当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 想想如果你遇见下列短文中类似的情况时,你会怎样?     A mother and her son got into a bus in a small city...
想想如果你遇见下列短文中类似的情况时,你会怎样?     A mother and her son got into a bus in a small city and sat down. The bus conductor came to them for
their money. The mother said, "I want one ticket to Oxford,"and gave him a shilling (先令, 1先令等于
     The conductor looked at the small boy for a few seconds and then said to him, "How old are you, little
     The mother began speaking, but the conductor stopped her, and the boy said, "I"m four years old at
home,and two and a half in buses and trains."
     The mother took six pence (便士) out of her bag and gave the money to the conductor.The conductor
gave her one and a half tickets.1. One day the mother took a bus _____.A. to a small city  
B. to get some money    
C. with her son    
D. to get a ticket2. The mother gave the conductor _____ pence in all (总共) that day.A. 12  
B. 16  
C. 10 
D. 183. The mother was _____.A. not honest (诚实的)    
B. honest    
C. very clever    
D. not clever4. _____ told him to say, "I"m four years old at home,and two and a half in buses and trains."A. The conductor    
B. The boy"s father    
C. The boy"s mother   
D. The driver5. The boy was really _____ years old.A. four    
B. two    
C. two and a half    
D. six and a half
1-5: CDACA
试题【想想如果你遇见下列短文中类似的情况时,你会怎样?     A mother and her son got into a bus in a small city】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]

     One day, Jack and David went fishing. Jick took Tony with him on the river, when the dog saw a
bird, he wanted to run after it and tried to catch it. "All the fish are frightened and swim away," said
David, "Be quiet! Tony." Jack shouted at him. But Tony didn"t listen to him. "Are we going home now,
David. Next time, I will not bring him here again." "Wait!" said David, "A fish is biting my line." "Look
out!" shouted Jack. But it was too late. The boy fell into the water, "Help! Help!" shouted David. But
Jack couldn"t swim. Just then, Tony came out. He jumped into the water and pulled the boy onto the
bank and saved his life.

1. Tony is the name of ______.

A. a fish        
B. a dog          
C. a boy2. Who didn"t want to frighten the fish? A. David        
B. Jack          
C. A and B 3. Who fell into the river and got wet?A. David        
B. Jack            
C. Tony4. Jack said that _______.A. he shouldn"t take Tony with him the next time
B. he shouldn"t go fishing with David
C. he shouldn"t go fishing 5. From the story we know _______. A. a dog is a useful animal to us
B. we should bring a dog when we going
C. a dog can help us catch fish
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考考你的课文理解能力,请根据课本P77 Lesson 62 Confidence的课文内容选择正确答案完成下列句子。1.Peter stood ___ when his teacher talked to him.A.at his desk  
B.inthe front of the teacher"s desk  
C.in front of the teacher"s desk  
D.at the back of the classroom2.What are around many of the words Peter wrote?A.A mark crossing.  
B.A square.  
C.Some black circles.  
D.Some red circles.3.The word "____"was spelled "bot"by Peter.


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阅读下列短文,然后根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。     One day, Mr Black went into a restaurant. He put his coat on a chair near the door. There was nothing
in the pockets of his coat. After he had his meal, he went to take his coat back. He found there was much
money in one of his pockets." Whose is this?" he thought. He saw a waiter near the door, so Mr Black
said to him, "Somebody put a lot of money in my coat. I have no time to wait for him. I have to go. Take
it, please. when he comes back, give it to him." The waiter took it and went away. At the moment, another
man came with a coat just like Mr Black"s. "I"m sorry.", said the man. "I took your coat and you got mine.
please give me my coat and the money."  Mr Black answered, "I gave the money to the waiter. He"ll give
it to you."
     Mr Black called the manager (经理), but the manager said, "We have no waiters here. We only have
waitresses (女服务员). He must be a thief (贼)!"1. Mr black went out _____.A. to eat something
B. to put his coat on a chair
C. to buy a coat
D. to see his friend2. After his meal Mr Black _____A. couldn"t find any money in his coat
B. didn"t know where he put his coat
C. found some money in the pocket of his coat
D. didn"t take back his coat3. Mr Black gave the money to _____.A. the manager
B. the waiter
C. the waitress
D. the owner (主人)4. The two coats looked _____.A. quite different
B. the same
C. very dear
D. too cheap5. Who is the thief?A. Mr Black.
B. The manager.
C. The waitress
D. The waiter.
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完形填空。     One day, Mrs. White went to see her doctor because there was something wrong with her heart.
     The doctor   1  Mrs. White quickly. Then he said, "Well, Mrs. White, stop _and you"ll soon be
quite   3   again."
     "But doctor," answered Mrs. White. "I can"t smoke. I don"t like smoking   4_.
     "Oh, well!" said the doctor,"    5   don"t drink any more wine."
     "But I don"t drink wine." Mrs. White answered   6   .
     "Stop   7   tea and coffee then," the doctor said.
     "I only drink   8  ," answered Mrs. White. "I don"t   9   tea or coffee."
     The doctor thought    10   a moment and then said, "Well, or _11_ you like fried potatoes?"
     "Yes, I like them   12  ." answered Mrs. White.
     " 13   . Then stop eating those." Said the doctor   14   he got up to say _50_ to Mrs. White.
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(     )1.A. looked at     
(     )2.A. eating  
(     )3.A. good  
(     )4.A. at all
(     )5.A. and    
(     )6.A. soon  
(     )7.A. drank  
(     )8.A. water  
(     )9.A. want   
(     )10.A. at    
(     )11.A. are  
(     )12.A. at all  
(     )13.A. Excuse me
(     )14.A. so    
(     )15.A. hello  
B. looked over        
B. drinking  
B. ill      
B. in all    
B. but      
B. at first  
B. to drink  
B. coffee    
B. like    
B. in      
B. do      
B. little    
B. Really    
B. where      
B. good-bye  
C. looked after         
C. smoking  
C. well    
C. at once  
C. then    
C. slowly  
C. drinking
C. wine    
C. try      
C. for      
C. will    
C. quite      
C. That"s right
C. when    
C. sorry    
D. looked arou              
D. talking    
D. worse      
D. at last    
D. or        
D. at once    
D. drink      
D. tea        
D. have      
D. about      
D. would      
D. very much  
D. All right
D. then      
D. yes        
     Mary had some trouble in her head, so she went to see the doctor.  He was a new doctor, and did
not know her. So he first asked her some questions. One of the questions was, "What is your age?"
     "Well..." Mary answered, "I don"t quite remember, doctor, but I will try to think." She thought for a
while and then said, "Yes, I remember now, doctor. When I married, I was twenty-two years old, and
my  husband  was  thirty  then. Now he  is sixty, I know, and  that is  twice thirty. And so I am twice
twenty-two. That is forty-four, isn"t it?"
1. Mary went to see the doctor because ______.
A. she had a headache        
B. she had a fever
C. she had caught a cold      
D. she couldn"t think well
2. At first the doctor ______.
A. asked her some questions    
B. examined her carefully
C. gave her some medicine    
D. asked her to have a rest
3. Mary got married when______.
A. she was twenty years old  
B. she was thirty years old
C. she was twenty-two years old
D. she was forty-four years old
4. Mary ______.
A. answered the doctor"s questioned at once
B. answered the question after thinking for a while
C. just kept silent      
D. refused to tell her age
5. Mary should be ______.
A. forty-four  
B. forty-five  
C. fifty    
D. fifty-two