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题目:It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?
It is ridiculous to say that everything is learned is contained in books, the experience is not important.
Admittedly, we can learn many things from books and we read books when we are kids even we grow up. Books are always knowledgeable and vivid, for, there are a mass of universal truth, pictures and theoretical knowledge in books. Anyway, I do really love reading books and I enjoy the happy that books brought to me. But I still believe that knowledge gained from experiences is more important than gained from books.
First of all, books can not show anything to us and what should do or what should not do but our experiences do. We will have no idea by reading books when we have a tough problem. However,


It is ridiculous to say that everything is learned is contained in books,the experience is not important.(这里everything后面的that不能省略)Admittedly,we can learn many things from books and we read bo...
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