dr Smith, what I want to know is _________ (全球变暖对地球会有什么影响). (effect)
8. Despite the fact that he met some native speakers face to face for the first time, he _________
   (设法使自己听懂) in his broken English. (manage, make)
9. Not until I listened to some speakers _________ (我才意识到) that many of the things I do every
    day are bad for the environment. (realize)
10. It is perhaps still unknown to some that 20% of the people on earth ________ (喝不到) clean 
     drinking water. (access)
1. (it was) translated into
2. that students (should) learn something practical
3. to ensure that you catch
4. Staying calm in an emergency
5. What life will be like in the future
6. hadn"t become / got infected with或were not infected with
7. what effects global warming will have on the earth
8. managed to make himself understood
9. did I realise 
10. do not have access to 或 have no access to
试题【完成句子。阅读下列各小题, 根据括号内的汉语提示, 用句末括号里的英语单词完成句子。 1. Once ________ (译成) Chinese, the bo】;主要考察你对翻译等知识点的理解。[详细]
     Directions: Translatc the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases
     given in the brackets. 1. 让我们利用这次长假去香港旅游。 (take advantage of )
2. 这张照片合我想起了我们在夏令营里度过的日子。 (remind)
3. 假如你想从事这项工作,你必须先接受三个月的训练。(take up )
4. 你一旦养成了坏习惯,改掉它是很难的。 (once)
5. 同其他学生相比,那个女孩有更强的英语听、说能力。 (compare)
6. 众所周知,成功来自勤奋,不努力则一事无成。 (without)
题型:上海高考真题难度:| 查看答案
Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the bracket. 1.我希望尽快收到你的照片。(hope)
题型:上海高考真题难度:| 查看答案
 Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 昨天我的电脑坏了。(wrong)
2. 为了保持健康,我们经常参加体育锻炼。(To…)
3. 躺在草地上听音乐真是惬意。(It…)
4. 物理课上,他没听懂王教授所讲的内容。(fail)
5. 是否在黄浦江上再建一座大桥,委员们意见不一。(agree)
6. 我向她请教,她总是有求必应,而且解释得令我十分满意。(satisfaction)
题型:上海高考真题难度:| 查看答案
完成句子。1. It was for this reason ________ (他定居) in the small mountain village. (settle)
2. The problem is ______(谁来接替) my job while I am away. (take)
3. As was reported, the taxi driver as well as the three boys crossing the street _______ (应该承担责任)
   the traffic accident last night. (blame)
4.Victor apologized for ________ (未能告诉我) the change of the plan. (inform)
5. It was strongly suggested that the injured passenger _______ (动手术) as soon as possible. (operate)
6. Probably the problem _________ (已经被解决) by the time you come next time. (deal)
7. The witness ________ (被指控) offering false information to the court when questioned. (accuse)
8. Mary ________ (无法忍受被取笑) like that before the whole class, so she went home angrily. (bear, laugh)
9. When you made the decision, you _______ (本该顾及) the interests of most members. (allow)
10. ________ (由于身边没有其他人), I had to do the task all on my own. (being, hand)
题型:0117 期末题难度:| 查看答案

1. The first time I went to visit him, he (碰巧在聊天) with a nerghbour.(happen)
2. Hardly (她一走进) her office when she felt faint and had to lie down.(enter)
3. (被群山环绕),the beautiful village attracts a large number of tourists each year.(surround)
4. They were all for your suggestion that the discussion (推迟) until next weekend.(put)
5. If the government (采取了措施) to keep viewers from possible harmful influences of media last
   year, the crime rate would be lower now.(measure)
6. The newly-built airport of the city is (两倍大) what it used to be.(size)
7. A number of new machines were installed in the factory, thus (导致增长) in production.(result)
8. (给我印象最深的) is that he constantly wishes to improve himself in terms of knowledge
     and skill.(impress)
9. The laws (已经修订) to protect the rights of women and children recently.(revise)
10. I"ll go back to the village (把我养大的) and live there forever after retirement.(bring)

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