当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 专有名词 > GPS is short for _______ in the world. [     ]A. Global Positioning SystemB. Gen...
GPS is short for _______ in the world. [     ]
A. Global Positioning System
B. Generous Pacific Sailors
C. Great Palaces of Song Dynasty
D. Global Positioning Satellite
试题【GPS is short for _______ in the world. [     ]A. Global Positioning SystemB. Gen】;主要考察你对专有名词等知识点的理解。[详细]
______ has become the world"s largest producer and user of coal.
A. America
B. Russia
C. China
D. India
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______ is one of the "Seven Wonders" of the ancient world. It"s world-famous. [     ]
A. The Eiffel Tower
B. The Statue of Liberty
C. The Great Pyramid
D. The Forbidden City
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______ invented light bulb.

[     ]

A. Guglielmo Marconi
B. Thomas Edison
C. Eilbur Wright
D. Karl Benz
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_____ is famous for his plays such as Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.

[     ]

A. Bing Xin
B. Xu Beihong
C. Leonardo da Vinci
D. William Shakespeare
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Don"t make the OK sign with your fingers in ______.A. Korea
B. Italy
C. Canada
D. the USA
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