当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 词法 > 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。小题1:predict    A. them         B. bec...
小题1:predict    A. them         B. because    c. student        D. never



小题1:B predict [pridikt]中的字母e与because [bikɔz]中的字母e发音相同,故B正确。
小题2:C sorrow [sɔrəu]中的字母ow与shadow [ʃædəu]中的字母ow发音相同,故C正确。
小题3:D tough [tʌf]中的字母ou与rough [rʌf]中的字母ou发音相同,故D正确。
小题4:C decision [disiʒən]中的字母sion与conclusion [kənklu:ʒən]中的字母sion发音相同,故C正确。
小题5:B theirs [ðɛəz]中的字母th与smooth [smu:ð]中的字母th发音相同,故B正确。
试题【从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。小题1:predict    A. them         B. bec】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
小题1:Maggie is always so ____________(有吸引力的) that he has a lot of fans in the world.  
小题2:Luckily, the little boy ___________(幸存)the earthquke though he was badly hurt.. 
小题3:" We will fulfill the task in advance ." Tom replied ___________(自信地).
小题4:They invited a number of ____ (音乐家) to give performance at the concert, but several of them didn"t turn up.
小题5:Joan and Mary are sisters. The _______ (前者) is a pianist; the latter is a singer..
小题6:He is one of the gifted _________ (运动员)who will take part in the Olympic Games on behalf of our country.
小题7:They accepted my __________(申请) to join the club.
小题8:Bob’s work hasn’t been finished, so he had to work_________(额外的) hours while others went home.
小题9:China _________(主办) the 29th Olympic Games successfully in 2008.
小题10:When his mother came in, he ______________(假装) to be sleeping.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:Since 1978, China has a _____(成就) glorious improvement.
小题2:He saw the boy in danger and i__________ (立即) ran up to him.
小题3:It’s easy to find lots of useful i_____ (信息)online now in our school.  
小题4:The n_____(正常) price for a ticket is 40 yuan but during holidays, it may be doubled.
小题5:The injured person was taken to hospital in time for t________(治疗).
小题6:He has made good progress this term because of his teacher’s e_____ (鼓励).  
小题7:Scientific experiments call for endless p_____ (耐心) and carefulness.
小题8:The number of tigers has greatly r_____ (减少) in the past fifty years.
小题9:He was such a brave man that we all r_____ (尊敬) him.
小题10:John has a_____ (承认) breaking the window.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:People all over the world love to live a p__________ life.
小题2:In the accident, only two people s__________ at last.
小题3:The boy made a ____________(诺言) to his parents about his plans.
小题4:He is an h__________ person. You can believe in him.
小题5:Computers are used to c__________with each other around the world by the Internet.
小题6:The little girl loves collecting __________ (蝴蝶).
小题7:This movies are for a________, not for children.
小题8:People try to predicate the    _________(自然的)disaster.
小题9:He made such good          (进步)in English study that the teacher praised him.
小题10:The building is specially __________(设计) for the homeless people.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
根据所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式. ( 每空只写一词 )
小题1:I ________( 传达) the information to him.
小题2:The company will ______ ( 采用)the latest technology.
小题3:My parents forbid me wine and  _________( 香烟 ).
小题4:There is a large _________(数量)of sand in the boat.
小题5:His secretary is ________(绝对地)honest.
小题6:I _______(保证)that you’ll enjoy yourself.
小题7:After graduation he was awarded a __________( 奖学金)to do research.
小题8:We need to make the working day more  _______( 灵活的 ).
小题9:The __________( 图书管理员 )is arranging the books on the shelf.
小题10:He is _______( 失望 )with his new car.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
根据句意选出合适的动词或词组, 用其适当的形式完成句子 (共10小题;每小题 1分, 满分10分)
tend; get into; appoint; glance through; result in; go up;
abuse; exchange; try out; adopt
小题1:The young man always enjoys ________ new ways of doing things.
小题2:Prices of vegetables in that area __________ 50 per cent since it was badly hit by floods.
小题3:Team meetings are a great chance for its members _______ their ideas on how to win games.
小题4:Your carelessness in driving will only ________ an regretful accident.
小题5:The kind granny decided to had the little boy _____ as his other family members lost their lives in the terrible earthquake.
小题6:She was the first woman ____________ president of that country.
小题7:The mayor was accused of _________ his power to offer jobs to his relatives instead of those who were qualified.
小题8:The medical team was kept busy _______ the wounded with the lack of doctors.
小题9:Don’t let children _______ bad habits which might be difficult to get rid of.
小题10:Every morning he usually _______the newspaper before leaving for work.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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