当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 阅读理解。     Air is all around us. At the time we are born, air is around us everyw...
阅读理解。     Air is all around us. At the time we are born, air is around us everywhere (任何地方). We live in air.
     All living things need air. Living things cannot live without(没有) air. We can go without food or
water for a few days, but we can"t live a few minutes without air. We take in air. When we are working,
we need more air. When we are sleeping, we need less air.
     We live in air but we cannot see it. We can only feel it. We can feel it when it is moving. Moving air
is called wind. How can you make air move? Here is one way. Take an open book in your hands in
front of your face. Close it quickly. What can you feel? It is air.1.Where is air?A. It"s on the table.
B. It"s all around us.
C. It"s near us.
D. It"s not here.2. What do all living thing need?A. Wind.
B. Clothes.
C. Air.
D. Food.3. Moving air is called           .A. wind
B. rain
C. snow
D. cloud4. When do we need more air?A. Sleeping.
B. Sitting.
C. Working.
D. Standing.5. What does the word "less" in the passage mean?A. 多于
B. 少量
C. 没有
D. 更多
1-5    BCACB
试题【阅读理解。     Air is all around us. At the time we are born, air is around us everyw】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。根据上面对话内容判断正T误F。Bill:  What are you reading?
Mike:  A book about UFO.
Bill:  Really? Are there real UFOs in our life?
Mike:  Well, some of the UFO stories may be true. The universe is so big and there are millions
of stars in it. Perhaps there are living things in outer space. They may be cleverer than us and they
are trying to visit us. Have you read the report about UFOs that flew over Beijing, Wuhan, and
Bill:  Oh, yes. And I"ve also read some other reports about the UFOs.
Mike:  What do you think of UFOs.
Bill:  It"s hard to say. I am not sure.(     )1. Mike is reading a newspaper about UFOs.   
(     )2. Mike thinks there are real UFOs.
(     )3. Some reports say the UFOs flew over Beijing.
(     )4. Bill didn"t read reports about UFOs.  
(     )5.  Bill knows a lot about UFOs.   
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阅读理解,判断正误。(正确的标T,错误的标F)     In the front of many American homes you can see a mat (脚垫).This mat is sometimes called
"welcome mat",because many of the mats have the word "welcome" on them.
     Because Americans don"t take off their shoes before going into the house,they need a welcome
mat to clean their shoes.If the children don"t clean their shoes on the mat,they may be scolded (被责骂)
by their parents.If you go to an American home,please remember to clean your shoes on the mat,or you
may be told to do so."Different countries,different customs(习俗)."(     )1. There are many "welcome mats" in the front of an American home.  
(     )2. Every American home has a welcome mat.                            
(     )3. When Americans go into the house,they often take off their shoes.  
(     )4. It"s better to clean your shoes before you go into an American home.
(     )5. There are different customs in different countries.                  
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根据短文内容, 判断句子的正(T)误(F)。     If you are near-sighted and need to wear glasses all the time, you have to go to astore or hospital to
have your lenses (镜片)  changed from time to time.  John Silver, a professor at Oxford University, may
be able to help you.
   He has invented a pair of glasses that the wearers can change the lenses themselves. The glasses are
based on a simple principle: the fatter the lens is, the more powerful it is.  Inside each lens is a clear bag
filled with fluid (液体).  The wearers can change the amount of fluid with a syringe to change the power
of the lenses.
      The invention may be a great help to near-sighted people in the" developing world. In the UK, there
is one optometrist (验光师) for every 4,soo people, but in Africa only one for every l,000,000.
    So far, professor Silver has made30,000 pairs of glasses, and has given them away to 15 countries.  
He plans to offer them to a billion people in the world"s poorest areas by 2020.(     )1. John Silver is an optometrist.
(     )2. The word "principle" means "原理".
(     )3. To make the new glasses more powerful, less fluid should be put into the bags in the lenses.
(     )4. This kind of glasses will be useful in Africa because it"s hard to find an optometrist there.
(     )5. The passage mainly tell us about a famous inventor.
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根据短文内容,判断句子的正(T)误(F).      Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on the earth. All plants
and animals need water. Man also needs water. We need water to drink, to cook food and to clean
ourselves. Water is needed in farms, factories, offices, schools and families.
     Water is found in seas, rivers and lakes. It can be found everywhere in the world, and it can also be
found in the air. We cannot see or feel the water when it is part of air. Clouds are also made of water.
They are little drops of water. When water freezes (冻结), it is ice. So ice is also water.(     )1. Some living things can live without water.
(     )2. Man needs more water than the other living things.
(     )3. Water can be found on the earth and in the air.
(     )4. Clouds are made of very little drops of water.
(     )5. Water changes into ice when it freezes.
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     In the USA a shopping centre is a place where many different shops and stores are  collected under
one roof.     1     can buy everything you     2     there. There are other places,  those are called
five-and-ten-cents (分) stores     3     they sell things for five or ten cents. Today they sell     4     anything
and some of the things cost several dollars. Supermarkets are found     5     all the cities.  They sell food
and many     6     things. You walk around the supermarket, choose the things you want, put them in a
special basket     7     by the store and pay     8     them all together at the door.  Supermarkets often
stay.     9     later than the other places. Stores are always open everyday of the week    10    on Sunday. 
Some are also open on Sunday in July and  August.
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(     )1. A. One      
(     )2. A. want      
(     )3. A. that      
(     )4. A. most      
(     )5. A. in        
(     )6. A. wonderful
(     )7. A. prepared  
(     )8. A. off      
(     )9. A. open      
(     )10. A. besides  
B. You      
B. dislike  
B. so        
B. hardly    
B. near      
B. expensive
B. made      
B. back      
B. opened    
B. except    
C. He      
C. have    
C. because
C. almost  
C. around  
C. other  
C. bought  
C. /      
C. close  
C. only