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appreciating classic english language films 写英语作文


就是写影评吧(film review ),有很多的.
I had watched film called AVATAR which I did not have opportunity to
enjoy the 3D film last winter vacation because of tickets shortage.I
was really moved by this eminent and wonderful work that was directed by
James Cameron
who had made another overwhelming film called TITANIC which was so
famous that even a doggy could tell something about it.Next we will
look through the summary of this great film.
The film is set in theyear
2154,when humans are mining a precious mineral called unobtanium on
the lush moon Pandora in the Alpha Centauri star system.The colonists'
expansion threatens the continued existence of the Na'vi—a race of
humanoids who are indigenous to Pandora—as well as the moon's ecosystem.
The film's title refers to the genetically engineered Na'vi bodies used
by several human characters to interact with the natives of Pandora.
One disabled man plays a very important role in the task.However,he is
deeply attracted by what he sees as soon as he is sent to this strange
circumstance in Pandora.And he is trusted and loved by Na’vi,but
meanwhile,he also brings inconceivable catastrophe to this scared and
tranquil place.The human army come to destroy the place and try taking
the mineral.The man decides to fight against mankind for the Na’vi as
the leader of local people.And finally he wins the game,deporting the
mankind,living at Pandora ever after.
I deem that this film contains the critism of human’s selfishness,greed
and brutality.When you see the adorable vegetation burning,local
people escaping with helplessness and panic,you will not only abhor
what human do but also even want to help them to fight against our
human,just like what the man do.Though this story occurs in the
future,it is just be imaged by ourselves,it also brings us a lot of
revelation.Thinking about the reality around us,you can see people
cheat to each other for only a bit interests,you can see people assault
each other for a meaningless trifle,you can see people envy each other
because they do not have what others have,you can even see a war by
which large quantities of people’s lives were stolen and families were
broken between countries because of interest,resources,or right.The
origin of all of these actions is our selfishness as well as greed that
we cannot overcome but can suppress.It is so sheer hazardous for us to
go on these actions that we may go toward extinction because of
ourselves before we try to conquer other planets.Mankind should be one
huge family,but the family is destroyed by component’s greed and
selfishness.So,if there is little greed and selfishness,we will enjoy
harmony and unity without lies and wars just like the Na’vi in Pandora.
AVATAR is an eminent film which will never be faded with time flying away.The
reason is that it contains the analysis of an eternal topic ---human
nature by which we are moved a lot,and we absolutely acquire some
invaluable feelings from this wonderful film.
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