当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 阅读理解。     Tom is studying in a village school. There are two hills not far from ...
阅读理解。     Tom is studying in a village school. There are two hills not far from his home. There is a valley (山谷)
between the two hills. The school is in the middle of the valley. He walks to school every day. There is a
small river in front of the school. There is a stone bridge over the river. There is a big playground behind
the teaching building. There are some big trees near the classroom building and the children often read and
play under the trees after school. There are many fields (农田) near the school. When autumn comes, all
the teachers and students will help farmers with their harvest. 1. Tom"s school is _______. A. in a big city
B. in a small town
C. on a hill
D. in a valley 2. Tom goes to school _______ every day. A. on foot
B. by bike
C. by bus
D. by car 3. The word "bridge" means _______. A. 小路
B. 小山
C. 桥
D. 船 4. There are some _______ in Tom"s school. A. trees
B. students
C. fields
D. A and B5. Students in Tom"s school ______ read and play in their school.A. like to
B. don"t like to
C. sometimes
D. seldom
1-5: DACDA
试题【阅读理解。     Tom is studying in a village school. There are two hills not far from 】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空。     Jane  1  her bedroom because she likes sleeping (睡觉). Michael likes the  2  room best for he often
watches TV and does many things there. Kangkang likes the dining room because she likes  3 . They are all
my good friends.  4  Sundays they often come to my home. I  5  a dining room.  6  a round table and four  7
in it. We eat meals and drink  8  and talk  9  English.  10  there any dining rooms in your house?
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(     ) 1. A. like     
(     ) 2. A. live     
(     ) 3. A. eat      
(     ) 4. A. On      
(     ) 5. A. have    
(     ) 6. A. There are 
(     ) 7. A. chair    
(     ) 8. A. meat    
(     ) 9. A. on      
(     ) 10. A. Is      
B. liking 
B. living 
B. sleep  
B. In    
B. has    
B. There be
B. desk  
B. apple  
B. about  
B. Are    
C. loves    
C. dining  
C. eating  
C. At      
C. am      
C. There is 
C. chairs  
C. rice    
C. at      
C. Be      
D. love  
D. bedroom
D. dancing
D. For   
D. is    
D. Having
D. desks   
D. tea                                
D. to      
D. Am      
     Kids like to play games (游戏). Do you often play hide-and-seek (捉迷藏)   1   your friends? A lot of kids
often play this game and love to play   2   . Hide-and-seek is a very   3   game. Maybe (可能) your father and
mother   4   the game. Maybe your grandparents play it,   5   .   6   do we know this? Old stories (故事) tell
us   7   hide-and-seek. In old photos, we can   8   the game, too. Boys and girls play   9   old games. Big kids
tell small kids about   10   . And so (因此) the games live on (继续存在).
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题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
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(   )1. A. and  
(   )2. A. one  
(   )3. A. old  
(   )4. A. do 
 (   )5. A. one  
(   )6. A. Why  
(   )7. A. about 
(   )8. A. say  
(   )9. A. a lot 
(   )10. A. they 
B. for   
B. it    
B. new    
B. like 
B. too   
B. How    
B. to   
B. see    
B. much  
B. them
C. with   
C. they   
C. big     
C. play
C. to    
C. What   
C. with  
C. talk     
C. many   
C. him 
D. to     
D. ones   
D. small  
D. see    
D. two    
D. Where  
D. for    
D. like   
D. lot of 
D. her    
     Hello! This is my family. I"m David Green. I"m from England. My family is in Beijing. My father and mother work here. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. I have a sister but no brothers. My sister and I
are students of a middle school in Beijing. We love China. My home is very nice. My family has a TV and a
computer. My room (房间) is big. I have a bed (床), a desk (桌子) and two chairs (椅子) in it. My books are
on my desk. I have an MP3 in my bag. There are some pictures on the wall. I like my room and I like these
pictures very much.
( )1. Four people are in David"s family.
( )2. Mr. and Mrs. Green have a son and a daughter.
( )3. David"s father works in a school in Beijing.
( )4. Two chairs and a desk are in David"s room.
( )5. — Is an MP3 on David"s desk? 
       — No, it isn"t.
     I have a good friend at home. Her name is Mimi. She is white and yellow. She is very cute. I play with her
when(当……的时候) I have time. She likes fish very much. When she is behind (在……之后) the sofa or in
her box, you can"t see her. When I sit on the sofa, she sits with me. In the evening I do my homework at my
desk, and she is on the desk. At that time I put her down(放下). Then she sits next to me. Is she a good friend
of me?
1. Who is my good friend at home?
A. A boy.
B. A cat.
C. A fish.
D. A tiger.
2. When she is in the box or behind the sofa, you ____.
A. can"t see her
B. like her
C. play with her
D. don"t like her
3. When I do my homework, she ____.
A. does its homework
B. plays with a ball
C. sits on the sofa
D. sits on the desk
4. We can see ____ in the room.
A. a sofa
B. a black cat
C. some good friends
D. a computer
5. I do my homework ____.
A. in the morning
B. in the afternoon
C. in the evening
D. at noon
     There are four people in the twins" family. They are the twins, their mother and their father.
     The twins" names are Lucy and Lily. They are fourteen. They are in the same class in No. 3 Middle
School and they are good students. Their father Mr. King is a teacher. He" s thirty-nine. He teaches English
in a school near his home. Their mother Mrs. King is a doctor. She works in a hospital. Now, they are all at
home. They are happy.
1. There are _________ people in the twin" s family.
A. three
B. four
C. five
2. Mr. King is a _________.
A. worker
B. teacher
C. doctor
3. Mrs. King works _________.
A. in a school
B. in a factory
C. in a hospital
4. How old is Mr. king?
A. Thirty.
B. Thirty-nine.
C. Thirty-two.
5. The twins are in _________ middle school.
A. No. 1
B. No.2
C. No. 3