当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 句式 > Most students expect ____more review classes before the exams.A.it to beB.there ...
Most students expect ____more review classes before the exams.
A.it to beB.there to beC.that to beD.to be

考查There be 结构的非谓语动词形式 there be非谓语形式可在句中作主语、宾语、状语和定语。句意:大部分学生盼望在考前有更多的复习课。There be句型表示某处有某物,不定式作宾语表示具体的将要进行的动作,结合语境可知选B。
试题【Most students expect ____more review classes before the exams.A.it to beB.there 】;主要考察你对句式等知识点的理解。[详细]
______ my camera wasn’t working; there is no battery in it.
A.No doubtB.No wonderC.No possibilityD.No way

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There is no doubt______ one day the medicine for AIDS will be made.

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Jack, I’m afraid I’ll turn to you.I think chemistry is _______ physics.
A.as a difficult subject asB.a subject the same difficult as
C.as difficult a subject asD.the same difficult subject as

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
-He asked Tom, “Have you finished your homework?”
-He asked Tom     .
A.if had he finished his homework.
B.whether he had finished his homework
C.if he had finished your homework.
D.if you had finished your homework.

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Mum, please let us, Lily and me, go to visit the new provincial museum tomorrow,        ?
A.can youB.will youC.shall weD.may we

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