当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 介词和介词短语 > The three astronauts carried traditional Chinese medicine on board ________ sick...
The three astronauts carried traditional Chinese medicine on board ________ sickness.A.in the face of  
B.in case of  
C.on account of 
D.instead of
试题【The three astronauts carried traditional Chinese medicine on board ________ sick】;主要考察你对介词和介词短语等知识点的理解。[详细]
In recent years much more emphasis has been put_____developing the students" productive skills.[     ]
A. onto      
B. over       
C. in      
D. on
题型:四川省期末题难度:| 查看答案
When I go out in the evening I use the bike __________ the car if I can.[     ]
A. rather than    
B. in spite of
C. regardless of     
D. other than
题型:四川省期末题难度:| 查看答案
The older New England villages have changed relatively little_______a gas station or two in recent decades.[     ]
A. except for    
B. except    
C. in addition to    
D. besides
题型:四川省期末题难度:| 查看答案
With a lot of homework to do this evening, Tom’s mother will allow him to watch TV ________.    [     ]
A. in no time        
B. at one time          
C. at no time            
D. at a time
题型:安徽省月考题难度:| 查看答案
Make sure that the exercise you give the children is ________ pupil’s reach.   [     ]

A. under           
B. beyond           
C. above               
D. within  

题型:安徽省月考题难度:| 查看答案
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