当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 阅读短文,选择正确答案。      It is a fine Saturday morning. Lily and Lucy get up at six thi...
阅读短文,选择正确答案。      It is a fine Saturday morning. Lily and Lucy get up at six thirty. They want to go to the Great Wall with their
mother today. At seven fifty they are in a big bus to the Great Wall.There are forty people in it. Some of them
are Americans; some are English. There are two Chinese in the bus. The other is a young man. He"s now talking
about the Great Wall in English. They are listening to him. At about nine o"clock they get to the Great Wall. 1. Lily and Lucy want to go to the Great Wall             . [     ]
A. on a Saturday afternoon
B. on a Sunsday afternoon
C. on a Saturday morning
D. on a Sunday morning 2. There are             people in the bus. [     ]
A. thirty
B. forty
C. thirteen
D. fourteen 3. The young Chinese man is             . [     ]
A. driving the bus
B. talking to the people
C. listening to music
D. doing nothing 4. They get to the Great Wall at about             . [     ]
A. nine o"clock
B. seven fifty
C. ten o"clock
D. eight o"clock 5. The people in the bus come from              different countries. [     ]
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
1-5: CBBAB
试题【阅读短文,选择正确答案。      It is a fine Saturday morning. Lily and Lucy get up at six thi】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。    If we want to deal with the association (社交) between boys and girls properly, here are some "dos and
don"ts" for you to follow.
    Keep a normal and healthy state of mind. Our schools and classes are made up of boys and girls. It is very
nature for the boys and girls to make friends with each other. We should make as many friends as possible.
We should keep touch with the other sex (性别) in public instead of in secret.
    Don"t be too nervous or too shy. If you are a shy person, you can also find a way out. First of all, you can
make friend with the students who have the same interest and hobby as you. As both of you have much in
common, you may have much to talk about. If you keep doing like that, little by little, you will gladly find you
are also as free to express yourself as others.
    Don"t fall into the ditch of early love. The boys and girls at a adolescence (青春期) are rich in feeling. They
are easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love and fall in love with each other at an early age. In my opinion, early love is a green apple that can"t be eaten. An apple won"t taste sweet until it is full ripe. Boys and girls at
middle school are too young to carry the heavy duty of love. Do keep out of early love. 1. The main idea of the passage is to _______. [     ]
A. tell students to keep away from early love
B. give some advice on how to associate between boys and girls
C. tell students how to make friends
D. teach boys how to talk with girls 2. We should keep touch with the other sex in following ways EXCEPT _______. [     ]
A. with a good state of mind
B. in real friendship
C. in public
D. in secret3. If you are a shy person, you can _______. [     ]
A. find friends with the same interest and hobby first
B. only have a few friends of the same sex
C. not make friends with the other sex
D. not fall in love with other students easily 4. What does the underlined word "ditch" mean? [     ]
A. 波浪
B. 泥潭
C. 圈套
D. 迷惑 5. A person at adolescence is _______. [     ]
A. complicated (复杂的) in feelings
B. good at making friends with each other
C. old enough to fall in love
D. easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love
题型:吉林省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。    Mrs. King is an American doctor. She is now in China. She works in a Children"s Hospital in Beijing. She
is also learning Chinese medicine (医术) there. She likes Chinese medicine very much. She loves working for
children. She works hard in the day and reads English books on (关于) Chinese medicine at night. She learns
Chinese from the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends. Now she can speak some Chinese. She can read
some Chinese books, too.
    Her husband Mr. King is a teacher. He teaches English in a junior high school in Beijing. He works hard,
too. He works from Monday to Friday. He teaches three classes every day. Sometimes, on Saturdays and
Sundays, he teaches other English classes. He wants to make more money (挣更多钱). 1. Mrs. King works in a _____.[     ]
B.junior high school in Beijing
C.hospital in Beijing
D.hospital in America2. Both of the Kings _____. [     ]
A.live in America
B.live in Shanghai
C.work hard
D.work every day 3. Mr. King works _____. [     ]
A.in a junior high school in Beijing
B.in a Children"s Hospital
C.in a junior high school in America
D.in a Children"s Hospital in America 4. Mrs. King learns Chinese from _____. [     ]
A.her teacher
B.the books
C.the doctors
D.the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends 5. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?[     ]
A.Mrs. King can speak English and Chinese.
B.Mrs. King knows nothing (一点儿也不懂) about Chinese medicine.
C.Mrs. King is from America.
D.Mr. King sometimes teaches other English classes on weekends.
题型:0122 月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。                                                                                                                                  108 Wensan Road
                                                                                                                                  London, 85 A 100
                                                                                                                                  March 1st, 2008 
Dear Kate,
    I am writing to you in English. I hope you can understand it.
    I love studying in London and I have many new friends. Most of them are my classmates. From Monday to
Friday, we have Chinese, math, physics and P.E. in the morning. I like Chinese and physics, because they"re
interesting. I don"t like math. It"s too boring. At noon, I have to have lunch at school because my home is far
from my school. We usually have two classes in the afternoon, art and politics. We finish our classes at 3:30
p.m. After school, my friends and I always play soccer on the playground. And then we go home by bus.
    On weekends, we have no classes. We often go to the park and sometimes we go to the movies in the
evening. We see movies twice a month. I like some famous stars like Jackie Chan.
    Oh, I have no time to write more. Please write back soon.
    Best wishes, 
                                                                                                                                            Wang Gang 1. Where is the writer studying? [     ]
A.In America.
B.In China.
C.In England.
D.In Canada. 2. How many classes does Wang Gang have every weekday? [     ]
D.No classes. 3. The writer doesn"t like _____ at all, because it"s too boring. [     ]
D.math 4. How does the writer go home every day? [     ]
A.On foot.
B.By bike.
C.By bus.
D.By car. 5. The writer and his friends go to the movies _____. [     ]
A.once a week
B.once a month
C.twice a week
D.twice a month
题型:0122 月考题难度:| 查看答案
短文填空。    Amy usually gets (1)u            at twenty past six. At seven o"clock, she has (2)b            with her parents.
She goes to school by bus at half past (3)s           . Classes begin at eight. She has four (4)c            in the
    She has lunch (5)a            school at about twelve o"clock. She (6)h            two classes in the afternoon.
After school, she often plays soccer with her classmates. At a quarter past five, she takes the subway
(7)h           .
    She gets home at five thirty and has dinner at seven o"clock. (8)A            dinner, she often does homework
and (9)t            watches TV for a little while. She (10)g           to bed at about a quarter to ten.
题型:0122 月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。Dear Wang Jun, 
    My name is Jack Smith. I come from Ottawa. I"m a schoolboy. I know China is a great (伟大的) country.
I want to make friends with Chinese children. So I must (必须) learn Chinese well first.
    There are eighteen students in my class. They are from five countries. They are learning English here. Three
boys are from France. They speak French. There are two Chinese girls in my class. Now they can speak some
English. One girl"s name is Xu Yan. Sometimes (有时) I call her "Miss Yan." You know I"m wrong. You don"t
put your family name second. I want to have some Chinese books. Can you help me?
    Please write to me soon. 
                                                                                                                                            Jack Smith 1. Jack is from ______. [     ]
A. Canada
B. Australia
C. the U.S.
D. China 2. The word "schoolboy" here means (意思是) "______". [     ]
A. 保姆
B. 教师
C. 男生
D. 朋友 3. Now the two Chinese girls can speak ______. [     ]
A. only Chinese
B. only English
C. French and Chinese
D. Chinese and English 4. We should (应该) call Xu Yan "______". [     ]
A. Mr. Xu
B. Miss Yan
C. Miss Xu
D. Mrs. Xu 5. In Jack"s class, most students can speak ______ language (语言). [     ]
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
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